Lycan's Bane Species in Drakkenheart | World Anvil
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Lycan's Bane

Basic Information


Lycan's Bane is a robust plant with a striking and formidable presence. It stands upright, displaying a confident and resilient posture in its natural habitat.   The leaves of Lycan's Bane are one of its most distinctive features. They are thick and hardy with a rough, almost rugged texture. Each leaf is broad, with a slightly curled edge, adding to the plant's dense and robust appearance. The color of the leaves is a deep, earthy tone, a mix of dark green and brown hues, which gives the plant a sense of groundedness and strength.   The stem of Lycan's Bane is sturdy and substantial, capable of supporting the weight and density of the leaves. It's covered in a protective layer, similar in texture to the leaves, that helps the plant retain moisture and withstand various environmental conditions.   The root system of Lycan's Bane is as robust as the rest of the plant. The roots are thick and deep, anchoring the plant firmly into the ground and enabling it to absorb nutrients effectively.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lycan's Bane reproduces primarily through a process of vegetative division or by seed. This means that new plants are grown from seeds, but can also spread through the division of the plant itself.   In the process of division, a mature Lycan's Bane plant will develop sections that can independently sustain themselves. These sections, once mature enough, can be separated from the parent plant and planted elsewhere, where they will grow into new, independent plants.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growth Rate:

Lycan's Bane has a moderate to rapid growth rate. Given its robust nature and its method of reproduction through division, the plant can establish itself and reach maturity quicker than many other species that rely on seed germination only.  

Germination/Initial Growth Stage:

Although primarily reproducing through division, if Lycan's Bane does start from seed, this stage involves the germination of the seed and the emergence of the initial seedling. This stage is relatively short, as the plant quickly transitions to more rapid growth.  

Vegetative Stage:

In this stage, the primary focus is on the development of the plant's robust foliage and strong stem structure. The leaves and stems grow quickly, establishing the plant's characteristic hardy appearance. During this time, the plant is accumulating the resources and energy necessary for its next phase of growth and eventual division.  

Maturity and Division Preparation Stage:

Once Lycan's Bane reaches maturity, it begins preparing for division. This involves the development of offshoots or new growths that can eventually become independent plants. The plant's energy is directed towards strengthening these offshoots, ensuring they have a well-developed root system and are capable of surviving on their own.  

Division and Propagation Stage:

This crucial stage involves the physical division of the plant. The offshoots, now sufficiently mature, are separated from the parent plant and transplanted to new locations. Each offshoot then continues the growth cycle independently, maturing and eventually producing its own offshoots for further propagation.  

Senescence Stage:

Like all living organisms, Lycan's Bane eventually enters a senescence stage where growth slows, and the plant begins to age. However, due to its method of reproduction, new offshoots will likely have been established long before the parent plant reaches this stage.

Ecology and Habitats

Lycan's Bane flourishes best in environments that offer a balance of sunlight and shade. Its ideal habitat is forest edges, clearings, or lightly wooded areas where it can receive filtered sunlight.   The soil in these habitats are rich in organic matter but well-drained, providing the necessary nutrients and moisture without becoming waterlogged.

Biological Cycle

During the warmer months, Lycan's Bane enters its most active growth phase. This is when the plant experiences rapid growth, developing its thick foliage and preparing for division. The increased daylight and warmer temperatures support vigorous growth and the maturation of offshoots.   As autumn approaches, Lycan's Bane begins to prepare for the cooler months. The growth rate slows down, and the plant starts to store nutrients in its roots. This is also a time when division may still occur, but at a slower rate, as the plant focuses on conserving energy.   In winter, Lycan's Bane enters a dormant state. The above-ground parts of the plant die back, leaving the root system intact underground. This dormancy allows the plant to conserve energy and survive through the cold months.

Additional Information


Domestication Process:

  Selection of Suitable Environments: The first step involves identifying and preparing environments that mimic the natural habitat of Lycan's Bane – areas with a balance of sunlight and shade, and well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.   Propagation Techniques: Given its method of reproduction through division, the propagation of Lycan's Bane in a domesticated setting involves dividing mature plants into smaller sections, each with part of the root system, and transplanting them to new locations.   Cultivation Practices: The cultivation of Lycan's Bane requires careful management of light exposure, soil conditions, and moisture levels to ensure the plants develop their characteristic properties effectively.   Harvesting: The timing of the harvest is crucial. It typically occurs just before the plant enters its dormant phase, ensuring the harvested parts contain the highest concentration of active compounds.  

Morphological Changes Due to Domestication:

  Leaf Size and Texture: Under domestication, the leaves of Lycan's Bane may become larger and less rough as a result of consistent and optimal growing conditions. The change in texture could be a response to the reduced need for the plant's natural defense mechanisms in a controlled environment.   Stem Characteristics: The stems might become thicker and more robust in domesticated plants, supporting the increased size and weight of the leaves.   Overall Growth Patterns: Domesticated Lycan's Bane may exhibit a more uniform growth pattern compared to its wild counterparts. This uniformity results from controlled cultivation practices that minimize environmental stressors.   Coloration: The deep, earthy color of the plant may become more or less pronounced in domesticated specimens, depending on the specific light conditions and soil composition used in cultivation.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Primary Use – Suppressing Lycanthropy Transformations:

Incense Preparation: The most common use of Lycan's Bane is in suppressing lycanthropic transformations. The leaves of the plant are dried and then burned as incense. The specific compounds within the plant that are effective against lycanthropy are released into the air when burned, creating an area of effect where transformations are suppressed.   Preparation Process: To prepare the incense, Lycan's Bane is harvested, typically just before it enters its dormant stage, when its compounds are most potent. The plant is then carefully dried in a way that preserves its active ingredients. Once thoroughly dried, it can be burned as is or crushed into a finer incense powder.  

Alchemical Use:

Extracts and Potions: Alchemists may use Lycan's Bane to create specialized potions or extracts. These concoctions offer a more controlled and potentially portable way to suppress lycanthropic transformations, useful for individuals who need to manage their condition on the go.  


Ash and Residue: After burning Lycan's Bane as incense, the remaining ash and residue have been known to be used as a component in rituals or protective wards against Lycanthropes.   Compost Material: The non-used parts of Lycan's Bane, such as stems, may be composted and used to enrich soil, given the plant's robust nature and nutrient-rich composition.

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