Magni Rumnaheim

Bishop of the Blue Lady

Magni was born to the Rumnaheim family of dwarven clan of Neidar, in the lands of Taman Busuk near Neraka. When he was thirty, the council of elders discovered that the leaders of his family were dealing with ogres, in a bid to wrestle control of the city. His parents and older brothers were executed along with several family members as traitors. He and the other survivors were exiled from dwarven lands.

Magni hid his family name - in a bid to bury his shame - and spent the rest of his formative years living in the Woods of Lahue, away from others. Living only to sustain himself, he spent most of his time in prayers, asking for forgiveness. One day, his prayers were answered. He learned that someone was listening, someone who was giving him a new chance, someone who would forgive him, and teach him to forgive others. He was needed. Others needed him. He knew what to do, he knew where to go.

Inspired by the Blue Lady, Magni returned to the world with renewed hope. He found young Falric fighting for the freedom of his realm and joined his hammer to his cause. Today, Magni forms the backbone of The Second Order, wielding powerful curative spells and keeping his brothers alive through impossible situations. He believes that together, they can make all the difference in the world.

Date of Birth
12th of H'rarmont (Nov), 3260
Year of Birth
3260 AC 66 Years old
clear blue
short black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation