Dravaria A Realm Divided by Blade and Claw

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Dravaria is a land that has been split in two for all of mortal history. The kingdoms of mortals stand in defiance against their once overlords, the mighty dragons. The millennia spanning conflict has held wondrous peaks for the mortal races, but also terrible lows. The oldest of mortal history was lost thousands of years ago during the climax of the first War of Scales that nearly brought their end. The knowledge that does remain tells of legends when their people were enslaved and lead to freedom by history's greatest hero who sacrificed his own life to slay the King of Dragons and secure their futures.   Since that fateful day, it has been a long and tenuous journey for the mortal races to build and grow into the wondrous city-states that exist today. Though the dragons were defeated with the death of their king, they were not eliminated. Ancient and long lived creatures, the dragons have always sought revenge against their wayward servants for daring to rebel. Selfish and arrogant by nature, their own infighting has spared the mortals the brunt of their wrath, unable to unify ever again.   Though not the focus, the fearsome beasts have never fully ceased hostilities with the mortals. This passivity would not continue and eventually the dragons would return full attention to the mortals and their expansion. In return the mortal states formed powerful guilds of dragon slayers to specialize in hunting down the wyrms and spear heading expansion against the renewed resistance. The formation of this guild proved highly effective and successful... too successful. The continued growth of the mortal territories and increasing amount of dead dragons began to shift the focus of the warring broods back upon their common foe. Fearing a new war as hostilities continued to escalate, an official ceasefire was called for. Mortal expansion would cease, the dragon slayers disbanded and outlawed. In return the dragons would leave the mortals domain in peace. This accord held for centuries, but old hatreds have begun to give way in the last century. Dragon raids, though small in scope, are on the rise. In retaliation the dragon slayer guilds have reformed in secret. Many fear that a peaceful option will not be viable again and that war may once again return the land to ruin.


Dravaria Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Heroes seeking to slay dragons and save the realm