Dreamers of the apocalypse Party Timeline
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    28 /3 10:00

    28 /3 13:00

    Session 1 - The Great Dalelands Fair
    Cultural event

    (Ironik not here for this session). The party met up in Harrowdale just in time for the Great Daleland Fair. Harrowdale is the capital of Harrowdale Dale (...nice job DnD) and is ruled by a council of lords who are wealthy locals and perhaps second or third children of minor royalty. These fairs are held with some regulatory but are not officially planned, basically evolving out of smaller fairs or trade meets that continue to grow full of happy people. It was early summer, unusually early for a Great Fair but not unheard of. The Great Fair typically lasted about a week (weeks are 10 days in DnD).   The party arrived in Harrowdale on day 5 of the fair, a ribold and crowded time. Kearic immediately headed for the tournament field to try his hand at the archery competition. Mar and Huxley headed to the Market. Huxley in search of food and Mar in search of drugs. Thrax was on duty, guarding a noblewoman (of potentially ill-repute if she was of the Zhentarim) in the crafts area. Catalina also headed to the market in search of information.   Huxley succeeded in finding Mert’s Meats and bought a pile for a local husband and wife as his good deed for the day. Mar succeeded in finding the local drug dealer and bought a quad from Visarious, a sheik-looking dude. He set off to find Thrax to share his drugs. Thrax meanwhile kept watch over his charge, Ailsa, the daughter of a minor noble. Nalgan tried his hand at a ball game, not doing particularly well but succeeding in winning some candy.   Cat also visited Mert’s Meats and bought a copper’s worth of meat, eating it as she sought out anyone who might know about Shadowdale. Unsuccessful in her first attempt, she set off to find others to interrogate. Huxley decided trying his luck at games might work out better than Nalgan. Mar attempted to share his stuff with Thrax, who decided he was going to be a good employee and not partake. He set off alone to puff on some of it.   Narlan moved onto the tournament, trying a sword fight. Cat searched out a Red Hat and found one with a bag full of wooden swords offering a bout of fisticuffs for a token. Cat declined, as she was not much of a boxer.   Kearic’s match finally started with the longbow and he came in second for a prize of three tokens. Huxley and Cat discussed the unfairness of the Red Hat’s challenge being boxing. Huxley attempted to fight him himself, losing after getting kneed in the jaw. Mar offered weed to both of them, both refusing. Unhappy about everyone’s lack of partying, he set off to find a Red Hat.   Ailsa continued wandering among the stalls doing noble girl stuff to Thrax’s dismay. Nalgan’s fight began, matching him up with a Halfling in a sword and shield fight. Continuing the party’s poor luck, Nalgan lost due to a crit by the halfling. The party had not managed to comport themselves very well as out of everyone only Mar had succeeded in his objective at the fair.   Cat was struck with inspiration to draw a strange symbol in the dirt. Huxley asked her what the deal with that was and she provided a weak deflection by seeking out another Red Hat. Cat immediately challenged him to his game, which turned out to be arm wrestling. This also did not play into Cat’s strengths. Despite her loss, the orc did provide her a few words about Shadowdale, so not a complete bust. She asked the orc if he was aware of a knight called Salamander who Cat’s sister was last seen with. The orc provided no useful information.   A horn blew in the distance, answered by blasts across the fair and repeating. A knight in armor approached, wearing the insignia of the Grey Riders, a group of rangers from north of Harrowdale. He called out “Adventurers needed! The kobolds are attacking to the north!”   The party leveled up to 2 (through session 5 we will be leveling each session).

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    28 /3 13:00

    28 /3 15:00

    Session 2 - Attack of the “Kobolds”
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Thrax fortunately was able to get out of his bodyguarding duty as one of Ailsa’s father’s associates picked her up to return home. The party also met Hardrada while forming up to take part in the “battle”. Everyone was enthusiastic to have a barbarian on the squad, especially a 6’9, 400 pound one.   Grabbing safety weapons for the battle, the referee explained that the party’s goal was to protect carts and tents from the “kobolds” touching them. Huxley, Hardrada, Thrax, and Kearic moved forward to defend the front (a cliff with stairs cut into it for the “kobolds” to come down from) as Mar and Cat took cover. Kearic struck first, nailing a kobold with an arrow that dropped it in one shot. Mar drew next blood, dropping a second kobold with a headshot with rogue sneak attack.   Kearic and Hardrada charged up the stairs to meet the kobolds and dispatched another. Hardrada’s wind-up alone was enough to scare a kobold into sitting down. Despite in-theory defending the area, half of the party charged forward behind Kearic and Hardrada. The remaining kobolds seemed hesitant to push further on the party, though one did take Kearic down before Hardrada and Nalgan followed him through to crash into the kobold back line. Nalgan found himself face-to-face with the same halfling from the arena. Nalgan swung and missed, Mar moved forward for a shot and also missed, and Cat decided to run through herself to risk the close-quarters combat to herself. She missed her Eldritch Blast and was laid out by the champion.   The kobolds’ accuracy was not much better, a caster in the back missing Nalgan and Mar with scorching rays but landing one on Hardrada. Huxley and Thrax pushed on the left flank, Thrax missing two swings but Huxley landing a solid mace blow that was not quite enough to “kill” him.   Hardrada meanwhile managed to defeat another kobold as Nalgan continued to dance with the halfling. Nalgan managed to Lay on Hands to Cat to bring her back up. Mar took another shot and missed as Hardrada fell to the kobold mage’s “spell”. Huxley and Thrax dropped two more Kobolds as Cat fell to the halfling. The “wizard” ran away from Thrax as Mar finally managed to land an arrow on the halfling. Unfortunately, a terrible Sneak Attack didn’t finish the job. Huxley closed to finally get Kearic up with Healing Word.   The kobold bonked Cat on the ground to finish her off. The crowd did not approve. Kearic landed a hit followed immediately by Hardrada, but the halfing remained standing. Mar landed a savage blow with his dagger but still the halfling fought on. He missed a swing at Hardrada but downed him with his second. Nalgan finally sent him to the dirt with a crit Longsword followed up by a Smite.   Thrax meanwhile found himself “mind controlled” by the mage and turned to attack Huxley, missing. Mar collected his bow to close on the “wizard”, the final remaining hostile. Huxley managed to override Charm with Command to make Thrax stop as Kearic landed a long bowshot on the wizard and then managed to finish the job on his next shot after Mar and Thrax missed. The crowd cheered.   Round two was against 4 humans pretending to be hobgoblins. 2 of them charged forward as Kearic attempted a long bowshot and missed. Cat and Mar took cover for prepared actions, as Thrax, Nalgan, Huxley, and Hardrada charged forward. Cat missed her Eldritch Blast and Mar was out of range as Hardrada charged the line. He killed one of the hobgoblins on his first swing, as Huxley followed behind. Kearic landed a hard hit with a Hunter’s Marked arrow. Thrax closed in, missing his swing followed up by Nalgan cutting deep. The “hobgoblin” returned the favor on Thrax, laying him out in a swing.   Mar missed an arrow, Cat moved to the north and missed an Eldritch Blast, Hardrada swung recklessly and missed as well. Kearic landed another solid blow but the “hobgoblin” remained standing. Nalgan took a hard shot himself but stayed on his feet just long enough for the second enemy’s swing to lay him out. Mar managed to finish off one with a quick shot, but things were looking bad. Cat took a glancing hit as she retreated with her Eldritch Blast. Missing, Hardrada at least managed to annihilate another of the hobgoblins from behind.   Two more ran in from the north, however. Kearic managed to land another hit on his target, but he remained on his feet. The “hobgoblin” retreated from Kearic, swinging at Hardrada on the way. He hit him hard, but the big Barbarian stayed on his feet just in time for Cat and Mar to miss. Kearic closed to continue raining arrows on his prior target, who somehow remained on his feet after 30 points of damage. With no healing due to Nalan being down, Thrax and Hardrada also fell, leaving Huxley, Kearic, and Cat still standing but unable to hit. Huxley hit the ground next followed shortly thereafter by Mar. Everyone else decided to call it a day because going 37 rounds of missing because AC 18 is basically impossible to punch through at level 2 was not fun and the session ended. At least everyone leveled up to 3 (Paint did HP, needs to pick spells).

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    28 /3 15:00

    29 /3 08:00

    Session 3 - The Night
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party picked themselves off the ground and dusted themselves off, a little upset at getting so thoroughly trounced. It was early evening, though the fair never really slept, it was winding down. Mar headed off to find the drug dealer, Visaries, again in an attempt to get some business done before the shop shut down, followed by Thrax. Huxley, Hardrada, and Cat headed off to find more Redhats. Kearic went to the crafting area, Nalgan also headed to the market to browse.   At Visaries’ place, Thrax was pleased to find out that Visaries was also a Zhentarim member based on a hand sign he flashed. Also there was the halfling from the fight. He introduced himself as Pollok. The group sat to engage in conversation. The dealer said he did not have enough stock to wholesale out of. Mar attempted to negotiate a meeting with his connections, but the man seemed uninterested. They shared tea and left, heading for an inn.   Huxley, Cat, and Hardrada struggled to find a Red Hat in the dark. Giving up, they headed to the tavern to drink and introduce themselves more thoroughly beyond just shouting in a fight. On their way, they came across a 7 foot tall elf-looking...creature doing card tricks for a crowd of children. An elderly couple approached and thanked it for telling their fortune the prior year, which apparently came true.   Kearic found a fletcher’s shop, but it was closed. Nalgan went to an elf wine seller. The seller did not seem pleased to deal with him this late in the day, but did serve him a flight tasting. Nalgan enjoyed the wines but realized he was bothering the shopkeep and moved on.   Cat, Huxley, and Hardrada reached an inn called the Dragon’s Tongue. As luck would have it, there was a Red Hat in the common room. Cat agreed to challenge the dwarf along with Huxley and Hardrada. The dwarves explained the game to the newcomers (basically Gwent) and the game was on. Cat, Huxley, and Hardrada managed to win a few games and entertain their way to 12 Red Cap tokens for Hardrada and Cat, and a set of Adamantine Chain Mail (holy shit) for Huxley. Hard won, after the whole day.   Thrax and Mar attempted to find their way to another party, though Thrax was half-asleep from the tea. They were distracted on the way by the same being Cat, Huxley, and Hardrada spotted earlier. Mar approached and the fortune teller surprised him by addressing him by his name. The being stated he could tell Mar’s past and future and Mar figured he was up for a good time.   Mar asked to see what would happen after the fair. The creature looked into a crystal ball and told Mar his future was “dangerous” and hard to read with his chaotic nature (due to being a tiefling). It offered no answers but did give Mar a silver nail, which the creature said would imbue a weapon with magic (+1 weapon nail basically, used on his shortbow because Ted said it won’t stack with +1 weapons). With that, Mar found himself outside of the tent, alone as Thrax went in.   Thrax’s future was about the same, though he was presented with a Wand of Magic Missile afterwards. Nalgan and Kearic stumbled upon the two of them just after this. Nalgan seemed concerned at how Thrax was acting, as apparently recreational drug use was a foreign concept to the Aasimar. About this time, the party decided to call it a night.   Upon waking the next day, the party was surprised to find themselves in an empty grass field, with no sign of the fair. The sky turned a strange red color, looking almost like blood. It began to rain, not water but blood. Across the grass, a large dog approached the party, growling as the rain picked up. Then they woke up, with Mar, Cat, and Kearic feeling exhausted. The fair continued around them. The party leveled up to 4.

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    29 /3 08:00

    29 /3 12:00

    Session 4 - Exhaustion Makes It Hard to Do Stuff At the Fair

    Kearic and Mar discussed the strangeness of the shared dream. Kearic, being an elf, did not normally sleep, so the situation was especially strange to him. Thrax recovered from his drugging and the field group decided to head to the tavern for breakfast.   Hardrada and Cat (and presumably Nalgan and Huxley but both were not here for the session) headed downstairs to eat. Kearic and Mar joined them shortly thereafter. Thrax headed to the market. Cat attempted to discern the meaning of the dream, unable to make heads nor tails of it. Thrax went off on his own to investigate, learning that a spell called “Dream” may have done something similar.   The party split up, going about their day at the fair. Mar decided to play some games and generally attempt to have a good time, because what is fate when you can cheat at carnival games with invisible mage hand? He won a Potion of Climbing and headed into the market to look at some of the fine blades for sale. Basically just enjoying himself and trying not to think too hard about raining blood and the Fortune Teller’s cryptic message. The exhaustion from the prior night made his attempts at tournament sneaking unsuccessful, so he enjoyed more of his drugs and went to watch some pro archers at work. While watching the archery contest, Mar overheard some gnomes mention that they had watched Kearic win the prior day, but also that he was a racist asshole towards gnomes.   Kearic and Hardrada went to find a cleric, priest, or paladin who might know about what happened the prior night or what the dream may have portended. Both were immediately distracted by a Red Hat. Hardrada engaged him in conversation as Kearic attempted to pick his pocket for coins. Kearic was successful, picking up 16 coins. He offered Hardrada 4 of them, because he apparently does not value his health trying to screw a huge barbarian. Hardrada proved to be an honest Barbarian though, and only took half of the coins, leaving both with 8.   Thrax and Cat went to find the Fortune Teller. Asking around, they realized that the Fortune Teller only appeared once per year to any individual person, so they would be unable to find it again. They realized Kearic was the only one of the group who had not seen the creature yet, so they went to find the elf. Grouping together, and with a whole lot of convincing (because for some reason Kearic decided he wasn’t going to believe in magic despite this being literally DnD), they tried to get Kearic to find the creature.   Kearic acquiesced, but did stop at the bowyer first. While speaking to the bowyer, Kearic noticed the Fortune Teller out of the corner of his eye and went off to speak with it. As he approached, he saw a family looking distraught as the Fortune Teller seemed to be comforting a child. Kearic approached and asked for his fortune to be told. The creature arrayed a deck of cards in front of him and Kearic chose one. The Fortune Teller was as cryptic with Kearic as he was with everyone else, telling Kearic to “Beware the hounds of war” though Kearic did score a Javelin of Lightning for his trouble.   The party minus Mar regrouped to visit Drogan’s Fineries, a large blacksmith shop that was an actual building. Inside the large building (clearly magical, as the inside of the store was much larger than the outside could possibly fit) were racks and racks of high quality weapons and armor of every variety anyone could want. Hardrada, being a blacksmith, recognized the quality. Cat tried to ask for Drogan and was turned away by the shopkeep. Thrax, being an idiot, decided to flash the Zhentarim gang sign which did not go over well.   Mar continued to watch the tournament fights, also managing to grab 13 coins from pickpocketing a passing Red Hat with his invisible Mage Hand. Hardrada and Thrax joined him in the stands to watch.   Cat tried to get Kearic to tell her what the Fortune Teller told him, but Kearic wasn’t paying that close attention to the Fortune Teller (and it was fairly cryptic anyway) but was pleased to find a Cleric in plate mail who served Torm. She explained the dream to him in the hopes that he would perhaps know something. The cleric suggested she ask her own god about what she was shown. Kearic paid him for a cast of Bless in order to fight well. The Cleric performed the blessing and then headed to the tournament to fight.   The party leveled to 5.

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    29 /3 12:00

    29 /3 22:00

    Session 5 - The Last Fair Day

    Huxley, being religious, recognized the dream as a portent towards evil happening in the future. He bought flasks of oil as well, for cleric purposes.   Mar bought some Studded Leather offscreen. Kearic won an archery tournament handily. Hardrada was equally successful in the MMA ring, with Huxley backing him up as his coach. Thrax was up next, fighting with his sword. He won his first fight, won the second, and then found himself matched up against Goran, an associate from the Zhentarim. He was defeated soundly, but still came in second place and won a potion of Mind Reading for his trouble. Cat decided to try her hand at magic target shooting, performing well enough to win Boots of Elvenkind.   The sun was low in the sky after all the matches finished. The party decided to rest in the inn for the night and set off from the fair tomorrow. Thrax ran into Goran at the inn and spoke to him. Goran wished to know why Thrax was causing problems. He very clearly told Thrax to knock it off, though the rest of the party was not really aware of the specifics as to what the man was speaking about.   Hardrada, Mar, and Kearic headed to exchange their tokens at the token exchange. Along the way, they spotted a Red Hat who took off running. Mar attempted to strip a token pouch from him with his Mage Hand, but despite rolling a 22 with Disadvantage, Ted didn’t want to let that happen so Mar came up empty-handed. Kearic and Hardrada gave chase. Mar and Hardrada managed to gain on him as Kearic launched a tackle. The Red Hat dodged the attempt and kept running, but Mar was able to take him down. He cut 3 token bags free and handed them out. Mar came up with 14 more tokens, Kearic, 17, and Hardrada 7.   Mar exchanged his tokens for a Potion of Healing, a Potion of Greater Healing, and a Potion of Diminution. Hardrada got a Potion of Healing and 4 +2 Arrows. Kearic got a Potion of Superior Healing and a pouch of Dust of Dryness.   Meanwhile, back at the inn, Huxley overheard some scuttlebutt regarding Mar’s dragon claw dagger. The source, a human, suggested that Mar be avoided as his rather iconic dagger was apparently stolen from the Flaming Fist. The party slept at the inn and then set off in the morning.   Of course it wasn’t so simple, as Mar woke up to a letter written in Thieves’ Cant and a Potion of Invulnerability. He read the note from his boss. The rest of the party had similar notes waiting for them, but all were delivered via SF so it’s up to them to share if they want. The gist of each seemed to be for each party member to complete a task of some sort for relevant people in their backstories. They also got similar gifts of potions and the like, but I’m tired of keeping track of the entire party’s inventory so you guys can manage on your own.   Cat suggested they head to Riverdale to meet up with a scholar she knew of to ask about the dream. The party prepared to set off for the two day trip, buying supplies the night before.

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    30 /3 08:00

    1 /4 23:00

    Session 6 - Orcs in the Woods

    The party set off in the morning, deciding to go on foot because money concerns meant the party members who did not have a horse could not afford one. (Nalgan flexing on everyone with his Dire Wolf). After spending an hour realizing exactly why no one keeps track of survival bullshit and weight in other campaigns, the party finally got under way. The first night passed uneventfully, with the party setting camp and taking watch. Hardrada pulled Mar aside and showed him a picture of him, stating that his orders were to protect Mar, though he had no specifics as to why, how, or from what. Neither did Mar, though he was surprised that the picture was not a bounty notice. Hardrada pried a little into his story in an attempt to figure out why, but the tiefling had no idea how the Field Marshal of the Flaming Fists would know who he was.   Thrax’s watch passed uneventfully. Cat and Huxley were up next. Cat drew her usual warlock symbol in the dirt and presently a squirrel approached her, morphing into a small imp to chastise her for not following her master’s orders. The imp demanded that Cat tell at least one member of the party about what she was up to, this heard only by Mar, who had slipped out of his tent to observe. Having seen and heard all of this, he returned to his tent.   The rest of the night passed uneventfully and the party set off again the next day. Cat noticed a small group of orcs in the distance and the party stopped. Huxley recognized one as wearing markings of Gremmish, the orc god of combat/battle/general mayhem. This likely signified him as an Eye of Gremmish, a war cleric. The rest of the group came into view, with 8 orcs following the Cleric and two orogs (basically Captain orcs). Mar wanted to keep moving, but Kearic explained it would be an affront to his honor to leave orcs alive and the party seemed to be convinced.   Attempting to sneak closer resulted in disaster as instead of an ambush, the party would be fighting an encounter battle. Fighting 11 orcs with 7 players took the rest of the session.   Mar opened the battle with a sneak attack bowshot from cover at the cleric, rolling decidedly averagely for 15 damage. Nalgan, Huxley, and Hardrada closed to get in range. Thrax used his Wand of Magic Missile and expended all of its charges but one at the Cleric, killing him in the opening round. The orcs charged forward, hurling javelins but missing the characters in cover. Huxley let loose with a Fireball, killing 4 of the orcs outright but lighting some of the forest on fire.   One of the orogs closed on Nalgan and hit him hard, but Kearic closed in to stab at him with his sword. The second orog joined the fray, returning the favor to the elf. Hardrada dove in, swinging his glaive and landing a hit as Mar dove away for cover and loosed another arrow which found its mark. The orog proved to be made of tough stuff however, and remained on his feet.   Nalgan showed off Radiant Consumption, transforming into a blazing angel and burning everything near him. Thrax charged into finish the first orog off with Shocking Grasp, leaving one orog and 4 orcs still on the field. Cat hurled an Eldritch Blast at the remaining Orog, which remained on its feet but hurting. Huxley brained an orc with his mace to finish him off, but two more had rushed Cat and slashed at the woman.   Kearic Misty Stepped away from the Orog to help Cat out, throwing his Javelin of Lightning through one of the orcs and the orog.It hurt, but the Orog remained standing. Hardrada retreated to help defend Cat, running him through with his glaive. Mar finished the second one off with a shot to his eye from close range.   Thrax and Nalgan finished off the remaining two enemies, with Nalgan annihilating the final orc and Thrax frying the Orog with Shocking Grasp. The only sounds left were the crackling of the fire from the Fireball, spreading slowing across the trees. The party had no way to put the fire out, but were able to cut a fire break to prevent the flames from spreading. Kearic was upset at his home forest catching fire, but that should not have come as a surprise with the opening move being planned as “Fireball”. The party set camp, exhausted after the day of battling the blaze.

