WesaMara Geographic Location in Draguna | World Anvil


West Mara, more commmonly known as WesaMara, is mostly ruled by the Xidian Clan. It is also the home of the most fertile, Emerald Plains and the weeping Sorrow's Den. Realms inside this region also include the Surith Clan, Maven Clan and Kaenem.

Emerald Plains

The Emerald Plains is an area which is completly flat, which spans for roughly 48 miles. Being so flat and fertile, there are many farmsteads, manors and villages. Marans believe this land is blessed by the Gods, as every year more crops grow here than anywhere else on the continent. Many Clans of Mara have contested control over these plains in the past. Currently the High Lordship province is independant, and has been under the reign of High Lord Selwyn of the Emerald for 2 cycles.

The Garden's Gate

Located in the centre of the plains is a walled city which controls the province of the Emerald Plains. It is the only city in the plains, which administers and protects the surrounding farmsteads. In the centre of the city is a large Runestone Monument to Ghana, Goddess of Life and Karael, Goddess of the Hunt and Harvest. It is believed this city is the location of the God's Gate to their Garden, Draguna. This, in the Maran people's view, is why the surrounding area is so fertile; because the lands are blessed by the gods.

Sorrow's Den

Located on the rim of the Spine, Sorrow's Den is a lake surrounded by weeping willows. In the centre of the lake is a broken Runestone, which used to be devoted to the God of Chaos, Zostus. People of the nearby villages claim this lake is haunted, possibly because the pillar was to protect the lake from the predators which lurk in the surrounding forest and even within the lake. Others claim it is the wrath of Zostus which is causing the terrorsto occur, as he is angry his pillar was destroyed. The reasons why the pillar was broken is unknown. However adventurers are warned, as anyone who dares to travel into Sorrow's Den never returns.

Narrows Lock

The valley into the Wildlands; the tundra between Mara and Koldrhiem. Narrows Lock is a gate. To separate Mara to the North, to prevent the beasts which reside in the Wildlands.The Narrows is said to be a scar from a war which raged centuries ago. The fables say it was in the time of magic, where the people of Mara had great mystical powers, which have since been lost. To this day, Marans believe their powers were taken away by the gods, who were displeased with how the people abused such gifts. The beasts which dwell within the Wildlands and Mara itself are also said to be as a punishment to the people. A constant reminder of the sins of their ancestors. This is however a rare opinion, as the beasts and predators are also seen as the work of Zostus; who desires to only cause chaos for both people and the Gods.

Fauna of WesaMara

Cats, Chickens, Cows, Dogs, Donkies, Goats, Horses, Lamb, Mules, Muskoxen, Oxen, Pigs, Sheep
Wild Mammals
Aurochs, Badgers, Bears, Beavers, Deer, Elks, Ferrets, Hares, Lemmings, (Arctic) Lynx, Mice, Monkjacks, Moose, Otters, Rats, Red Foxes, Reindeers, Squirrels, Steppe Lions, Weasels, Wolverines, Wolves
Crows, Ducks, Eagles, Geese, Grouse, Hawks, Mallards, Owls, Partridges, Pheasants, Quail, Ravens, Seagulls, Sparrows, Starlings, Swans
Catfish, Cod, Grey Whale, Herring, Mackerel, Monkfish, Salmon, Sharks, Talapia, Trout, Tuna
Adder Snakes, Frogs, Lizards, Newts, Sea Turtles, Toads
Alternative Name(s)
Wes Mara, West Mara

Map of WesaMara

This is the western region of Mara.

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Mar 27, 2020 16:44 by Elias Redclaw

Oh my! I love the CSS! It’s very easy on the eyes and thanks to me loving the colours of red and black, I think it was a really nice touch! As for the article itself, it is beautiful and amazing how it manages to stay simple yet aesthetically pleasing for the reader. Just a few more tweaks here and there and it’s all set to win the challenge! I’ll firstly go over the content part for feedback before coming back for the formatting part :)   So as for the feedback part, I only just had a few major questions because I think this article is already a perfect one and has an oddly peaceful vibe to it unlike my entry XD   1) what is the climat eof this region like in general? Is it sunny year around? Or are there storms of rain and ice in the monsoon and winter respectively? Also are there any unique climatic or weather phenomena in this region?   2) What resources can be found in this region? How do the inhabitants of this region use them?   Now onto the formatting part! I’ll try to be less personal this time because I already love how this article is and prefer if it stayed that way instead of me barging in and ruiningbyour own style. Anyways, here are a few suggestions! 1) Inages galore! I’m a bit of an art lover and think that images can be a great way to hook your readers. Using an image, alongside a quote ( and a music video to listen to whilst reading this article would make for an amazing opener!   2) Mire quotes would be nice too! I believe that quotes always breath new life into an article and I love them a lot XD. 3) Isme info in the sidebar about the life of the inhabitants of Wesamara would be another amazing addition. Really gives another layer to the article and allows the readers to immerse themselves in it.   And that’s all I had! I’m sorry if the feedback was bad because I am horrifyingly sleepy and most probably have a broken arm from sleeping on my side too much. But anyways, congratulations heffe and keep up the amazing work! :D

Mar 27, 2020 16:44 by Elias Redclaw

And sorry for the numerous typos lol. Sleepy brain leads to that

Mar 31, 2020 16:25

Might I ask how you created the boxes around your links?

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