About The Golarion Calendar

The Inner Sea Region uses the Absalom Reckoning (AR) Calendar system, based on the founding of Absalom by the Last Azlanti, Aroden.   Each day has 24 hours, each week 7 days, and there are 52 weeks in the year, subdivided into 12 months.   Moonday: Generally a work day with some religions holding ceremonies at night.
Toilday: A work day.
Wealday: A work day.
Oathday: A work day on which it is often considered advantageous to sign contracts and oaths.
Fireday: A work day that is most often the market day.
Starday: A work day.
Sunday: Generally a day of rest and one devoted to religious observances.   The months follow the various gods worshipped across the Inner Sea:   Abadius (ah-BAY-dee-us) has 31 days. The first month of the year, named in honor of Abadar.
Calistril (KAHL-izz-trihl) has 28 days. A late winter month named for Calistria, goddess of revenge.
Pharast (fah-RAHST) has 31 days. An early spring month named after Pharasma, the goddess of birth and death.
Gozran (GOHZ-ran) has 30 days. A stormy month named for the god of the wind, Gozreh.
Desnus (DEZ-nuhs) has 31 days. A mild month named for the goddess Desna.
Sarenith (sa-REHN-ihth) has 30 days. The sun goddess Sarenrae gives her name to this sun-blessed month.
Erastus (eh-RAS-tuhs) has 31 days. Named in honor of Erastil.
Arodus (AIR-oh-duhs) has 31 days. Although he is no longer widely worshiped, the summer month is named for the dead god Aroden.
Rova (ROH-va) has 30 days. The beginning of autumn is named after the violent god Rovagug. (Dwarves dispute naming a month after such a destructive and evil deity and instead name the ninth month Torawsh after their creator god, Torag).
Lamashan (lah‑MAHSH‑ahn) has 31 days. Named for Lamashtu, the goddess of monsters.
Neth (NEHTH) has 30 days. Named for Nethys, the two-faced god of magic.
Kuthona (koo-THOH-nah) has 31 days. The shortest day of the year comes during the month named after the god of darkness, Zon-Kuthon.


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