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    1 /4 23:00

    2 /4 14:00

    Session 7 - Slaughterhouse

    Cat and Nalgan moved off from camp, Nalgan to adjust his facewear to avoid exposing anyone else to the Radiant Flames. Cat decided Nalgan was the guy to tell about her fiend Patron, being angelic. She explained she had made a deal with this fiend at some point, but did not remember how or why she made the deal. She requested that Nalgan help hide her tics. Nalgan explained that he used to be human and also suffers from amnesia regarding how it was he became an Aasimar. Nalgan agreed but did state that as a Paladin he was bound to keep her from harming anyone innocent.   Nalgan suggested she also speak to Huxley about this, but Cat was concerned it would jeopardize her friendship with him. They returned to camp to find it set up by the other members of the party. They ate and slept, with Thrax taking the first watch.   Thrax’s familiar picked up the scent of something wicked, so Thrax went to Nalgan/his fuck huge wolf for backup. Nalgan sensed it as well, and the two of them prepared for a fight. Kearic overheard Thrax suggest lighting the forest on fire and snapped out of his trance. He told Thrax not to light the forest on fire and set out to investigate. Kearic found a sickly deer in the trees, but nothing immediately scary. After arguing for 15 minutes, they all decided to return to bed despite the Dire Wolf’s growling. Nalgan was up next for watch. He spotted rustling in the bushes but no sign of obvious danger. Cat was up next for watch.   Nalgan filled her in on what he had seen and went to bed. Cat was on her guard Once again, she ventured out to check on the bushes, and once again found the deer. Getting a better look at it, the deer looked to have been attacked, missing its lower jaw and a huge chunk out of its flank. It also appeared to be infected, covered in boils and sores. It expired. Cat went to Kearic to get his opinion as a skilled ranger. Kearic found it odd that the creature had bite marks on it, as a diseased animal generally would not be hunted by a predator. He went to examine the body.   Kearic recognized the pustules on the deer as unnatural. He collected on for a sample to examine later, suspecting it to be possibly necromanic in origin requiring further study. Clearly it was a bad omen. The last watch finished and the party awoke, with Nalgan tired from being woken up constantly. A foul smell wafted on the air.   Nalgan cast Zone of Truth to attempt to get to the bottom of the deer. Kearic had buried the body deep and Nalgan wanted answers from the elf who seemed to have some idea of what was up with the animal. Kearic refused to answer. Nalgan pressed the issue and an argument ensued. Kearic finally explained what he knew of the deer, and that it was not a normal sick animal, but that was the extent of his knowledge. Huxley burned the corpse with Sacred Flame, because nothing purifies like holy fire, and the party set off.   Traveling all day, the party spent another night in the woods (so apparently it was not a 2 day trip as originally stated in session 5). Thrax and Hardrada took the first watch, making small talk as the night passed. Hardrada and Thrax woke Mar up, who grumbled about being woken up having avoided a watch the prior night. He headed out to pace the perimeter, finding Kearic on the line with him. The aloof elf had nothing to say to the tiefling, so Mar woke Huxley up at the end of his watch and went back to bed. Huxley and Kearic saw nothing during their watch and the party set off again, arriving on the outskirts Riverdale before midday.   The party spotted a farmhouse with a sleeping donkey hooked up to a plow in a field. Past that, they found a hand cart with no people near it loaded with produce. Kearic examined it for tracks at Thrax’s urging. The elf found tracks headed south, that looked like someone running. Following the tracks, the party came across a human corpse with flies buzzing around it. The corpse had an obvious stab wound as the cause of death as well as signs of an animal nibbling at the body, and appeared to have been dead for at least a few weeks.   Cat suggested they go check the farm to see if maybe this was the farmer and his family may want his body. Kearic remained a dick about basically everything as was his character. Thrax went back to Nalgan, Huxley, and Mar who were uninterested in the body to explain. Through heavy DM hinting, everyone decided to go to the farm doubtlessly to find something horrible.   Something horrible was indeed found on the farm. The door to the farmhouse was half open. Buzzing flies were audible from outside the house. Cat pushed the door open and found the farmer’s wife, brutally murdered with her guts hanging out along with her children having suffered a similar fate. The scene was so disgusting as to strike Thrax and Kearic paralyzed.   Hardrada recognized the cause of death as being weapons of some sort rather than a beast. Huxley went in to investigate and attempted to make some sense of the slaughter with his religious knowledge, finding nothing recognizable. Hardrada urged the party to move to town in case whatever had mauraded through the farm had headed to town next, though since the bodies seemed to be weeks old, the party may be too late. Some of the party gathered the bodies and buried them, with Huxley performing the proper funeral rites.

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    2 /4 14:00

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    Session 8 - Riverdale

    Unsurprisingly, Riverdale was super fucked up just like the farmhouse.   (Now Written from Thrax’s Pov)   As we approached the town of riverdale we spotted some Daleland hounds basically feral dogs/wolves rather large like a huskyish and they are headed toward the town. Oh look the town of riverdale has been absolutely decimated. The party then split off with Thrax and Kearic moving to a farmhouse that seemed to be absolutely wrecked.The other half of the party (Cat, Huxley,Hardra, Nalgan) went to investigate the mayor's house, with Hardrada promptly going mute due to fear and overwhelming horror.   Cat found out that there were two human factions that had hostilities against each other but once they started fighting a third force came in and killed both. Kearic then split himself from thrax and returned to the party at the mayor's house and tried to take out his flesh shroom and promptly maced himself and is now searching the dead bodies.   Thrax then decided to search more houses in search of people to enslave but was stopped when his brain stopped working after seeing a terrible scene. Meanwhile elsewhere the main party goes to the main building in search of things. With the remaining party are shoveling bodies trying to move through the main hall. With Kearic shoveling most of it and finding a mass of pestilence comprised of bodies covered with death shrooms with Kearic moving up this mound with a grappling hook. Thrax trying to find survivors keeps finding dead people instead of anyone that could be helped. Nalgan trying to help Hardrada is moving him out of the horror house. With Kearic moving up to the second story and then promptly vomiting once he got the second story he is now afflicted with filth fever. Thrax after trying to look for living people have came up with nothing has switched over to looking for gold and drugs. And now the wolves are attacking   (Back to Mar)   Huxley snapped out of his terror, Hardrada straightened up but was rendered mute, as Cat rushed back to the party with the wolves on her tail. She turned and fired Eldritch Blasts at the hounds, killing two. Huxley stepped up to one of the larger hounds and lit it on fire with Flaming Sphere, damaging it but not killing it.   Kearic, meanwhile continued to search the mayor’s office for any records of what may have happened here, but the masses of bodies and destruction inside made the search impossible. He retreated back to the group. The wolves continued to close in, biting at Kearic.   Nalgan healed the elf and Huxley dispatched another. Mar landed a sneak attack on the pack leader, which hurt it badly but did not finish it off. Hardrada demolished it with his glaive. Huxley and Cat killed two more, clearing the area around the majority of the party.   Thrax, meanwhile, stuck in a room away from the party, found himself set upon by three hounds and one of the big ones, biting him savagely. Thrax rushed outside and cast Burning Hands back into the building, burning the house and all the monsters inside. The three dogs died immediately, the big one remained standing. Thrax went after it for vengeance. He killed it with his Wand of Magic Missile and the town fell silent.   The party examined the remnants of the town and found few clues beyond the piles of bodies. Huxley and Cat managed to find the one trap still functional in the entire village, a Fireball. This laid Catalina out and severely injured Huxley. Huxley picked her back up and Cat, not learning from her mistake, decided to follow the passage the Fireball had opened up.   Mar did not do that because he likes not being on fire. Kearic joined Cat and Huxley and explored the new passage himself, managing to find a hidden, large room underground. Inside, a corkboard “conspiracy theory board” seemed to point towards the work of Cat’s scholar.   The boards and notes pointed to a connection between a group at Shadowdale, a group in Riverdale, and the elves of Cormanthor. Kearic looked at what she had read and did not think the connection was meaningful as it seemed to be about peasant farmers struggling. He did loot the remainder of the room, finding money, a scroll, and some potions. He could not identify the scroll but the potions were potions of healing.   Meanwhile, back outside, Hardrada spotted a person sneak around one of the buildings, who drilled Mar with a crossbow shot.

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    Session 9 - Bandits and Next Moves

    A group of bandits approached from the east, masked by the smoke from the burning house. Mar took another bolt as Nalgan heard the commotion and dove out of the window to join the fray. He cast Shield of Faith on the tiefling, who was caught in the open.   Huxley followed Nalgan out, loosing his crossbow at one of the marauders and scoring a hit. Cat heard the commotion and headed up from the basement to recognize the newcomers as wearing similar gear to some of the bodies they had seen. Cat killed the one Huxley injured previously. Mar dropped the first shooter with an arrow sneak attack headshot immediately. All was not well as another bandit rounded the corner and cut Cat down. This man was wearing studded leather and carrying a scimitar, unusual weapons for this side of the world. Hardrada charged forward with his glaive, bringing it down on the man with fury and cutting deeply with a crit. Kearic used Healing Spirit to pick Cat up and loosed an arrow at the heavily-armed man as well.   Nalgan charged forward to protect Cat, Compelling a Duel with one of the other fighters. A booming voice from the woods to the east called out “Now’s our chance boys! Lancers CHARGE!”. More mercenaries spilled forth from the southeast. Thrax moved forward for Burning Hands against the remaining original group and Mar missed an arrow shot.   Hardrada, upset at being lit on fire by Thrax, crit the big guy again after critting on the save against the fire because Hardrada is a biotic god. Somehow he remained on his feet, even after another glaive and 2 more arrows from Kearic.   Another bandit charged from the wheat, another finely-armored man. He charged for Cat and downed her, then drilled her again on the ground. The gloves were clearly off. Nalgan crossed to her to pick her up with Lay on Hands. Kearic handed her one of the health potions from the basement as Nalgan stepped forward to assist as well. He managed to kill the first big man in front of Hardrada, and finished off the last man from the first group, who had been trying to run away.   Mar attempted crowd control on the remaining captain, failing. He returned to the mayor’s house, noticing it seemed to be smoking internally. The party closed in on the remaining 3 bandits. Hardrada cutting deep into him. Kearic brought the Javelin of Lightning to bear on two of the survivors, landing a crit and annihilating one of them outright and sinking deep into the captain. Despite being surrounded by other party members, the captain remained fixated on Cat. He laid her out again and hit her on the ground again. Nalgan picked her back up again because watching Cat die and come back is apparently entertaining for everyone.   Everyone except for the captain, at least, who looked murderously angry at Cat’s companions’ refusal to let her die. Mar put an end to that with a final sneak attack throat shot. The area fell silent, beyond the crackle of flames on the eastern house and the writhing bodies in the center house.   Wait, writhing bodies?   The smoke Mar had seen in the center house was actually spores from the body pile. Mar and Cat headed north after some healing from Kearic and Nalgan. Kearic and Hardrada investigated the bodies and found some coins and a book on the captain. Thrax lit the building on fire to kill the spores. The party retreated to set up camp a safe distance away. Cat immediately went to bed, exhausted from her frequent near-death experiences.   Mar, otherwise reasonably uninjured, sat by the first and smoked some of his fair weed. He shared it with Thrax as the sun lowered.   Mar and Hardrada took the first watch. Hardrada read through the captain’s book and revealed that the raiders had been planning to attack the town in detail for a time. The journal made note of an outbreak of some kind in the town prior to their raid, so the plague had been ravaging the place for at least longer than a few days. The “third party” in the skirmish was revealed to be gnolls, which made sense given some gnoll corpses were found in the mayoral house. In the distance, the two heard the cackling of hyenas (probably gnolls) coming from the fire.   Mar and Hardrada discussed the plans for when they arrived at a city, with Mar suggesting that he and Thrax may have luck asking around in the criminal spheres for possible information while Hardrada could try and contact the Flaming Fist or anyone else he might know with contacts. Just at that moment, an origami bird fluttered to Mar’s feet and delivered a message from Mar’s employer, the dragon Shadowkiss requesting that he check-in at his earliest convenience. Hardrada asked what that was about and Mar answered that it was a message from his boss, leaving the details of their arrangement vague.   The barbarian and rogue went to bed, with Kearic and Thrax up next on watch. Kearic examined the journal as well, basically finding the same information as Hardrada did. Their watch passed uneventfully, although the smoke billowing from the town resembled dog heads snarling in the sky to Thrax which may have been a result of the drug use earlier or might be a sign of the apocalypse.   As Kearic finished his watch, he noticed thrashing about in Cat’s tent, broken up by a gasping breath as if she had awakened from a nightmare. Kearic asked her what was happening and she seemed eager to return to sleep. A good dream, apparently.   In the morning, the party decided to head to Shadowdale in order to follow up on the information from the notes found in town. Shadowdale was a large enough city that Thrax, Mar, and Hardrada would be able to get their messages out. The party stopped at Essembra on the way to Shadowdale. Essembra famously was abandoned a long time ago due to a war.

