BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


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Long ago, after ages of violence and death, the Great Dragon sacrificed its life to banish all smaller dragons and root itself in the Earth. This created the barrier cutting off these six disparate nations from the rest of the world for the past thousand years...or so the legend states. The mountains are very real, though, and no one seems to have figured out teleportation across vast distances but the High Elves, who are loathe to share it with anyone else, so isolated they remained. The six nations understood the severity of their situation and banded together, forming a tenuous peace. Monsters were hunted to extinction, trade flourished, and a common tongue was established. Apart from minor diplomatic tiffs, all has been well until very recently. Fenia's greed for resources grows, rendering the Federation uneasy and the Iron Queen in Zinnia, already gripped by paranoia, unstable. Some even say a great evil is reawakening...