Armach Cha'asi

Cha'asi sorcerers are practitioners of an ancient and nearly forgotten type of magic, one that defies the "accepted" understanding of schools of magic. According to the writings of all the known theorists, cha'asi magic should be impossible. Oddly enough, it seem to work for them perfectly well.   Cha'asi magic is built on an intuitive understanding of nature. They do not study spells following the normal arrangements of schools. Instead, they specialize in spells that affect nature and sometimes the elements. They can learn some spells outside of this area, but certain spells - especially ones that create mechanical and unnatural results - are denied to them.   Aside from their spell selection, cha'asi sorcerers also have a distinctly different approach to magical item creation. Most sorcerers fashion an item and then imbue it with some chosen power, defining what the item will do by they put into it.   Cha'asi believe that all things - mineral, plant or animal - contain magical power. Sometimes the power is great, sometimes it is negligible. The power may have a useful, constructive effect or may possess an odd and poibtless effect. It is not their business to choose the power - that is determined by the nature of the thing. Generally, the magical power of a thing reflects its nature. This, a stone may hame some power associated with strength, hardness, or force; a water-smoothed stone may give speed or slipperiness. Although a sorcerer mage have some general idea of the power, they can never be certain until it manifests itself.   The Armach Cha'asi aim to build and protect the communities of the Empire, foster peace and cooperation, provide for the common good, advance magical theory and spread knowledge. They value altruism, relying on history as a guide for the future, magical aptitude, patience, pragmatism, thirst for knowledge and learning from others. They abhor rash selfishness, direspect of culture and tradition and unwarranted violence.   There are five ranks within the order: Aspirant, Novice, Scribe, Whisperer and Speaker (leader of the branch). The order divides itself in five distinct branches:
Keepers of the Sacred Spark are dedicated to the advancement of magical theory for Armach. Their philsophical approach to magic reaches into other magical traditions but still has a pratical bent
Petals of Zan are focused on intelligence gathering. Members live within non-elf communities within the empire to learn cultural practices and identify the potential needs of residents. They don't generally seek to influence local events, but to report to Armach how they can genuinely improve the communities in which they are embedded
Seekers of Starlight explore new territory and make sure it remains accessible for future expeditions of the empire. They chart and manage wilderness areas, establish and maintain infrastructure, and guide travelers. They are also keenly aware of balance, both natural and societal
Bulwarks of the Diamond Star mages defend Armach's holdings, members and allies. More wardens than warriors, they usually end conflicts using spells and speech
Keepers of the Diamond-Threaded Oath, the oldest branch of the Cha'asi, are mantainers of peace and the guardians of Armach's traditions. They are the social leaders of the Order.
Alternative Names
Kiranost Cha'asi
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