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    Session 10 - Shadowdale, via Ashabenford

    (Centron out on vacation. EC joining late)   The sun was setting as the party reached Essembra. Cat suggested the party spend the night in an abandoned building, finding the remnants of the city inn and figuring that was as good as anywhere to set up in. Hardrada managed to find some wine that had escaped the battle, which boasted elven writing on it (“Tears of Ishra”) with an old date. Thrax opened it and the party shared the bounty.   Cat and Thrax took first watch while everyone else found a bedroom to their own. The wine seemed to be keeping everyone awake because of course it did. Rain began to fall, but nothing of note happened. Cat and Thrax finished their watch and Cat went to wake Huxley for the next watch. Nothing of interest happened for him, and Huxley picked Hardrada next. Hardrada also could not sleep, and also had nothing interesting occur on watch. He tapped Mar next, who also had an uneventful watch.   As the sun came up, Mar noticed each building in the town had a crow or raven perching on it. He went inside to gather the party and told them of the birds. The party set off for Ashabenford, the next town on the way to Shadowdale. Some of the birds flew off to the east as the party left town. Davan brought one down with his bow to see if any they had any footband or other mark of ownership, but did not find anything.   The party continued on to Ashabenford. As they came upon the town, Mar noticed they had been followed by a crow for the entire day. Ashabenford was a rustic village that served as a stop on the way down the river to Highmoon, Shadowdale, and Scarsdeep. Mostly human and dwarves going about their day populated the town. It was early evening and the workers were closing up shops and warehouses for the day.   Huxley asked about an inn and learned there were several to service the trading traffic. The party first headed to the Velvet Veil so Mar and Hardrada could post letters to their respective contacts. Cat went with them. Thrax, Nalgan, and Huxley headed to the Ashabenford Arms, the nicest inn in town. Huxley was quick to bathe and have his tunic cleaned, having to keep up his fancy appearance. The rooms were well-appointed with fine furniture and baths. All three of them took advantage of this.   Meanwhile, at the Velvet Veil, a band was entertaining the crowd along with a belly dancer. Hardrada and Mar wrote out their messages and passed them to the courier, a halfling named Kepling, who was engrossed in the show. Hardrada managed to pull him away from the dancer and they headed to the back to discuss business. They paid him for the service (a steep 5 gold for 1 day delivery) and he took the messages. The dancer winked at Hardrada as she finished her show, and Mar encouraged Hardrada to hit that. Turns out, it wasn’t going to be free, but 4 gold is 4 gold.   4 gold is apparently worth it for Hardrada. He handed his coins off to Mar so they wouldn’t be stolen, and spent the night with her.   Hardrada and Mar continued to hang out at the bar as Cat headed off to the 6 Shields hostel, wanting to save money. Mar told her Hardrada would not be spending the night at the hostel, so he and Cat headed to the White Hart inn. There, they ate and drank and acquired rooms. Everyone slept in their separate lodgings.   Unfortunately, no one had told Hardrada where everyone had gone. He headed to the 6 Shields, but Mar and Cat had realized that they had not told him where they had decided to spend the night and quickly moved to meet up with him. The other three joined up and they set off for Shadowdale, deciding to charter a boat for the trip rather than walk.   The ship was captained by a dwarf named Hagan, who was heading to Shadowdale. For 15 gold, he offered to take the entire party and their mounts as long as they helped out on the ship for the two day trip to Shadowdale. The party leveled to 6.

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    Session 11 - Shadowdale (For Real This Time)

    Ted can’t count so it was revealed that the boat ride was more than 15 gold. Huxley, Nalgan, Cat, and Kearic decided to walk while Mar, Hardrada and Thrax took the boat to get to Shadowdale faster. Ted, probably regretting every decision he’s ever made because it has resulted in a party split with days between them, ran the boat people first. Hardrada and Mar proved to be good deckhands. Thrax proved to be an asshole, surprising no one.   Meanwhile, out in the woods, the other group set off for their three day trek. Huxley asked Cat about her recent reactions to her demon. He seemed concerned for her safety but Cat was as-usual fairly aloof about her relationship to her patron. The rest of the 3 days passed uneventfully.   Shadowdale proved to be a large dale, but not as large as Ashabenford. A poorly-kept tower loomed over the city, Elminster’s Tower of the fabled mage. All manner of shops, inns, taverns, temples, shrines, and other service providers lined the streets. Mar and Thrax headed off to try to find someone to check in with per Shadowkiss’ instructions to Mar prior to their stop in Ashabenford. Hardrada went to get drunk while Mar and Thrax finished up.   Hardrada, being fuck-huge, challenged the tavern denizens to a drinking contest. (Dad called at this point, I missed what was happening to the forest group but it sounds spooky).   Meanwhile, finished with my Dad and back to the docks: Mar found a local contact who informed him the thieves hang out at the Old Skull inn, ask for James. Mar and Thrax headed to the inn and found it to be a standard tavern inside. Mar asked for James at the barkeep and was told to return at midnight to “help close up shop”. That done, Thrax and Mar met back up with Hardrada. Hardrada apparently had quite the contest, already drunk when they arrived. They kept the party going eating and drinking until midnight rolled around and then Thrax and Mar headed back to the Skull.   Thrax was told to wait upstairs as Mar headed down into the cellar. Noticing the Thieves’ Cant sign for “secret” in the cellar behind a huge ale barrel, Mar found a secret entrance and went inside. Following the hall, he found himself in a small lounge area occupied by a halfling behind a desk, a human pouring himself a drink and a smoking man in a chair. The drinking man recognized Mar and handed him a letter with Shadowkiss’ sigil on it. The letter directed Mar to investigate the Dalelands Council and figure out what recent event had caused them to send emissaries to meet in Essembra. The party apparently had just missed the gathering, though the actual Shadowdale counselor himself remained in town. The man explained to Mar how to find the counselor, an elderly human named “Goldeneye” due to having a golden eye and fond of dressing in fine clothes. He would probably be staying in Mother Tara’s (where Hardrada had been drinking), who did not normally rent rooms to randoms but did offer rooms to discerning clientele.   The man also offered Mar a contract to collect money from debtors. That seemed up Thrax’s alley, if not so much Mar’s, though he did provide a list of addresses to check out for valuables. He was warned to keep it discreet, immediately invalidating Thrax’s involvement as the local thieves had an understanding with the watch. Mar was warned that Thrax’s Zhentarim connections would not be welcome here. Mar headed back up to Thrax, reading the letter as he went. In the letter, Shadowkiss explained his interest in the political sphere of the dales was in the hopes of expanding his organization out here. Perhaps if Mar were able to befriend a counselor or two, inroads could be made.   Mar set off to go thieving, warning Thrax about what the man in the cellar had said about him. Thrax got a room in the Skull (perhaps not the best idea, but it was convenient) and went to sleep. Thieving proved successful for 2 out of the 3 houses, recovering the gambling debts and a little extra for himself and Shadowkill (2 gold for Shadowkiss, 1 for himself, and then the 3 gold that was owed from 2 of the 3 debtors. The remaining debtor had nothing of value in his house, so Mar carved “pay your debt” on his door and left.   Meanwhile, back in the forest the next day, Huxley, Nalgan, Kearic, and Cat set off to Shadowdale. (Centron had to leave at this point). Huxley remained paralyzed from something that had occured the prior night. He eventually snapped out of it as the party set off for Shadowdale.   The next day, Thrax and Hardrada had breakfast as Mar slept in from his late night escapades. Hardrada was coming off of his hangover. Mar explained what was going on from the meeting and they spent the day trying to figure out the Lord’s schedule. They learned he would be back in town proper within the next 2 days, which would be perfect if the other half of the group would arrive as Huxley and Cat could probably handle the introductions to the noble.   Hardrada checked the local courier and indeed had a message waiting for him (message delivered over SF so not listed here). Huxley managed to get in range to Sending Hardrada and let them know the party was close.

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    Session 12 - Goldeneye

    Huxley, Nalgan, Cat, and Kearic arrived in Shadowdale at midmorning and headed to Mother Tara’s for food and drink after their three day walk through the woods. They ate and Huxley Sent Hardrada another message, telling them to meet up. Once reunited, the party discussed ways to find the Lord. Cat expressed some concern about her ability to get answers out of him, but Nalgan seemed intrigued at Goldeneye’s apparent love of high fashion. There would be ins, some way or another.   Conveniently, it just so happened that Lord Goldeneye himself came downstairs at that time. He seemed popular among the denizens of Mother Tara’s. Following him down the stairs was Hardrada’s conquest from back in Ashabenford. Nalgan immediately cornered him to ask him about his fine robes. The Lord reported that his clothes were tailored in Waterdeep. Nalgan brought up Essembra but Goldeneye dodged the question and departed. The party left to head back to the Skull for privacy   In Mar’s room, the plan was hatched. Nalgan would try and link up with Goldeneye later and distract him with a card game while Thrax would drink his Potion of Mind Reading and try that out. This was all interrupted by the prostitute knocking on the door. She seemed happy to see Hardrada again, surprising everyone. She introduced herself as “Christina” saving the awkwardness of Hardrada not knowing it. Cat explained the party was on business on retainer to her noble father.   Christina explained that Goldeneye had sent her his private yacht for the trip, which explained how she had arrived in Shadowdale so quickly. Christina made it clear that it was an open secret that Goldeneye had a mistress in an unhappy political marriage (apparently his wife actively encouraged this behavior, likely having her own sidepieces). This was immediately confirmed by Christina saying she also was employed by the Lady of Shadowdale as well.   She suggested that Hardrada join them that night. Apparently Goldeneye was the adventurous type. Hardrada agreed to this, for some reason and that’s how the party Barbarian accidentally agreed to a three way with a Lord and a prostitute. That seemed like as good an in as anything.   While this conversation occurred, Cat was busy carving her patron’s symbol into the wall. Mar decided this would be a good time to ask about her conversation with the imp a week ago and Catarina dodged all the questions he asked (not helped by Thrax derailing the conversation every time Mar pressed). Kearic, Nalgan, and Cat headed back to Mother Tara’s to drink while Mar and Huxley discussed Cat. Huxley confirmed that he had also noticed her react to her patron. Both of them seemed to be on the same page with their concerns.   Huxley headed back to Mother Tara’s while Mar went to turn in the gold from the prior night. He was rewarded with a comped room. Thrax and Hardrada headed to the Blacksmith’s to look at weapons. Thrax sold the scimitar he picked up off the bandit captain from Session 9, and Hardrada sold his javelins.   Huxley meanwhile headed off in search of artists as per his god’s will. He was directed to a sculptor named Bradley to patronize. Huxley succeeded in encouraging the boy to follow his dreams of sculpting (this kid was 15).   Mar decided to break into Goldeneye’s room in search of information. What he found instead was a passed out 16 year old farmer’s daughter, who was both naked and intoxicated. She had little to say, but hinted that Goldeneye had propositioned her father to have her dance for him and Chrisitina (and possibly Goldeneye’s wife as well). Mar was disgusted by this, being only slightly older than the girl, though this was not grossly illegal in town (guess age of consent is lower in the Dale Lands than in the US).   That was in itself not particularly useful, and with no other ideas the party decided to wait for Goldeneye’s arrival. As they did, a woman entered the bar. She was well-dressed, tall and slender, looking rather noble of indeterminate race (though probably human, half-elf, or elf of some stripe based on her frame).

