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Westemar Civil War

House von Kessel ruled Westemiir from the capital of Drakkenheim for onc hundred fifty years. The last monarch, Ulrich IV, inherited a period of relative political stability, and so pursued interests in architecture, education, and carnal affairs instead of politics and warfare. He married a Caspian princess, Lenore, and they had three children: Leonard, Katarina, and Eliza. Ulrich IV was ten years into his reign when the meteor struck Drakkenheim. The King, his wife, and their children were never seen again after that day, but their true fate remains a mystery. However, many members of the royal household were not in Drakkenheim when the meteor struck, including the King’s younger siblings, Mannfred and Cecilia von Kessel. The two spent vast sums commissioning the clergy of the Sacred Flame and the mages of the Amethyst Academy to use divination magic to discern what happened, but to no avail. They nearly bankrupted themselves by launching multiple large-scale military expeditions attempting to reclaim Drakkenheim, all of which failed. Eventually, Mannfred became convinced further efforts were futile, and proposed he would take up the crown and relocate the capital. However, Cecilia contested the claim, arguing there was no conclusive evidence that confirmed their brother and his children were dead. The nobility was divided over the issue, and a civil war ensued that raged for nearly a decade. As Westemar itself descended into political and financial ruin, Mannfred von Kessel and his children were assassinated in a dramatic betrayal. Cecilia von Kessel herself died unexpectedly only a few days later, leaving behind no heirs of her own. Lacking a clear successor, the Civil War ended with a whimper.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
Ending Date

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