Greg the Ghost

Former farmer, enslaved by Grey Dwarves in 3970-something. Forced to work in a mine with other slaves under a cruel overseer. Part of a group that enacted a ritual to Calistria, summoning the "Nemesis," an "angry ghost that threw things" (probably a Poltergeist?) to torment the Overseer until he killed himself. The miners were left in the mine to starve to death. His ghost greets the party when they explore the mine, tells them his story and asks for his bones to be taken to where he can see the sunrise. The party takes the bones of the six miners with them when they leave and buries them on a hillside.   Additionally, Giulian writes down memories Greg had and the party takes them to the town that lies where Greg's ancient farm once was, on their way back to Almas.
Year of Death
3979 AR
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Darkmoon Vale Bottom of a mine


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