
Sarallantalyn, or Sara as most people call her, was born in the small village of Emelle, right on the northern border of Silvanesti. She doesn't remember that village at all though. When she was three, Emelle was attacked by the Order of the Dragon. To her mother, who escaped into the night losing her son and carrying her baby daughter it was probably the most terrifying event of her life. To Sara, however, that night feels like a half-forgotten dream of fire, death and destruction. No, Sara mind doesn't lingers so long - over ten years - in the past. She has enough to worry about right now. And right now means life in Silvanesti.  
Sara was raised between the elves in Kiranost by her mother, Elynassalem, and Wildrunner-Captain Maltallanaliel - who would eventually become her stepfather. As she grew - way too fast for Silvanesti standards - Sara learned the values of House Protector. The Silvanesti might feel that Wildrunner-Captain Malta had married Elynassalem out of pity was always a model stepfather -- and went above and beyond his duties as parent to provide to Sara opportunities that would only be available to Silvanesti at least double her age. She was properly tutored and schooled, and when the good Captain felt that Sara was old enough, he got her trained in combat. Her mother was not keen on that. She was very afraid to lose her daughter like she lost her son, and told Sara of that every opportunity she got.
When Sara was twelve, she was decided to join the official ranks of House Protector. She wished to be a Wildrunner like her stepfather, but would be happy in joining any of the forces that protected her home. The Captain heard her wishes, and arranged so that she was exposed to a rigorous and extenuating training process, where she was driven to perform well beyond someone her age - specially for a Silvanesti. However, what was probably seen as great drive and dedication in a human kingdom, seemed very much like impatience and impertinence to the overly tradition-bound Silvanesti society. When she was fifteen, she asked to be sworn into the House, and Wildrunner-General Haldir Stormbreaker denied her request, on the basis she didn't have the minimum age to even start official apprenticeship. In a nutshell, the issue was that Sara felt ready to be part of Kiranost society right now, and the Silvanesti vehemently disagreed. Haldir did, however, seemed to recognize the child had potential as a warrior, and was dedicated to their goals, or it was the fact that Sara was very well mannered - for a half-human - and that she vocally professed how blessed she was for being rescued from a miserable life by the Silvanesti and accepted into Kiranost - or he was swayed by his friendship with Malta. Either way, Sara was offered a different path.
Sara was sent - over her mother protests - to a forward outpost to learn from healers of house Cleric, to perhaps in the future serve as a nurse for House Protector. There she met Gwestadis Snowfall - a priestess of Quenesti'pah - to whom Sara took an immediate liking. Gwestadis was Sara's tutor at first, but soon they became good friends - perhaps Sara's first. For a few years, as she learned healing arts and nursed many Wildrunners back to health - perhaps even saved more than one life - Sara's eagerness and anxiousness was replaced by a feeling of belonging. She still wasn't helping as much as she knew she could - or being recognized by House Protector as she wished - but at least she was making a real, positive impact in Silvanesti lives. But alas, such peace was not meant to last.
One night, in the last month of winter in 3326, a platoon of Wildrunners had an encounter will dangerous undead and retreated into the outpost. When she realized many of the platoon wouldn't make into the outpost, Sara grabbed her sword and went out to help, ignoring the standing captain's orders to stay inside and Gwestadis pleas to not put herself at risk like that. Sara's courage saved many lives that night. Some of the soldiers she helped rescue claim she not only was a decent swordswoman, but that he called upon the powers of sorcery to fight the incorporeal undead. Of course, those testimonies were mainly dismissed, as Sarallantalyn would never dare to learn sorcery without the permission and supervision of House Mystic. Still, there are those that believe Sara is too ambitious for her own good, and clearly is reaching beyond her half-human means to get an edge and try to find a shortcut to power.
After the attack, Sara has been recalled to Kiranost, and tasked in an much less-risky endeavour inside the city. Her stepfather thinks she should take a moment to refocus on her martial skills, while her mother thinks she should think of a career change altogether, and be done with danger. Sara, however, thinks that's only the beginning.
Date of Birth
Summer Home (Jun) 3rd
Year of Birth
3306 AC 20 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations