Gods of Krynn

“Do not go to others for the answers. Look in your own heart, search your own faith. You will either find the answer or come to see that the answer is with the gods themselves, not with man.”
  • Time of the Twins, by Margaret Weiss.

  • The Gods of Krynn are beings of great and far-reaching power, beings outside of the realm of mortal experience. Their true natures are formless and timeless, the very essence of divinity housed and maintained through their eternal will in the distant outer planes of Krynn’s universe. Each god embodies and is in turn driven by universal concepts, truths, or ideals; together, these constitute that god’s divine estate and define how that god interacts with the mortal souls of Krynn.



    Anyone can worship a deity, but those who do so devoutly should take care to pursue the faith’s edicts (behaviors the faith encourages) and avoid its anathemas (actions considered blasphemous). Each deity below has their alignment listed in parentheses after their name, followed by a short description and their edicts, anathemas, and the alignments permitted for followers. Following that are benefits available to the most ardent devotees of the deities. You get these benefits only if you’re a cleric of the deity or some other rule specifically gives you a devotee benefit.

    Holy Order of the Stars


    Kiri-Jolith (kee-ree-jo-lith) embodies the divine power of unity. He encourages souls to grow as part of a larger whole, to benefit from the strength that comes in solidarity and brotherhood. He is the patron of soldiers and warriors, who depend on their companions and allies in order to defeat evil and overcome injustice. Kiri-Jolith idealizes courage, honor, and other principles which draw upon unity to achieve just ends. Although he is the very spirit of glorious battle, he is not a warlike or bloodthirsty god, for that way leads to division and wrath. Instead, he marshals the faithful towards conflict only when necessary to maintain the integrity of the world, and in times of peace he counsels the strength of spirit needed to protect and defend the innocent from the threat of darkness.

    Edicts: good is its own reward; fight if the cause is just; use your powers to lawfully and honorably combat evil

    Anathema: retreat while allies remain on the battlefield; use sacred powers for personal gain; cowardice

    Devotee Benefits

    Divine Font heal or harm
    Divine Skill intimidate
    Favored Weapon longsword
    Domains confidence, family, might, zeal
    Cleric Spells 1st: true strike, 3rd: see invisibility, 4th: weapon storm




    Edicts: heal all who require it, even if they are your enemy; do not raise weapons in anger, but defend yourself and those whose life is in danger; drive out disease, cut away decay and bring light to those who live in darkness and ignorance

    Anathema: create undead; deny healing to a creature in need; poison someone

    Devotee Benefits

    Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
    Divine Font heal
    Divine Skill medicine
    Favored Weapon quarterstaff
    Domains death, family, healing, repose
    Cleric Spells 1st: soothe, 2nd: false life, 4th: tortoise and the hare, 6th: collective transposition



    Paladine (pal-uh-dyne) represents the divine power of majesty. He supports the soul’s aspirations toward nobility, the drive to grow towards greatness and improve by following the example of others. His is the divine right of kings, the essence of leadership and government. More than any of the other Gods of Light, Paladine exemplifies the power that redemption and righteousness possess to bring those who have fallen into the darkness back into the light. The radiance of the sun, the strength of the shield, the purity of silver and platinum, and the splendor of an imperial palace are all manifestations of Paladine’s everpresent glory and serenity. Paladine honors the triumph of good over evil for the betterment of all and provides noble guidance for those who seek it.

    Edicts: accept no excuse for foul deeds; promote good, but let people fight their own battles when they can, providing healing, information or safe refuge rather than fighting alongside those who can fight for themselves; be compassionate

    Anathema: refuse to aid the weak and downtrodden; engage in use of void energies; undermine rightful authority

    Devotee Benefits

    Divine Font heal
    Divine Skill diplomacy
    Favored Weapon longsword
    Domains air, protection, sun, truth, wyrmkin
    Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 3rd: unseasonable squall, 4th: airlift



    Sirrion is the Krynnish God of Creativity, Passion and Flame. Wedded to Shinare, Goddess of Wealth and Industry, their relationship is full of conflict, but deeply loving.

    Sirrion has relatively little interest in gaining followers, although alchemists and lovers alike pray to him for different reasons. Whilst he will burn those who play with fire, he does so to teach them respect; fires only rage out of control when they belong to Sargonnas, and Sirrion's clerics often serve as firefighters. However, they also believe in the practice of controlled burning to help cleanse old-growth forests, and this means that Sirrion's relationship with Chislev and Branchala can be somewhat conflicted.

    Edicts: fire is life, fire is death. Fire is honest. Fire does not discriminate. Fire is the instrument of change. Fire is a useful and extraordinary tool. Remove the fear of fire from the people and teach them all the good things that fire can do for them. Harness the flame to bring light and warmth to the world.

    Anathema: never allow a fire to rage out of control, for all flames that burn should have a purpose. Seek the fire in others and in yourself.

    Devotee Benefits

    Divine Font heal or harm
    Divine Skill craft
    Favored Weapon warflail
    Domains change, creation, fire, passion
    Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands, 2nd: flaming sphere, 4th: wall of fire