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The Sacred Flame

The Sacred Flame

This is the dominant religion throughout the realms. Also known as the Divine Light, its teachings and beliefs are tightly woven into the social and political fabric of Caspia, Elyria, Westemär, and their neighbouring domains.  


Myths about the Sacred Flame have ancient roots, but the contemporary religion began a thousand years ago with the valiant Saint Tarna. Although most of her life she was a ruthless warlord, light flickered in her dark heart. Guided by angels, she learned to channel the Sacred Flame and became the first paladin. She took up the cause of righteousness and sacrificed herself to defeat an evil sorcerer-king. After her martyrdom, her disciples spread her teachings and established the Faith of the Sacred Flame.  

Beliefs and Tenets

Faithful of the Sacred Flame do not worship a deity. Rather, devotees pray for guidance from a transcendent divine force that they believe is the source of all light and goodness. Symbolized as the Sacred Flame, this brilliant beacon inspires mortals to act with benevolence, honor, and righteousness. The religion brings a message of dutiful hope: even the smallest flame may light the way through the darkest night. The core tenets of the religion are conceptualized as follows:   The Hearth spreads compassion. One must nourish the hungry; offer shelter to the cold; and give succour to those who suffer. Spiritual warmth comes when the community is gathered together before the Flame as neighbours. The Lantern illuminates the way of truth. The light reveals what is hidden by darkness, and shows the way to understanding. One should not silence truth, nor speak falsehoods. The Torch displays the duty of all faithful to uphold the cause of justice. One cannot abide when evil stirs; nor stand idle when corruption spreads: callousness and indifference permit selfishness, greed, and hate to multiply. The Candle symbolizes hope and redemption. Show those who are in darkness the light. Offer mercy to the guilty; no shadow is absolute so long as a flickering flame remains. Followers of the Sacred Flame believe that when mortals die, the divine light guides righteous spirits to the place where dawn breaks over the Shadowlands. Their luminous souls shine eternally, driving back the endless darkness that threatens all life.  

Holy Sites and Symbols

A goblet of fire or a lit candle represents the Sacred Flame in holy symbols. Believers join hands in a circle around a roaring fire and sing hymns during worship rites. The holy text of the faith is called the Song of Fire. Saint Tarna is typically depicted as a silver-haired warrior bearing a longsword. She is often shown in battle against demons and witches, sometimes astride her griffon, Aarak.   In Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär, most towns have at least one chapel devoted to the Sacred Flame. Often at the heart of their communities, these domed sanctuaries are built around a hallowed brazier set alight with a golden continual flame. Major cathedrals to the Sacred Flame are found in large cities, and many are brilliant architectural wonders in their own right, decorated with painted murals, stained-glass windows, and statues depicting the saints and martyrs. The small shrines in most villages are usually simply an awning built over a bonfire pit.   Religious Hierarchy Ordained priests of the Sacred Flame are known as Flamekeepers. These clerics of the Sacred Flame are predominantly women*; they wear flowing vestments of white, yellow, and gold. Flamekeepers take vows of poverty, eschewing all personal possessions and living on the commonwealth of the faith. Chapels and cathedrals of the Sacred Flame are ministered by a Flamekeeper, who is assisted by a few devoted acolytes. Smaller villages rely on lay ministers to keep their shrines. The highest authority amongst the priesthood of the Sacred Fire is the Divine Matriarch, who tends the Cathedral of Saint Tarna in the holy city of Lumen in the land of Elyria.   * Although this represents the formal religious hierarchy, people of any gender identity may become clerics and paladins of the Sacred Flame and rise to positions of honour and reverence.   Clerics of the Sacred Flame Through deep spiritual discipline and steadfast devotion, some faithful may become living vessels for the Sacred Flame. These rare individuals hold the power to channel its light in the earthly realm to work divine magic. As clerics of the Sacred Flame, they become enlightened healers, custodians of truth and knowledge, or fiery beacons of light. However, not every cleric of the Sacred Flame becomes a Flamekeeper or participates in the organization and politics of the religion.   Paladins of the Sacred Flame Legend claims Saint Tarna was the first paladin. These warriors hold deep reverence amongst the faithful, as only truly virtuous souls can wield the Sacred Flame as she once did. Paladins of the Sacred Flame swear sacred oaths of devotion, redemption, and vigilance. Inspired by Saint Tarna’s example, many join knightly orders ordained for righteous purposes. Such companies of holy warriors and their martial retainers embark on quests and crusades to destroy supernatural forces of evil and root out creatures of otherworldly darkness. The most well-known and decorated amongst these militant fellowships are the Knights of the Silver Order.


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