Qadira (kah-DEER-ah)

The westernmost province of the Padishah Empire of Kelesh, Qadira is a kingdom with the power of the sprawling Casmaron empire at its back. Qadira is Kelesh's doorway to the Inner Sea region, and is perhaps the single most valuable piece of real estate on Golarion. Rivers of spice and gold flow through its capital of Katheer, and Xerbystes II, the satrap of Qadira, boasts that his kingdom holds the wealth of any other three on the Inner Sea.


Qadirans value not just wealth, but luxury and the finest things life has to offer. Most Qadirans favour horse racing as the sport of kings, treating champion jockeys as other lands treat war heroes.   Qadira's peoples are known to be questioning, persuasive speakers of both Taldane and Kelish languages, and enjoy haggling over transactions. Qadirans hold familial ties and representation of utmost social importance, and rely on patronage to engender trust of strangers and foreigners between groups.   Gifts and hospitality are sacred obligations to Keleshites, and guests are expected to provide gifts to hosts.  


  Qadira has only two major holidays: Kaliashahrim and Batul al-Alim. The first celebrates the Padishah Emperor and Qadira's allegiance to the empire, while the second commemorates the birthday of a popular romantic poet of the same name.


The lands now known as Qadira were not always under the control of the Padishah Emperor. The original inhabitants were related to both the Keleshites of Casmaron and the Garundi of northern Garund. A nomadic people, they survived by breeding goats, and following seasonal migration patterns between the mountains in the east and the ocean to the west and south. They intermingled with the native genies and other elemental creatures of the land, the aftereffects of which can still be seen today in the high percentage of Ifrits, undines, sylphs, and oreads in the population of Qadira.   Near the end of the Age of Destiny (-78 AR), Keleshites first invaded Qadira and raised the emperor's green flag of conquest with the Black Blade of War crossing its field. After two years, the Emperor of Kelesh, Adalan IV formalized the conquest and added the Silver Blade of Kings to the flag. He made Qadira a satrapy of the empire under the rule of Satrap Cerush in -43 AR. Within 100 years, a border camp of Omash was established, the Plains of Paresh were settled, and a tense border was established along the frontier with Taldor. The border was fortified with a 100 stone watchtowers, but the Keleshites bided their time and didn't invade, waiting for a sign of weakness from the Taldans. Skirmishes between the two nations continued for centuries, eventually leading to Qadira seizing the town of Gurat from Taldor.   It would take another 1,500 years before Qadiran satraps significantly expanded its borders. In 1532 AR, Qadiran agents toppled the weak Pharaoh Menedes XXVI and annexed Osirion in Kelesh's name. During this time, Xerbystes I bargained for the still-current system of government; the satrapy was now hereditary with full power within the borders, with a vizier installed to advise on the Padishah Emperor's will for external matters. Direct Qadiran control of Osirion would continue for almost 700 years.   In 1540 AR, a spawn of Rovagug named Volnagur was defeated over the Zho Mountains.   By 2217 AR, the worship of Sarenrae was flourishing in Keleshite Osirion, with the Cult of the Dawnflower pushing for independence from the Padishah Empire. The satrap of Osirion attempted to put down the uprising, but failed to do so, and in 2253 AR Osirion became an independent caliphate with Keleshite rulers.   Wars and uprisings were not the only things to trouble Qadira. Natural disasters have been a problem as well. The most devastating of these was the great earthquake of 2920 AR, which killed tens of thousands.   In the 41st century AR, a succession struggle arose in Kelesh. Forty Qadiran princes left in 4067 AR for Casmaron to support their claims, but the conflict took another 15 years to fully resolve.  

War with Taldor

  Qadira has been at war with Taldor numerous times throughout its long history. The war drums of Katheer have been silent since the beginning of the Age of Lost Omens, but Qadira has never stopped waging its wars. Gold is its weapon now, spices its shield, and its incredible trading power is its armor. The last great war with Taldor began in 4079 AR when a Qadiran and Keleshite army of 40,000 crossing the southern border of Taldor, in order to take advantage of troubles happening elsewhere in the Taldan empire. This war lasted over five hundred years, not ending until three years before the end of the Age of Enthronement in 4603 AR. This period became known within Qadira as the Ghevran Victories.

