Frequently Asked Questions about Homecoming

Welcome to Dragonlance V: Homecoming.   Just like Legends, 2000, 3rd Lightning and DLIV, DLV: Homecoming is a project about playing RPG campaigns in using a variation of the Dragonlance campaign setting published by TSR back in the 20th century. It was initially (back in 1997) based off the information described in the Dragonlance Adventures book, in a boxed set called Tales of the Lance and the novels Test of the Twins, War of the Twins and Time of the Twins. Since then, events in the past four campaigns (and the passage of several centuries) changed the state of many things in the continent of Ansalon (except tech, because I still want to play my sword and sorcery RPG, and geographically because I can't be bothered to draw/change a map).   Dragonlance V: Homecoming is a catch-all name for all the campaigns taking place in the current scenario/setting. They were/are:   Homecoming - Fizban group
Started on August 15th, 2014 (August 4th, 3321 in-universe) - 1st lv
Ended on August 20th, 2016 - 8th lv
Played by Claudio, Cristiano, Flavio, Marco and Vescovini (starting group), plus by Andre, Ivo and Vinicius
System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
  Homecoming - Tristan group
Started on September 7th, 2014 (August 4th, 3321 in-universe) - 1st lv
Ended on June 25th, 2017 - 9th lv
Played by Bruno, Fire, Leandro, Mendez, Valton (starting group), plus Alberto, Dan, Lucas, Nelson and Vescovini
System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
Started on September 7th, 2016 - 8th lv
Ended on September 26th, 2020- 17th lv
Played by Andre, Claudio, Cristiano, Flavio, Vescovini and Vinicius (starting group), plus Hex, Monaco and Valton
System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
Started on October 10th, 2020 - 1st lv
Played by Alberto, Claudio, Cristiano, Valton, Vescovini and Vinicius (starting group)
System: Pathfinder 2nd edition
Started on August 21st, 2021 - 1st lv
Played by Klauss, Mateus, Tiago and Vinicius (starting group) plus Cristiano and Vescovini
System: Pathfinder 2nd edition