Ceaseless Company

Ceaseless Company was the most decorated and respected unit of its size in the army of Dagult Neverember of Waterdeep. Famously known for taking criminals, beggars and wanderers and turning them into an intensely loyal and driven fighting force. Over several decades the company held the front line in battle after battle against undead, monsters, and especially the forces of other nobles in the city of Waterdeep. Three great commanders have led Ceaseless Company: 
  • Muthil Brownspine, a Dwarf whose history has been lost to time, founded the Company and led it until his stand against the undead horde of Neikras The Soulkeeper. He, alone and for more than a full day, held the bridge over Whispering River, until he was finally overwhelmed. His stand allowed the forces of Waterdeep to rally and destroy both the zombie horde and the necromancer leading them.
  • Gnurran Scuzeye: Muthil was succeeded by his closest friend and ally, Scuzeye. The Gnoll lieutenant, with his gray fur and white eye under a decades old scar, barely spoke common and signed his name with an X on paperwork. But he had a preternatural knack for expelling troublemakers almost before they had spent a day in his ranks. His tactical prowess was beyond reproach and his amazing ability to spot the weaknesses and soft spots in enemy lines led to his troops trusting him with a passion that was unmatched. Scuzeye eventually retired to a farm well outside the walls of Waterdeep where he plans to live out the last of his days.
  • Pizza Peeza-Onna’baegul: Scuzeye didn't exactly appoint Pizza to be the next leader of Ceaseless Company, but basically appeared to hand him leadership because he was the nearest of his trusted advisors at hand when he decided to retire. However, Pizza was known to be a bloodthirsty and unstoppable soldier on the battlefield, and the blessing of Scuzeye was enough to appease most of the company into giving him a shot. Most of the company. There were several rumors that the inner circle of Ceaseless Company grumbled privately about this relative newcomer being 'appointed' commander. But those complaints didn't last long. Less than a year after Pizza took command, the entire company was wiped out while clearing a mine of minor demons during the Scarlet Mine Disaster; when an earthquake collapsed the mine on top of the entire company, with only Pizza surviving.



Company: 1000 men comprised of 10 battalions of 100 men each.


No standard equipment. Each soldier responsible for their own equipment.


  1. Lieutenant Commander: Commands Company
  2. Lieutenant: Commands Battalion
  3. Corporal: Commands Half-Battalion
  4. Sergeant: Commands unit of 25 Privates
  5. Private: Basic Soldier
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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