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    Session 13 - The Boxing Blacksmith Barbarian of Baldur’s Gate

    Mother Tara seemed to recognize the woman, approaching her to speak while Cat tried to make herself small. The mysterious woman headed upstairs to a room while Mother Tara gathered staff presumably to see to her.   Cat tried to run out the back, stopped initially by Thrax, but Nalgan suggested rather firmly that Thrax let her go to avoid making a scene. She hurried out the door while Kearic went after her. The roughhousing got Nalgan and Thrax kicked out, but Huxley, Mar, and Hardrada remained at the table. They overheard from the neighboring table that the mysterious woman was named “Lady Valentina” and she was unexpected in town.   Meanwhile, back outside, everyone was busy further cocking everything up. Cat Blinded Thrax, attempting to keep going, but Kearic and Nalgan caught up shortly thereafter. Cat realized she would probably have to at least partially answer some questions with the group and dispelled the Blindness on Thrax. Thrax went to sulk at the bar while Nalgan and Kearic asked who Lady Valentina was.   Cat explained that the strange woman had entered her room one night and as a result she lost years. Not to imprisonment or slavery or anything, more like amnesia that she had yet to understand. She seemed determined to leave, terrified, but decided fortifying her room at night might be a better decision. Nalgan and Kearic walked her to the Skull inn and then rejoined the rest of the group at Tara’s Thrax related to Hardrada and Mar what his fox heard in the conversation outside, recognizing Cat’s “symptoms” as perhaps a Geas spell or some other sort of thrall ability.   About this time, Christina came downstairs along with two servants and approached Hardrada. She asked if he was still up to join her and Hardrada agreed. He downed a potent ale and headed upstairs. Huxley stayed behind in case of shouting while everyone else left to find Cat at the Skull.   Hardrada overheard Goldeneye and Lady Valentina engaged in heated conversation, with Goldeneye apparently upset about his infidelity being common knowledge. Interestingly, Lady Valentina was revealed to be Goldeneye’s wife. He seemed surprised by Hardrada’s presence, and told him to take a seat for a moment as he continued to speak to Valentina. She stood to go, explaining that she would smooth things over with the farmer on her way back to Harrowdale (apparently 16 year olds sleeping with Lords was indeed frowned upon though Valentina herself seemed unperturbed). Unfortunately, none of the rest of the party was there to hear any of that.   Goldeneye called for Christina who explained that she had “sampled his talents” previously. She explained that Goldeneye enjoyed “fisticuffs” before bed. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Goldeneye got into his fighting trunks and Hardrada prepared for the match. Goldeneye under his shirt was extremely well-built, not Hardrada’s size but clearly in excellent physical shape and ready for an MMA fight. Hardrada proceeded to roll single-digits for the first half of the fight but managed to land some hits finally after taking some punches himself. Hardrada took him to the ground but the Lord’s ground game proved quite strong. Hardrada managed to prevail with a final crit after missing 80+% of his strikes, knocking him out.   The noise attracted Huxley’s attention from downstairs. The dwarf hurried upstairs and set about trying to heal the unconscious Lord, succeeding in bringing him back up. After recovering, Lord Goldeneye shared with Hardrada that news had spread across the Dalelands of a strange plague affecting the countryside. He sent an emissary to Essembra who had not checked in when expected. Goldeneye had received a message from his counterpart, the Lord of Harrowdale, who also reported his own emissary missing. Goldeneye, figuring Hardrada was fit to make the trip, charged the party with returning to Essembra to look for clues.   Hardrada explained to Goldeneye the party’s own encounters with the plague at Riverdale. He showed Goldeneye the bandit’s journal and the Lord was grateful for the information. Should the party find the missing emissaries, or any clues, Goldeneye directed him to pass word back via the raven keeper. With that, Goldeneye went to bed with Christina and Huxley and Hardrada headed to the Skull as it was 11:00 PM at that point to go to bed.   The next day, everyone woke up and gathered in the common room. Hardrada explained what had happened the prior night and the party made plans to return to Essembra. Deciding to take the boat with the whole party this time to save time. Nalgan and Kearic went to go find Cat, who let them into her room furtively, having moved the barricades she had erected in front of the door for them. Inside, Cat had covered the walls with the circle-cross symbol of her patron as well as burning candles. Clearly she was not feigning her concern. Everyone headed back to the boat (free this time thanks to Goldeneye’s patronage) to return to Essembra via Ashabenford (again). It was a considerably nicer boat this time.

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    Session 14 - Gnolls on the Farm

    The boat let them off at Ashabenford to begin the overland trip to Essembra. It took 3 days from Ashabenford to make the trip, arriving at a farm on the outskirts of the town. The crows from their prior visit still roosted on the roofs, but fewer in number this time. Smells of recent fires and smoke hung in the air, suggesting this farm was occupied not long ago (if not currently still occupied). Thrax sent his fox ahead to scout a building that had smoke wafting from the chimney. The fox returned with little information, so Mar took a look for himself.   Cautiously sneaking his way forward to the building (a barn), he noticed nearby trees were blackened from fire and the barn itself clearly had taken a blast of some sort itself. Also visible was the corpse of a horse and a body. Mar returned to report this to the group and they all moved forward to investigate. Mar went to check the horse and rider’s body with Huxley and Nalgan while Cat, Thrax, and Hardrada investigated the farmhouse.   The farmhouse, like every house the party seemed to come across, was also surrounded by rotting bodies.   The corpse appeared to be a farmer from what little remained of him while the horse and saddle seemed to be high quality. Both had been eaten by something, and maggots wriggled in what remained. Huxley examined the building immediately south of the dead horse, finding a ghoul munching on a cadaver. This would not stand. The creature lunged for Mar, who immediately dispatched it with his dagger. On closer inspection, the creature was not actually a ghoul, but a human apparently driven mad with cannibalism.   No other threats presented themselves immediately, at least until Thrax threw open the door of the building and was greeted by 5 gnolls. At the same time, a larger, snarling beast erupted from the collapsed farmhouse and two more gnolls attacked from the house by the dead horse. Thrax was chomped on hard by the first gnoll, while Nalgan and Mar managed to dodge the set the attacked them.   Huxley let loose Flaming Sphere on the group as Mar stabbed one deeply. Nalgan swung at both of the gnolls but missed, though Huxley’s Flaming Sphere caught Nalgan and singed him slightly. Thrax unleashed Burning Hands on the pack in the house. Catarina assisted with Eldritch Blasts, retreating from the pack now surrounding Thrax. Hardrada failed to connect with his swings.   Huxley’s holy fire continued to be effective, killing Mar’s Gnoll and severely damaging the Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu that had emerged from the destroyed barn. Mar killed the remaining Gnoll that had given Hardrada trouble, freeing Nalgan to take off towards the Fang. He dashed over, throwing Shield of Faith onto Thrax to protect him. Thrax retreated, taking a few hits but continuing his Burning Hands crusade, continuing to whittle them down.   Nalgan and the Fang dueled, with Nalgan taking a claw. Cat exploded one of the remaining Gnolls on Thrax with an Eldritch Blast to even the odds, leaving only two immediately engaged with the Fighter. Hardrada joined Nalgan, but missed his swings on the Fang as Huxley fired off more Scorching Rays. Mar closed in as well but missed his stab, though the party had now closed ranks successfully.   Bad rolls continued to thwart Nalgan’s ability to hit anything. The two Gnoll Archers, who had failed to land an arrow all fight and seemed content to hang out on the periphery, closed as well. Thrax dispatched yet another Gnoll, leaving only one standing. Catarina finished that one off.   The Fang turned to Mar, biting and clawing him in response to the tiefling’s missed dagger thrust. Mar snarled at that and finally remembered he had Hellish Rebuke as a tiefling racial, which hit hard. Hardrada managed to connect with his Glaive, killing the monster. Hardrada wasn’t done after beheading the Fang, turning his attention to the archer who had managed to land an arrow on him previously. He brought the glaive in again for a solid blow with Frenzied Rage.   Mar and Nalgan set off for the remaining Gnoll archer, Nalgan taunting the creature enough to allow Mar to stab it through the jaw and kill it. Thrax used his wand of Magic Missile to kill the remaining two gnolls, upsetting Hardrada who wanted it for himself. The burning house that collapsed and the battlefield fell silent. Mar used Prestidigitation to clean everyone off while Nalgan healed the injured.   The pile of corpses in the center barn the Fang had erupted from likely held the clues the party needed.

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    Session 15 - Gnolls in Town

    Digging through the corpses was unpleasant but did result in finding four human bodies that seemed to be wearing nicer clothing that would potentially indicate their status in life as delegates. Catarina got a whiff of undead spore and was affected strangely, feeling like Mar was suddenly possessing luck for both of them. As Mar dug the bodies out, Cat spotted a satchel on one that held notes and papers on harvests, trade information, and census data. This would suggest the carrier was likely one of the delegates at the meeting. Additional documentation found in journals was enciphered. Thrax checked the southwestern building that some of the gnolls had staged out of, finding more mutilated corpses but none of these were affected by the undead fungus spores. Huxley helped Thrax with this, discovering a hidden compartment under the floorboards containing the bodies of two children who appeared to have killed themselves. Even Thrax was disturbed by that, quickly leaving to direct Huxley to burn the building down.   With the corpses properly disposed of, the party continued onward to Essembra proper. Occupying a house as the sun set, they set about examining the ciphers. Examining them more closely revealed the meeting did indeed occur before disaster struck, and the coded writing provided a brief summary of it, but the damage to the notes meant that it was hard to determine specifics. Meanwhile, Hardrada and Thrax managed to catch one of the crows, which proved talkative (surprisingly).   The crow was able to speak, revealing itself as serving Theros, the Ravencaller. Theros spoke through the bird, explaining that he was a druid who lived in the area and was concerned by the gnoll attack. He suggested they meet in person and ceased his warging. The crow returned to be a normal crow, which delighted Hardrada.   While Nalgan, Huxley, and Catarina examined the coded books, Hardrada, Thrax, and Mar returned to the inn they had found the wine in earlier and absconded with a jug of wine. On the way back, they heard yipping and howling noises. A pack of dogs tore off down the street, gore dripping from the jaws. Their yips were answered by gnoll howls. The party barricaded the house and prepared for combat.   3 gnolls and a Fang attacked from the west, closing on the house. Thrax stepped out with his Wand of Magic Missile and landed the first hits. Hardrada continued to roll poorly and missed his swings, but Mar made up for it with a Sneak Attack to the charging Gnoll Fang. The remaining Gnolls held back, lit up with Faerie Fire by Huxley. 5 more Gnolls approached, also from the west.   Thrax was exposed out of the house, having recklessly ran out of cover and was rewarded by being stabbed by a Gnoll. The Fang closed on Nalgan and hit him hard. More Gnolls closed in, turning the battlefield into a chaotic mass that Paint does not feel like doing the play by play for because there’s like 20 things on the battle map right now.   Hardrada did crit the Fang, shaking off his poor rolls for a moment, but no one had managed a kill yet. A Giant Hyena joined the fray from the east, adding to the mess. Despite the fact that the party had a defensible position in the house, Thrax, Nalgan, and Huxley decided running out of the house into the massed bad guys would be a good idea. Paint screamed internally as people complained about his stepping out, stab, disengage strategy resulted in 20+ damage applied and no damage in return. Ironically at the same time, conversations in Teamspeak regarding poor ARMA tactics was happening in a side tab.   Fortunately, the Gnoll Fang fell quickly from a Nalgan sword swing as he made his way back towards cover smartly. Thrax and Huxley got the memo as well and retreated back to the house. Caratina Blinded the Giant Hyena. Thrax was torn up by the massed forces, bleeding profusely. Hardrada continued to miss everything. Mar began Rogue Cheesing with his bow when the space in front of the building proved too packed to continue the hokey-pokey stabbing and dropped a Gnoll. Thrax fell to the Gnoll horde, perishing on a crit.   Nalgan cut down another Gnoll, trying to clear a path to Thrax. Two Gnolls circled around to the south of the house, trying to make entry through the windows.   Pink’s turn has not happened yet at the top of initiative. Thrax has not rolled death saves yet and will roll on his next turn.

