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Portus Odessus

Portus Odessus is the capital city of Solasta.   Emperor Remelan Egnatius III rules here with his wife, Empress Cassia Egnatius.   Portus Odessus Patricians/Law-Makers: Amatius Vespasianus, Decius Vinicius Caecus, Ausonius Grumio, Hostus Olcinius, Cossus Victricius, Publius Caesennius, Spurius Ianuarius, Gallio Salonius, Augustus Junius   Portus Odessus Senators/City Rulers: Attius Baro, Tiberius Crispian, Decius Claudius,Lucius Bruccius, Proclus Milonius, Caecina Isauricus, Vibius Felix, Vagionius Sabellius, Calpurnius Perperna   Portus Odessus is also home to the Litian Guild and the Golden Eagle Guild.   Notable Businesses:   THE GLOWING SWORD: Urbeck the Small. Orc. "Thrice Sundered": Knight killed a lich in the ice wastes…upon his death the swrod shattered and was rebuit three times. Been forged with frost magic. 1d10+4 and addition 1d6 frost damage…and sometimes can hear war cry in the slash 2500 GP   THE LITTLE SPHINX – Delas Dondaran Ring of Animal Friendship 400 GP Wand of Cancelation. Cancels 1 spell per day. 8 uses. 10000GP Wand of slow (lowers enemy attacks for 3 rounds) 3000 GP Wand of Polymorph – 1 use 900 GP Flying carpet – 20000 GP Amulet of Initiative +2 to initivate rolls 3000 GP Amulet of Health. Adds 15 to your HP. 7000 GP Circlet of the Pheonix: Gives you fire resistance. Also, if wearer dies all in 10ft take 2d10 fire damage—the wearer turns to ash along with their belognings…but should appear again alive 1d4 rounds later….that is the legend at least. 5000 GP   THE RED COULDRON: Amir Mishreet. Female tabaxi. Potion resist electricity: 400 GP Healing potions. Same as above but also 4d6 + 10 1000GP Full HP recovery (2 uses) 4000 GP Potion of Blur (1 extra attack fo 3 rounds) 2000 GP Cure poison (3 doses) 500 GP   TAVERNS AND INNS The Boiling Desert – Regis Tolarum –owner and operator (by Casino) Iron Cup Tavern - Peyle owner and op (Low level) Broken Barrel inn - Cynippe Dessius owner (low level) Mutton and Mead inn - Ferzith tabaxi male (mid level) Wayward warrior brothel - Calliope madam (higher level brothel) Welcome Wench brothel - Syren Summer madam (lower level brothel) Hanging Tree tavern - Idin odium owner (Mid level) Cordial Inn - Bild Tolk from Blackwood (high end) Golden Lion Inn - Remus Refailion owner half elf (nicer, high end, by Casino)   THE AMBER SOLSTICE CASINO Run by the Golden Eagle Guild. Need to pay 20gp to enter…or use a promotional coin given out by higher end inns.   GAMES:   EAGLE’S CLAW 50 150 250 500 1000 Darts with white yellow gold eagle target +2 white, +1 yellow, -1 gold, -2 eagle To hit is 10 white, 13 yellow, 16 gold, 18 eagle Only dex modifiers work not strength. White worth 10 pts, Yellow 20 pts, Gold 30 pts, Eagle 40pts. Each player 3 throws. If they miss, they hit level below (so if aiming for Eagle and roll a 14, they miss but hit yellow.) If they roll below a 5-10, they have a 50% chance of hitting white. Otherwise off board. Alos off board is a 1-5 roll.   REMUS’ FAVOR Dice game, 25 gold pieces minimum buy-in This dice game is deceptively simple and an easy way to lose gold in a hurry. “Roll the dice and may Remus be with you!” Rules: Players roll 2d6. If they add to a 7 or 12, the player wins. Gamblers can double the bet to add 1d6 to the total.   ORSO’S GAMBIT Card game, 50 gold pieces initial buy-in. Rules: Each card player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. Each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. It continues when all bets are equal. Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all together. Winner takes 80% of the pot (the other 20% goes to the casino). Ties split the 80%.   YRTHRAK RACES Racing lizards game, 25 gold pieces minimum buy-in. Small winged wizards with wings clipped back. Five small desert lizards are released in a small maze-like track that rests upon the table. The lizards themselves are in separate cages at the end of a table until released to race. Gamblers can bet as much as they’d like on one particular lizard, with a 25 gold minimum. Rules: Roll 1d4 for each lizard three times, describing the stages of the race at each round of rolls. The lizard with the highest roll total wins, and those who bet on it double their bet as winnings. Second place bet gets half of their bet back.   CHARIOT THROW 25 gp min. Player's can put any amount of gold on a grid numbered 1 through 6. They then roll 3d6 one time. If 1 die match their bet number, they win 1X the original bet. If 2 dice match their bet number, they win 2X the original bet. If 3 dice match their bet number, they win 3X the original bet. If 0 die match their bet number, they lose the original bet.     GLADIATOR ARENAS Run by the Golden Eagle Guild. Though the fighters are represented by various smaller guilds which run their own gladiator schools. These schools are made up of prisoners that can be bought by various guilds—thus making the empire some money—as well as people who sell themselves into servitude for a specified amount of time, becoming property of the guild. Prisons also “donate” prisoners of lessor value for lower level sporting events against beasts, etc.   Fights range from Single Combat matches which have an elaborate ranking system as well as Team Combats. There are also Spectacle events such as people vs animals and beasts and various other fights. It costs to get in (1 sp for the worst seats to 300gp for the best.) And the Arena gets 10% of all betting. These prices and terms vary from city to city depending on size of arena.   ODESSUS COLLISEUM Greatest team: The Golden Brand: Gamka “the Superior” leader (female) . Urzok the half orc, Talion the Swift, Siderion Clavicus. Second: The Proud Beasts   Current Gladiator Champion: Ezog The Cruel


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