
In the perpetual gloom of the Shadowfell lives a society that serves the Raven Queen. They were brought into that dusky realm in ages past, so long ago that they’re now perfectly adapted to that cheerless environment, both physically and mentally.   Soul Custodians. Shadar-kai watch over both the Shadowfell and the material world, scouting out choice souls and tragedies that might please their deity. They are rumored to be able to coax worldly events along tragic paths for her amusement. The Raven Queen is famously cryptic even to her most devoted followers, however. The shadar-kai’s efforts are rewarded only with vague omens they interpret as best they can.   Blighted Elves. Each Shadar-kai was once an Elf but eons of exposure to the debilitating influence of the Shadowfell has left them joyless and mournful. In that realm, they have the appearance of withered elves: pale hair, wrinkled gray skin, and swollen joints give them a corpselike aspect. They appear more youthful while on other planes, but their skin always retains its deathly pallor. They dress in dark cloaks and heavy veils, detest mirrors, and avoid keeping things that remind them of their age.


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