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    Session 16 - Essembra

    The gnoll (pink) lunged at Hardrada, missing with a spear thrust. Thrax managed to keep most of his blood inside him on his roll, at least until the giant hyena decided to abscond with the fighter, tearing into him with his jaws to negate the first death save. Hardrada cut into the gnoll in revenge. Mar cast Sleep to try to decrease the pressure outside, but a bad roll meant only two hyenas were affected. Still, that was two fewer than were up initially.   Huxley brought Thrax up with a Healing Word, though the Fighter was still in the Giant Hyena’s mouth. Nalgan brought out a Smite on one of the conscious hyenas, though the beast stayed alive. Hardrada continued to battle with his hyena, this time taking a hit. Thrax tried to break free of the Hyena’s mouth, failing and being slammed by the Giant Hyena into unconsciousness again.   One of the gnolls had managed to enter the house and Catalina blasted it with Eldritch Blast. Mar finished it off with an arrow to the brain. Huxley engaged the second gnoll through the window, missing, but the windowsill hampered the return swing as well. Nalgan killed another hyena. Thrax woke up again, Second Winded, and then promptly died again.   Hardrada dispatched another gnoll and went to work on one of the remaining hyenas, cutting it badly but leaving it alive. Cat managed to crit fail and then crit success, which was pretty cool.   Unfortunately, Ted is an asshole, and said the crit fail prompted the bolt hitting Thrax, so the crit hit Thrax. Mar missed an arrow at the window gnoll, but Huxley met with greater success, bonking the gnoll solidly.   Finally, having thinned the herd in front of the building enough to clear a path, Nalgan rushed to help Thrax. With Command, he ordered the Giant Hyena to drop Thraxius and took up a defensive position, unleashing his Radiant Consumption as well. This knocked Thrax out again, but luckily CTE hasn’t been discovered yet and no one felt this was a problem. Thrax passed his death save and the Giant Hynea tried to chomp on Nalgan. It failed.   Unfortunately, the radiant flames had woken one of the sleeping Hyenas, which promptly chomped deep into Catalina’s thigh. Catalina killed Hardrada’s gnoll, leaving only the Giant Hyena, a sleeping hyena, the gnoll in the window, and the hyena chomping on Cat’s leg standing. Mar finished off Cat’s hyena and Huxley finished off the gnoll. The tide seemed to have turned.   Thrax finally managed to retreat back towards friendly lines, downing a potion on his way out while Nalgan dueled the Giant Hyena. Hardrada joined the frey and slammed his glaive into the monster twice. At this point, it was over but for the clean up. Mar’s precision arrow shots found the Giant Hyena’s brain to kill it and Huxley euthanized the remaining sleeping Hyena.   The hyena and gnoll corpses decomposed at an abnormally quick rate, turning into forests of fungi in front of the door. Catalina felt compelled to eat one of the mushrooms, which had the reaction everyone expected in that she started speaking Abyssal and vomiting ichor. Catalina recovered after that, seemingly having no idea what had just happened. Patrons, man.   The party moved away from the carnage and headed to the local church, which seemed to be in decent shape minus some damage due to time. Hardrada, Thrax, Mar, and Catalina decided to drink heavily to try to forget the horrors they just saw. Huxley and Nalgan discussed Catalina’s possession, remarking upon how rare it was for patrons to fully possess their warlocks. Catalina sulked in a corner by herself despite the offers of drugs and alcohol.   Having passed the time drinking and smoking their troubles away, night fell and the druid touched down on the back of a huge raven. Hardrada, Mar, and Thrax continued smoking and drinking, directing the druid to the adults (Huxley and Nalgan). Nalgan explained to Theros what the party had been up to and about the strange fungus and the hyenas and gnolls.   Theros said the behavior of the gnoll packs was unusual. Hardrada, Theros, and Nalgan headed back to the site of the battle for Theros to examine. The druid examined the remains and said it looked like the gnolls were cursed. Theros believed this to be the work of Zuggtmoy, the demoness mostly connected to death, decay, and fungus. Theros said he would take his findings back to the other druids in the area and suggested we spread this information to the nexuses of power that the party dealt with.   Night passed and the next morning the party woke to a blast of hot, fetid, wind. Looking across to the horizon, a gnoll howled and hundreds more joined in to charge the church. Just as they reached striking distance, they turned to dust. The illusion dropped away, leaving the party looking over Essembra as it currently was once again.   Unusually, this time the party was not asleep when it happened. Something powerful was out there to be able to cast that level of an illusion for the entire party. With no immediate ideas about how to chase that down, the party decided to return to Shadowdale to report to Goldeneye.   Everyone leveled up to 7.

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    Session 17 - “Davan”

    Arriving back in Shadowdale, the party headed for Mother Tara’s again to try to find the lord. Fortunately, he was still in residence, and the party filed in to update him. Goldeneye requested the party carry word of the gnolls and disease across the Dales in an attempt to unite them against the common threat...though he was not sure what said threat actually was. Goldeneye rewarded them with 10 platinum each. He said they would write letters of introduction for them to take the Dales.   As the party turned to go, Goldeneye said a friend was waiting for Catalina. It turned out to be Davan, who the party met up with at the Skull inn. Several of the party paid for food and drink while Catalina inquired as to Davan’s location. Davan had taken room 3A and the bartender directed her there.   The tiefling gathered them all together. Catalina seemed suspicious of Davan, which put the rest of the party on edge. Davan seemed to affect Cat’s patron, her scar glowing in his presence. Davan explained his history with his patron and explained what Cat was likely going through. Davan stated many Warlocks were being rounded up by someone or something, possibly by Cat’s patron. This caused concern among the other demonic patrons, which is what Davan wished to speak to Cat about. He asked her to attempt to figure out her patron’s motives and directed her to libraries in Harrowdale or the Starglance Temple.   With that, he asked the party what their own contracts entailed, to the confusion of them. Davan revealed to them that all of the party were marked with Cat’s patron’s mark. Everyone was confused by that, as none of them recalled making any deals with Cat’s patron, but Davan had no answer for that. He told Cat to warn other Warlocks she may come across and specifically told her of an Eldriss Macab, a Bard he last knew of being at the Great Dalelands Fair heading for Harrowdale.   With that, Davan disappeared. Thrax stated that Davan didn’t speak like that when he had last met him, and also that his horns were broken. This was 3 or 4 years before the story. The Davan at the inn had horns and was drinking ale, which he still could not do when Thrax last traveled with him. Suspicions abounded, with the party deciding that going to Harrowdale as per “Davan’s” instructions was probably not a safe option. Also, the strange patron marks remained on the party, so that much was at least not an illusion.   Cat revealed that the mark appeared to be her handwriting, which was odd since none of the party remembered Cat drawing on their face.   After much debate, the party determined they would head to Harrowdale eventually, as bad as an idea as that may be, but first would stop along the way at the various dales to deliver the message Goldeneye told them to. Nalgan had rings crafted and the party spent the night at the Skull.   The next morning, Goldeneye found them and handed off a stack of letters of introduction to take to the lords of the Dales. Goldeneye also told them he had deciphered the journals Cat brought back, and the writing confirmed what the bandit captain’s journal had said: People got sick, died, and fungus grew out of their body. Gnolls were around when this happened.   Also everyone still had the demon face markings. The party took a boat to Ashabenford to start their journey back east.

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    Session 18 - Spreading the Word

    The first stop was Mistledale. Thrax went to acquire a bow while the rest of the party headed to speak to the Council of Six, an assembly of community leaders that were the government of the Dale. The Council was headed by a Chancellor, and so that was the person to find. The White Hart inn seemed as likely a place as any to ask after the Chancellor.   At the inn, Huxley was pleased to discover that Bradly, the peasant he had patronized when the party was last here, had completed a sculpture in wood of a local lord’s wife. The sculpture was made of multiple types of wood to give it color despite not being painted. Bradly was thrilled to see Nalgan and explained that the commissioned sculpture had allowed him to buy his father another cow for the farm and a new plow. He had even been offered a trip to Waterdeep, a high honor for a craftsman.   Asking the barkeep after the Chancellor, the barkeep directed them to the largest house in town (no surprise) and said his name was Harsak Malorn. Finishing breakfast, the party set off for the manor. Nalgan approached the manor guard and explained they were seeking the Chancellor. The guard told Nalgan that the Chancellor was tending to his vineyard, but would be available in the afternoon.   With time to kill, the party split to accomplish their own personal goals. Mar headed to Milthimmer’s, a local store that doubled as a fence. Huxley looked for more people to spread the word of Sune to along with Hardrada, who seemed confused but happy to be included. Cat and Thrax headed to Jarwyn’s Imports, a luxury goods store, in search of spices for the long trip to Harrowdale.   Mar spoke to the proprietor, asking about work or messages. The dwarf owner had no contracts immediately open, but suggested that Mar try back another time as he expected some later. He handed off a message to the rogue from the Birds of Prey. Mar accepted it and left after sending a letter back briefly updating the dragon on the current situation.   Huxley and Hardrada headed to Luwyn’s Leather to buy clothes for a family in need. Succeeding in this, they managed to acquire cloaks for a family (as well as some for themselves).   Having completed their shopping, the party reconvened at the manor. Lord Malorn waited for them at the vineyard. Cat explained in detail how the gnolls and fungus seemed to be working. She also returned the logbook of the Mistledale Emissary that they found in Essembra. Lord Malorn was kind of an asshole, barely even thanking the party for the information before dismissing them. With nothing else to do in town, the party decided to immediately set off for Battledale.   Three days later, the party arrived in Battledale, the dale Essembra lay in. Despite its name, Battledale was a sparsely-populated, peaceful place. The government was lax even by Dale standards, due to the sparse population across farms. A passing rider informed the party that the lord could be found in the woods to the south on his farm.   For some reason, the party nominated Mar to go speak to the Lord, who apparently did not like large groups of adventurers. He was a gruff half-orc named Ilma, who seemed to have little time for the party. Mar delivered the message from Goldeneye, being met again by suspicion, and the party moved on.   Down the road, a group of griffons set upon the party, hungrily after their horses. Thrax’s horse fell to one of the Griffons, which was a problem because it meant that the party was now fucked for carrying capacity. Six Griffons swooped in in total. A second horse fell to the beasts.

