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The Haze

The Haze is a magical radiation emitted by the vast concentration of Delerium. It permeates the ruins and extends about two miles outside the city walls.     

Deep Haze

Certain areas are so suffused by the Haze that mere exposure is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Known as the Deep Haze, these areas have the following additional traits:  
  • Deep Haze is instantly recognized by a thick prismatic fog. Characters can see normally through this fog up to 60 feet. Vision beyond is lightly obscured, but vision past 120 feet is totally obscured. If dispersed during the day, the fog reforms one minute later.
  • Characters entering the Deep Haze must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, and again for each full hour spent within. On a failed saving throw, they suffer 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and gain one level of contamination.

Delerium Sludge

Gargantuan delerium geodes perspire an opalescent sludge. Characters submerged in delerium sludge make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn. They take 42 (12d6) necrotic damage on a failed saving throw, and half as much on a successful one. In addition, characters who fail the saving throw gain one level of contamination.

Effects On People

  Creatures do not gain any benefits from finishing a long rest within the Haze. Creatures may remain in the Haze for up to twenty-four hours before they must finish a long rest to recuperate from exposure to its eldritch energies. For each additional hour spent within the Haze beyond twenty-four hours, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of contamination. Most monsters encountered in Drakkenheim have Full Contamination  

Effects On Enviroment

  At dawn, the Haze magically manifests mist throughout the ruins. Characters can see normally through the mist up to 150 feet. Vision beyond is lightly obscured, but vision past 300 feet is totally obscured. Any mists dispersed during the day reform ten minutes later. The mists dampen sunlight. Creatures with Sunlight Sensitivity or similar traits do not suffer these penalties during the day while within the Haze. The mist disperses shortly after sunset, but the Haze appears as a shifting corona of octarine light shimmering over the city during the night. Floating motes and hazy particles hang over the city streets providing illumination akin to moonlight, and delerium crystals emit a bright glow to a range of five feet. The corpses of beasts and humanoid creatures do not rot within the Haze. However, most unattended corpses left in the streets are devoured within a day by ravenous ratlings. Other food and drink spoils after 2d6 days within the Haze.  

Effects On Magic

  The erratic magic of the Haze disrupts many spells cast within it. Any teleportation spell cast by a creature outside the Haze targeting a creature or location within the Haze automatically fails and the spell slot is wasted. Creatures inside the Haze may teleport normally within, but any attempt to leave the Haze via teleportation fails. Telepathic communications or effects such as the sending spell transmitted from outside the Haze fail to contact a character within it, and vice-versa. Sensors created by divination spells can’t appear inside the Haze, and those created outside the Haze can’t enter it. Finally, other divination spells fail to reveal useful information about delerium, the Haze, the origins of the meteor, or any events that occurred within the Haze. When a character attempts any of the above using a spell or other effect, they must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they take 6d6 psychic damage and become incapacitated with madness until they finish a long rest. During this time they speak only in gibberish. A greater restoration spell ends this effect. Rope trick, Tiny hut and similar spells or abilities do not provide shelter or protection from the Haze. However, characters may rest within a magnificent mansion spell cast within the Haze.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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