Demography and Population

Qadira's human population is overwhelmingly Keleshite, although significant numbers of expatriate Taldans live there as well. Qadirans value wealth above all else and often seek to make their fortunes abroad. The wealth of Absalom, and more importantly, the trading opportunities proffered by control of the great city, has long drawn the gaze of the satrap's most powerful merchant princes. Many Qadirans are ready to leave their deserts behind for the promise of lustrous Absalom gold.   Due to its millennia-long contact with the various elemental races, Qadira has the largest concentration of geniekin in all of the Inner Sea region. Caravans of Qittaj catfolk can also be found roaming between the cities and oases of Qadira and those further afield in Kelesh. These devotees of Sarenrae are itinerant wanderers who can most often be found congregating around the bustling marketplaces of the cities they visit.


Qadira is a dry land, and the sand of its many deserts hide its ancient ruins. To the east lies the vast continent of Casmaron and the sprawling Padishah Empire of Kelesh, of which Qadira is but the westernmost satrapy. Qadira lies along the trade route known as the Golden Path, which brings goods overland to and from Casmaron. This trade route is responsible for much of Qadira's wealth. Qadira's coastline along the Inner Sea and Obari Ocean forms its southern and western borders. Only the northern border of Qadira is connected directly with another nation of Avistan. It is this border that has caused them the most grief, as it connects with Qadira's ancient rival, Taldor. To the north of Qadira lies the vast, wilderness expanse of the Whistling Plains.


All Qadirans are conscripted for two years of military service.


The church of Sarenrae is the official religion of Kelesh, and by extension Qadira. It is by far the most popular religion in Qadira, even though two factions of her followers clash behind the political scene. An aggressive sect agitates for further military expansion, primarily in Taldor. Younger and junior members have banded together opposing this path, seeing their goddess as primarily interested in tolerance and redemption, not war and conquest. The government and the public-at-large seem unaware of this schism, which could flare up into open fighting at any moment.   Other popular faiths in Qadira include those of Irori and Rovagug.

Foreign Relations

Since the peace treaty of 4603 AR, Qadira has maintained a tentative truce with Taldor, although the two nations are highly suspicious of one another. Qadira is on generally good terms with the undead nation of Geb and the city of Katapesh across the Obari Ocean.   While foreigners are welcome, all are expected to register with the government as soon as they enter the country. Impersonating a citizen of Kelesh is not tolerated.

Trade & Transport

Qadira's economy relies heavily on foreign trade, both to the interior of Casmaron as well as the Inner Sea region. Its major trade routes include the Golden Path, the overland route to Katheer, the North Tack, a sea trade lane that begins at Sedeq and follows the northern coast of the Inner Sea to Corentyn in Cheliax, and the Obari Crossing, a sea route the connects the Inner Sea to the distant nations of Iblydos, Kelesh, and Vudra via the Obari Ocean.


  • Qadira
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Executive Body
As governor of a distant province of a vast, sprawling empire, the satrap of Qadira does not have the power he desires, but is still a political force to be reckoned with. Every year, to maintain his position, Satrap Xerbystes II has to send thirteen golden bulls and three hundred concubines to the heart of the empire, but for a man as rich as Xerbystes II this is nothing. His power is curtailed by his vizier, Hebizid Vraj, directly appointed by the Padishah Emperor himself. While Xerbystes II has complete power within the borders of Qadira, as a satrap he has little control over events outside his border; things like piracy, trade, and war are controlled by the Padishah Emperor himself. Unfortunately for Xerbystes, the Padishah Emperor does not want war and therefore the vizier restrains Xerbystes' lust for yet another war with Taldor to the north. Xerbystes II attempts to sate his desire for conquest by charging his special noble advisors, known as the Peerless, with near-impossible tasks and quests.


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