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Castle Drakken

The royal palace of Castle Drakken perches atop the highest pinnacle overlooking the city below. The heart of the citadel is a massive central keep connected to four great round towers via soaring bridges, which rise above two large stone chateaus each bedecked with parapets. The imperial building is topped with slate rooftops of midnight blue and elongated spires sharp like spear points. The outer walls feature immaculate stone moldings, overhanging balconies, flying buttresses, and tall arched windows with intricate stained glass designs. Upon the battlements are leering gargoyles and roosting dragons cast in bronze. The main entrance is a fortified gate flanked by squat square towers. Engraved into each of the heavy iron double doors is a dragon rampant set with gold filigree. Above is a circular rose window fixed with delicate tracery. Beams of sickly purple light radiate from within. Gusts of sweeping wind kick up the smell of grave-dirt and ancient stone, and thunder crackles through the air.
  Looming over Drakkenheim stands the mighty Castle Drakken. Once a royal palace, military fortress, and administrative hub, the stronghold is now a grim monument to madness and horror. Any who whish to discover what ulitimately happened to King Ulrich IV or unearth conclusive evidence to prove a royal claim will find what they are seeking here.     

Castle Grounds

Castle Drakken is a sprawling palatial fortress built upon a two-hundred foot tall stepped plateau. surrounded by rocky cliffs. The castle grounds are seperated into two baileys by an internal dividing wall: The Lower Bailey contains administrative buildins, a miniltary barracks, and servants quarters. The Upper Bailey grounds are elevated thirty feet above the Lower Bailey, feature the castle gardens, a chapel and access to the Royal Palace of Castle Drakken. The palace itself perches atop the highest rocky pinnacle approximately two hundred fifty feet above the city proper, it's imposing sillouette visible everywhere in the city below.   


Generations ago, House Von Drakken commisioned the Amethyst Academy to weave a powerful magical ward upon the castle grounds and palace that remains in place today.
  • Doors, walls and windows are magically reinforced and are immune to fire, poison and psychic damage, as well as non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from attacks. They are resistant to all other damage. The doors, walls and windows extend into the etheral plane, blacking the ethereal travel through them.
  • A radiant purple glow emanates from every window blocking line of sight from outside.
  • Creatures outsid the castle buildings can't teleport into any interior areas, nor can they teleport within the castle rooms unless they have a direct line of sight to their destination. A character attuned to a Seal of Drakkenheim ignores this effect. 

Outer Walls

Stone masonry walls forty feet high and ten feet thick ring the clifftop, anchored by several bastion towers each sixty feet tall. Like the walls that surround the city, they are richly decorated with architectural details and menacing gargoyles. 

[1] Gates

  A gently sloped cobblestone road twenty fect wide and lined with scpped battlements winds up the two-hundred-foot-tall cliff face from the Inner City towards Castle Drakken. Three gatcs are set along its path: The road begins from the Lower Gate, passes through the Cliff Gate halfway up the hill, chen finally terminates at the Upper Gate that stands atop the cliff. Each gate features a pair of bastion towers, double portcullis, and a drawbridge. Unfurled and torn banners bearing the coat of-arms of House Von Kessel hang from cach tower. Though more oramented than the city gates, their incernal layout is quite similar.  

[1a] Lower Gate

The lower gate of Castle Drakken rests at the base of the cliff. A broad city street meets the gate, and the surrounding neighbourhood is made up of noble estates and wealthy homes now occupied by ghosts and mutated dregs.      

[1b] Cliff Gate

  Two giant golems stand to guard the gate.

[1c] Upper Gate

These gates are built intot he main castle walls and are sealed shut, opening only for one who bears a Seal of Drakkenheim.      

[2] Lower Bailey Areas

  The dusty and gravel filled lower bailey has a fine bricked road leading through it from the front gate to the bailey gate. The ground is ashen and cracked, delerium clusters jutting from the earth. The buildings within the bailey are listed below.    

[2a] Armory

This fortified warehouse houses cannons, seige engines and esoteric weaponry, as well as massive stockpiles of conventional armor and aramaments.

[2b] Barracks

In the middle of the bailey is a fortified building with several crenellated parapets and a high steepled roof. Outside are unfurled banners displaying the sigil of the royal guard. The ground floors ocntain officers quarters, a mess hall, and kitchen, while the upper floors are mor comfortable if spartan accomodations for the royal guards. The topmost level has private chambers for the guard captain

[2c] Carriage House

This large garage houses a dozen royal carriages, wagons and vehicles.       

[2d] Servant's Lodge

This bending building housed accomadations for the common castle staff. It also features a large kitchen, bakery, well, and laundry facilities. The adjoining tower serves as a granary and dedicated storeroom for castle provisions including grain and preserved foods.  

[2e] Stables

This massive L-shaped stable once sheltered dozens of horses. It is now a charnel house of bones and decaying leather; the noble steeds within were consumbed by the castle's monsterous residents long ago. The loft above the stables contained a residence for the master of the horses and the royal stablehands. The adjioining tower is the castle aeriem which was the roos for the royal giant owls. 

[2f] Workshops

A large outdoor forge, with several anvils and workstations. An adjoining shed contains raw materials: wood, iron ingots, finished nails and all manner of tools.

[2g] Bailey Gate

The gate passage covers a curved ramp leading to the Upper Bailey.  

[3] Upper Bailey Areas

  The regal Upper Bailey is a stark contrast tot he Lower Bailey. Fields of dead grass, large contaminationed pools, dried out fountains, baroque statuary covered in ash, and twisted trees line a fine brick roadway leading to the palace enterance.   

[3a] Overlook Tower

The north tower connects to a small exterior doorway large enough for humans to pass through. It allows access via a leisurely ( if exhausting ) walk down the cliff via a graceful stone staircase that leads to the ravine below. Pillard bannisters , exquisite statues, luscious fountains, and stone benches decorate the many porches, overlooking platforms and balconies along the way.

[3b] Knight's Tower

The tower manor has a small, if comfortable, accomodations fothe knights in service to the monarch. Many levels contain several individual rooms, whereas others are whole apartments for particularyly favored champions. 

[3c] Castle Gardens

A field large enough to set a great outdoor tent for garden parties, the gardens contain fountains, statues, hedgerows and decrepit flowerbeds.
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