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    Session 19 - Around the Campfire

    Per a re-reading of the mounted combatant rules, the horses were not, in fact, dead. The fight continued, with the griffons mostly focusing on the mounted combatants to get at the sweet, sweet horse meat. Cat Blinded one of the griffons as Huxley cast Scorching Ray to burn the blinded one. The fight continued raging with 7 griffons matching 6 characters.   Mar stabbed at the blinded griffon and then brought Shadow Blade out for the next turn. Faerie Fire affected the three southern griffons. Burning Hands from Thrax provided an effective area of effect on the griffons. Hardrada dispatched the first griffon after two big hits with his Glaive. Huxley landed a blow with his mace on one but was crit in return badly. One of the other griffons closed on the cleric and tore into him as well. Mar dispatched his griffon, Thrax blew apart another with his wand, and the fight seemed to start swinging in favor of the players. A Prayer of Healing from Huxley assisted with that. Mar continued to clean up with Sneak Attacks for 20+ damage with Shadow Blade as Thrax with Shocking Grasp finished the job. The party moved down the road until nightfall, and then set camp.   Conversation on watch turned to Hardrada’s family, or lack thereof. His father was still alive, the rest of family “something happened to” and no one asked further. Thrax explained how it was he fell in with the Zhentarim, starting out with a mercenary contract that just kind of morphed into fulltime thug employment. Thrax was close with his sister, who was likely the only family who actually knew what he did for a living. Mar told them he didn’t know who his Dad was and his mom was in prison, explaining that he was born in Candlekeep, and grew up in Brakenreach and Baldur’s Gate.   Because Mar was relatively uninjured, he took another watch while the injured party members recovered in bed. Catalina joined him on watch and also asked Mar about his family. Answering her probing with his own, Mar learned that Catalina idolized her dad and wished to be a spymaster like he was. He offered encouragement to her upon learning that her father served the lord of Harrowdale, and she finally seemed to warm up slightly to the tiefling.   Over breakfast, Huxley asked Nalgan about a dream he had about witnessing Nalgan turn into a flaming angel and flying into another figure, which burst into red shards. Nalgan responded that he had also had the same dream, which meant that the party continued to share dreams. Nalgan said he saw Catalina in her dream, along with another woman who he could not identify. A shadowy one.   After breakfast, the party set off again to the east. Reaching Featherdale (which, similar to Battledale, was very libertarian in governance), the party realized that a lack of central government would make it very hard to deliver a single message. Instead, the party quickly spread the word among the farmers they passed. Catalina succeeded at this, convincing the farmers to spread the word across the dale. They moved on to Scarsdeep, entering the capital, Scardale.   Scardale was a major trading dale, historically one of the largest and most powerful regions because of its wealthy ports. Scardale was ruled by a Parliament headed by Khelvos Dermmen, a Cleric of Torm. Some of the parliament were descendents of occupying forces that secured pieces of the dale for themselves in prior wars, but Khelvos was a native of the dale. Scardale itself was one of the largest cities in the Dalelands, rivaling Harrowdale.

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    Session 20 - Scardale

    Scardale was heavily militarized, with multiple different fighting forces from across the other dales spread across several barracks, owing to its conflicted recent history. Despite its large scale, the city’s population stood only about 5,000, still recovering from the battles before. A market to the south of the docks proved busy, with citizens buying food and other goods. The Zhentarim had a large presence here, openly wearing their sigil on armor. While the Zhentarim and Gray Riders (the local constabulary) avoided each other, the Zhentarim noticed Thrax and seemed to recognize him. Thrax took off for an alley and doused himself in Dust of Disappearing to escape. The Zhentarim approached, not finding him in the alley and then turning to the rest of the party to ask about their business.   Dodging a conflict, the party decided to head away from the Zhentarim and head to the parliamentary buildings, figuring he might meet them there. They headed to Harborwatch Keep. The keep was on the coast, serving as the center of government. Thraxius popped back into visibility as the group approached, remaining evasive when questioned about his purpose. Nalgan’s Zone of Truth did not work either as Thrax passed the save.   Thrax did eventually volunteer the reason for the Zhentarim’s displeasure. He had taken a contract for a competing organization, though he did not specify who that was. Some probing later revealed the source of the issue was the woman Thraxius had been bodyguarding at the fair. Apparently, some letters detailing Zhentarim plans in Harrowdale that he had left for her were the cause of concern. At least, that seemed like the first cause for concern, but as the conversation continued it became clear Thrax had angered many other people.   After an extremely long and heated discussion revealing that Thrax’s character defects were many and his decision-making was poor in getting swept up by the Zhentarim, Hardrada and Thrax went to lay low at the Singing Siren tavern while everyone else headed to speak to the lords. At the inn, Thrax explained to Hardrada where the Zhentarim safehouses in Harrowdale were so the party could avoid them.   Meanwhile, at Harborwatch Keep, guards stood at attention. Catalina explained the reason for coming, and the guard said they would find the party at the Singing Siren when lords would hear them.   Meeting up with Thrax and Hardrada at the inn, they secured rooms and sat down to discuss. Hardrada attempted to get a message to Baldur’s Gate to get the Flaming Fist out to help secure the area. Mar simplified this process greatly by sending the information to Shadowkiss, and the party bedded down for the night in their rooms after a day of shopping.   Huxley and Mar waited at the Siren for word from Harborwatch, which arrived and invited them to speak in the afternoon the next day. The rest of the party arrived shortly thereafter, with Nalgan having successfully purchased some fine clothes. The party spent the night in the inn and awoke the next day to speak to the lords.   Mar received a letter at the Siren from Shadowkiss related to his prior update about the plague and the party’s mission to warn the dales.

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    Session 21 - The Meeting at Harborwatch

    The party had breakfast and Thrax, Cat, and Hardrada decided to look for weapons for sale. Actual weapon shops were in short supply, but the various garrisons did offer surplus blades for sale. After buying a crossbow from them,Thrax suggested to Hardrada that he go check at the Zhentarim for a new sword. Not one to say no to a bad idea, Hardrada and Cat headed for the Zhentarim compound where Hardrada purchased a great sword.   Thrax meanwhile avoided the Zhentarim and stopped at a potion vendor to sell his potion of Mind Reading. Getting horribly lowballed, he left and the whole group went back to the Singing Siren inn to meet and head to Harborwatch for their meeting.   As it turned out, the nobles were more interested in contracting the party to handle their problems instead of taking the warning seriously. They did say they had dispatched scouts to gather information on the Gnolls and plague. The pay for the contract was an estate in the city for each of the party as well as 100 platinum on top of it. The first request was to check in with a “Mr. Blue” in the Cormanth (SP) garrison that night. No further details were offered. This naturally seemed incredibly suspicious.   The party was not interested in whatever stupidity the nobles wanted them to engage in, and instead decided to just spread the word of the plague among the community since the nobles could not be trusted. They did change inns to the Dragon’s Tail after forgoing the Mr. Blue contract, just in case.   Conveniently, while heading to their new inn, the party ran into Khelvos Dermmen himself. Nalgan, being a fellow Paladin, explained quickly what the party was here for. Khelvos did confirm the party’s suspicions that the nobles did not spread the word. Khelvos suggested the party take up the Sembian contract and attempt to determine what their game was. From his words, he suggested the Sembians and the governor did not exactly work well together.   The heist was back on.

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    Session 22 - Sewer Otyughs

    The party rendezvoused at the Sleeping Lion inn to meet Mr. Blue. The Sleeping Lion was entirely occupied by elves. This proved slightly problematic as only Huxley spoke the language. Noticing an elf wearing a blue scarf seated alone at a table, Huxley approached and made conversation, asking after “Mr. Blue.” This had the desired effect, with the elf inviting Huxley to sit. He told Huxley they would have to move quickly, swimming to the Sembian outpost to deliver an unspecified package and “hoping to avoid bloodshed.” Sketchy indeed. Directed to the sewers by Mr. Blue, the party was instructed to make sure the path was clear. The objective was to deliver him to the Sembians at the keep, though he did not explain why the secrecy was needed.   Hardrada rolled 3 natural 1s in a row, which resulted in the sewer grate clattering loudly.   The party moved quickly to enter the sewer before anyone investigated. A smelly, sneaky walkthrough later, along with some close calls, the party managed to get to the end, removing the far end grate and starting the swim. Fortunately, it was only a 15 yard swim, so even the guys wearing armor could make that. In theory, at least, the swim proved to be a struggle for most of the party but they did finally make it across.   Entering the next section of sewer, Mr. Blue was abruptly pulled under the muck by something unseen. He was torn apart by a tentacle monster, prompting sanity checks. The party now had no idea what it was Mr. Blue needed them to do. The sanity checks Frightened Mar and Paralyzed Nalgan, leaving Paint free to get some water as it would be a while before he could do anything in combat.   Whatever the horror under the water was, it was not surfacing to give anyone a clear shot, until popping up to use Mr. Blue as a shield (apparently still alive), who took an arrow from Mar and a Magic Missile from Thrax. Adding insult to injury, the creature (an Otyugh) chomped on the elf. Mar managed a solid Sneak Attack on the aberration, and Thrax landed Magic Missile shots as well, expending all of its shots and causing the destruction of the wand. Fortunately (unfortunately) Thrax had a second one.   Cat managed an Eldritch Blast that did little and a second Otyugh joined the battle, immediately slamming into Thrax for a critical hit and a grapple from its tentacles. Hardrada found himself tentacled as well. Mar slammed another arrow into the Otyugh despite his Fear as a Gibbering Mouther joined the fray and beelined for the tiefling, chomping him savagely. Thankfully, Uncanny Dodge negated some of that damage, but Mar had no way to disengage from the monster due to his fear of the Otyughs keeping him from moving away.   Hardrada and Thrax managed to break free of their grapples. Cat Blinded the second Otyugh, which thrashed around wildly and managed to hit Huxley. This managed to proc Sentinel from Thrax, but the Otyugh barely noticed. The Gibbering Mouther caused problems for Mar, rendered unable to react fortunately was not hit.   Hardrada managed to kill the first Otyugh, sinking into the sewer. He crossed to assist Mar, Glaiving into the Gibbering Mouther. Catalina moved to try to get an angle on the Mouther, failing to Blind it because the creature was immune. Nalagan came off of being paralyzed and then immediately was slammed into the ground and Stunned. Mar similarly was forced to skip a turn by the Mouther again. I am disappointed I finished my whiskey earlier.   The remaining Otyugh continued to thrash around at Huxley and Nalgan. Gibbering Mouthers kept throwing strength and wis saves at Mar, making him basically stuck in place for the entire fight and with no one close by to proc Sneak Attack, he was left with Shadow Blade. Thrax crit the remaining Otyugh and Nalgan used Command to force the Otyugh to stop grappling Huxley and Cat.   Combat will pick up on Mar’s turn.

