Brennan uth Volkard

Nightlord of Her Dark Majesty

Brennan's existence was torture.

And not in the metaphorical sense, you see. His soul was in the claws of demons, who wanted nothing more than crush his spirit and tear his will apart. Break him apart and tear everything that made Brennan Brennan. So, every minute of every hour, he knew only pain. That is, until She arrived. Her presence was like a icy cold balm, soothing away the flames of his torture. She spoke to him. Let him know in no uncertain terms that She was very displeased, and that he would have an opportunity to change her mood. Brennan accepted, and then everything turned dark. Dark and suffocating. Brennan tried to move, and felt himself restrained by wood and stone. He was entombed alive. But at least now, he was alive.

Brennan broke himself out, and in the crypt he found knightly gear that belonged to a long dead man. He took the gear, and went out into the world with Her Dark Majesty in his heart and Her words in his mind: "Tarnfold must not fall to the Order of the Dragon". With those sayings etched in his spirit, Brennan wandered into the strange lands east of Taman Busuk. In his travels he eventually got word of Falric's efforts, and found him through his associates in Ak-Baral.

Today, Brennan is a proud member of the The Second Order, and self-titled Nightlord of Her Dark Majesty. He's ready to find his fate in Tarnfold, one way or the other.

Date of Birth
1st of Corij (Jun), 3301
Year of Birth
3301 AC 25 Years old
Tizart, Shalgance
blonde, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation