
According to legend, the ancient Elves of the region which now belongs to Palatrea had a strong horseriding culture. They worshiped Temak-Mul, the God of horses, as their most important deity. One day, they prayed to Temak-Mul to make them more like their horses, to make them one with the animals they raised. Temak-Mul tasked a small group of the Elves with 12 tasks to prove that they were truely worthy of accending to a new form. Upon the completion of the 12 tasks the group of Elves became the first Centaurs.   Centaurs have the body of a horse, but where the head should be is the torso, arms, and head of an Elf. At least the upper half resembles an elf. Centaurs are a distinct species from Elves with little in common on a genetic level, however, it is only in recent years that scientists have been able to study genetics in any real detail. For a long time, those who disliked or did not trust Centaurs proclaimed that they were the aftermath of an unholy union of Elf and Horse. Many still insist this is the case, despite evidence to the contrary.
300 Years
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Cover image: by Simon Kim


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