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    Session 23 - The Stamp of Cormanther

    Unsurprisingly, the Gibbering Mouther stunned Mar again so his turn went nowhere. The Gibbering Mouther tried to attack and also failed. Hardrada crossed over to glaive it, but the Mouther proved to be made of tough stuff. Thrax opened up with a Shocking Grasp crit on the remaining Otyugh, killing it. Nalgan and Huxley turned their attention to the Gibbering Mouther, which provided surprisingly resilient but did finally fall to the entire party beating on it, finished off by Cat.   Mr. Blue recovered and dug into the bag he was carrying to see if whatever its contents were still safe. Realizing he was missing the signet stamp that the party was looking to deliver, everyone had to help sift through the muck to find it. Mar managed to find it, seeing it was inscribed in elvish and bore an official-looking seal with a fox engraved in it. Mar gave it to Huxley to read.   Huxley was able to determine it was the official seal of one of the Cormanther princes and was basically a diplomatic “Do not open” stamp. Presumably this could be used to forge orders or other diplomatic messages which would be quite useful for nefarious purposes.   So naturally, Cat told Huxley to tell Mar via Message to steal it. Mar, using an impressive combination of Sleight of Hand, Mage Hand, his tail, and his two actual hands, tossed some ball bearings into an empty potion bottle to mimic the heft of the stamp, expertly replacing the actual stamp in the bag with the bottle. Mr. Blue was none the wiser as they parted ways.   Returning to the Dragon’s Tail to clean up further (Prestidigitation only goes so far) and drink, the party discussed their next move. Mar briefly considered sending the stamp to Shadowkiss, but because I am not a raging asshole and don’t want to ruin Ted’s campaign, I did not do that. I did something else equally nefarious.   The party debated about what they wanted to do next and about which side to support. The Sembians would be the most convenient, but none of the party trusted them. The Comerians would probably appreciate the return of the stamp. The party decided to speak to Khelvos to report in what Mr. Blue wanted and see if he would provide any guidance.   Mar knew the party would have to work quickly, because the Sembians would know they were the thieves if the stamp was not returned to them soon. It would be easy for them to rope the Cormanthians into blaming the party for the ring’s theft as well, so the situation grew more dangerous the longer the stamp was held. The stamp itself would allow for forged orders to Cormanther forces to be believed immediately, so it was a powerful tool, but only so long as no one knew it was stolen.   Thrax explained to Khelvos briefly what had happened the prior night, stating that the stamp had been lost in the sewers. Khelvos said the Cormanth would be able to find the stamp in the sewer with their mages by the afternoon.   Khelvos gave them all 1 platinum and offered more if the party could get him the actual stamp. Mar asked him if the stamp would be enough to solve most of the city’s problems quickly, and the answer was “At least half of them” as it would help the Cormanthian-commoner alliance against the Sembians and the Zhentarim. The party decided to hand the stamp over for 4 more platinum. Cat used Disguise Self to provide an image of Mr. Blue to Khelvos. With that, Khelvos headed off to the Cormanther embassy with the stamp.   As Khelvos left, the party’s attention turned to some acolytes sparring in the ring. The spar quickly went off the rails, with the kids raging into full-on chomping on arms and necks. This was very un-Tormlike. Mar solved the problem with Sleep as Thrax and Hardrada failed to separate them. The other priests finished the job and the party sat down for lunch.   Khelvos returned, explaining the Cormanthians were pleased at the recovery of their stamp and would be helping against the Zhentarim. Thrax researched at the chapter’s library to try for more information about the Gnolls. He did find a reference to a prior gnoll incursion that had been ended by the combined might of the city throwing everyone together.   With that, Thrax headed out to the tavern to try to acquire some good alcohol, since it was in short supply at the Torm Temple. When he reached the Singing Siren tavern, he found it engulfed in a massive brawl. He quickly turned back and raised the alarm at the temple. Two cases of spontaneous violence in the same day pretty clearly was not a coincidence. Knights of Torm moved off to try to help calm the situation while the party also arrived to try to make sense of what was happening. By the time they returned, the brawl had ended. The Zhentarim had also arrived, opposite Torm, but both sides remained peaceful.   The party leveled up to 8.

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    Session 24 - Scardale Nights

    The Zhentarim and Torm forces argued about what to do next, with the Zhentarim wanting to shut the tavern down to figure out what happened and the Torm troopers wanting to let it be. Huxley and Nalgan attempted to calm the situation. Nalgan managed to persuade them to leave and a fight was averted. Asking in the tavern about what kicked off the fighting revealed mixed answers. People seemed surprised at how quickly the fight had escalated. A general feeling of unease seemed to be going around, which the party realized was also reported in the journals found at the places where the gnolls had attacked. Gnolls were likely going to make an appearance soon. Nalgan and Huxley also inquired about the leadership of the Zhentarim while they were there, learning the local Zhentarim garrison was ran by a man named Field Marshal Bane. This was an astonishingly high rank for someone to run a random garrison, so Hardrada thought something might have been up in that regard.   Thrax and Mar decided to go in search of drugs and “skulk for pleasure and not business” as it had been a long few days of sewer shenanigans. As they tried the Dragon’s Tail, a group of Zhentarim engaged the two of them, turning on Thrax but losing Mar in the twilight. Mar made short work of an archer while Thrax dueled with their apparent leader.   One of the other thugs attacked Mar and was greeted with Hellish Rebuke in return while Thrax continued to slam blows into the leader, who was frantically blowing a whistle for reinforcements. They didn’t last long enough for the reinforcements to arrive, as Thrax and Mar ran for it back to the temple.   The next day, the party discussed their next actions. Mar and Thrax did not say anything about the Zhentarim they killed, and the discussion turned to the gnolls that may be in the area. One of the Gray Riders of Harrowdale was in the area, speaking with one of the Torm priests about sending extra forces to the docks that night to avoid any problems. Mar did not overhear what specific problems they were guarding against.   The party decided that trying to find the gnolls in the area was the winning move, though Hardrada was still hung up on Bane being a Field Marshal and desired to know more about what he was doing in such a seemingly-small command. After a lot of arguing, the party decided to go ask around in town to see what could be done to put the town in order in the hope that once the internal problems were solved it would be easier to get them to stand against the gnolls.   Mar and Hardrada went to speak to Khelvos about that, finding out that he was busy in meetings as the Zhentarim were very upset about their dead patrol the prior night. All of the factions were called to this meeting, so clearly it was a big deal.   The rest of the party spoke to the priests of Torm to ask about Gnoll incursions and the Miasma. A high priest named Sebastion answered Huxley when he brought up the concept of the Miasma the gnolls brought with them. They further confirmed the severity of the meeting with the factions, with Cat realizing that Thrax may have been involved in the deaths.

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    Session 25 - Information Gathering

    Huxley, Cat, and Thrax studied the writings in the temple library looking for more information about suppressing the Gnoll Miasma. Cleric spells such as Calm Emotions seemed like a good way to do that; a sufficiently powerful ritual cast might work. The ritual proved to be expensive, requiring a worked crystal worth 1 platinum for every 600 feet of coverage. It became apparent that this was not something the party could handle without substantial assistance from the other factions.   Nalgan, Hardrada, and Mar all struck out trying to find further information on the town and returned back to the temple to meet up with the rest of the party and see if they had more luck. During discussions about the ties between the Gnoll god Yeenoghu, the goddess of Decay Zuggtmoy, and the “chains” of Cat’s patron, the party realized that the binding to her patron may have resulted in partial immunity to the Gnolls and fungal spores.   The next day, the research continued. Huxley went in search of the crystals they would need for the ritual, while Mar went to investigate the port to see if he could determine what the Gray Riders needed assistance covering. It turned out the answer was a fast VIP sloop coming from Harrowdale with a Gray Rider captain brought in to inspect the place in response to calls for reinforcements. Through a brief conversation, Mar found out the Gray Riders were decided unaware of the gnolls, the tensions with the Zhentarim, or basically anything else going on recently in the city.   Hardrada asked around at the tavern again and discovered most of the commonfolk also weren’t very aware of any greater problems beyond the usual grumblings about taxes and harvests and the like. Nalgan overheard rumors that the elves were actually planning on pulling out of Scardale, which was surprising to hear.   Huxley found himself at shop that specialized in ritual items. Explaining to the proprietor (a Red Witch of They, basically “sleezy magic drug dealers” per Ted) about the gnolls, it turned out she did possess the material required for such a ritual. Of course, the cost was for him to sign his name on a contract that Huxley of course knew to be a trap.   Getting all of their heads together, Cat found it odd that the Gray Riders seemed so out of the loop. Either they were lying (which seemed unlikely, given their reaction to Mar’s explanation of what was going on), or the Gray Riders already in Scardale were compromised in some way and not reporting accurately.   The next day, the party finally managed to meet with Khelvos. The party explained what they had found out about the demons, gnolls, and everything else. Khelvos was skeptical of the cost for the crystal ritual, and equally exhausted by the days of meetings with the factions at each other’s throats. Khelvos also found it odd the incoming Gray Rider captain did not seem to know what was going on, stating that the Riders’ current commander was generally a standup, honest guy, as far as he knew. He did agree to pay for the crystals for the ritual.   Nalgan, during all of this, was in the Cormerian district and will pick up next time for further vibe checks on the area.

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    Session 26 - Unease in the Ranks

    The Cormerians seemed about as at ease as the rest of the commoners, though the recent Zhentarim tensions were of concern. So was the surprise Harrowdale envoy, but there was no sense of panic or major concern. Nalgan did overhear that the local nobility was holding a social event that night which might allow Nalgan (or the party) to catch the ear of the prince.   The elf (Elias) Nalgan spoke to also seemed well-aware of the Zhentarim, explaining that the Field Marshal had designs on the rulership of the entire city but they were laying low as far as anyone knew recently because of the patrol Mar and Thrax had killed. With that, Nalgan joined up with the rest of the party and they discussed their next course of action.   Nalgan seemed most interested in continuing to explore the Zhentarim connection as information on them would be seen as a useful trade with the Cormerians (Cormerarians?) to potentially get them more firmly on the Torm and party’s side. Nalgan suggested Mar go sneak into the Zhentarim barracks to see what he could find out about the Field Marshal while he would go attend the elven party.   Mar and Cat cased the Zhentarim barracks and found them to be well-guarded with torches along the walls and guards patrolling heavily. Finding no obvious way in, Mar decided that relying on his +10 to Stealth and prayer was probably the move, and Cat offered no other ideas, so they returned to the party.   Meanwhile, Nalgan ran into “Davan” at the Sinking Siren. The mysterious “tiefling” suggested that the party finish up in Scardale quickly, as Harrowdale would be in need of their attention relating to the “chains issue”, likely the patron wars were taking place in earnest over there. “Davan” departed, but not before telling Nalgan that the party would likely each find a gift for themselves (presumably left by him or whoever’s patron) that day.   Huxley and Thrax went in search of a proper offering for him to cast Divination to Sune for guidance from the goddess. Finding a suitable piece of jewelry for the ritual, he performed the ritual. He asked Sune for guidance regarding the Zhentarim’s weakness in the area. Sune showed Huxley the location of one of the specific barracks buildings in the Zhentarim sector, a manor-looking house that was apparently Bane’s. Bane met with another Zhentarim officer, who stated a report for him was ready in his office and then furtively headed for the officer’s quarters. Huxley figured that that officer might be the answer. Unfortunately, he did not get a very good look at the man, beyond being able to identify the officer as “human”, there was no obvious way to identify him.   Hardrada went to remove the Zhentarim marking from his new blade and discovered that it was magic upon being worked on. The sword matched the strange scabbard that he had been given during character creation, revealing itself to be a +1 Greatsword that did +1d6 extra radiant damage to fiends and also allowed 1 round of Fly once a day. Nice.   After Huxley relayed his vision to everyone, the time had come for Mar to make his move. He crept up to the edge of the citadel on the north side where the officer’s quarters were. Hardrada put on a display of public drunkenness to assist with distracting the garrison. Mar had no issues sneaking in with the use of Thaumaturgy and his superb acrobatics and stealth. Listening in at the edge of the door, Mar overheard two officers complaining about the lack of supplies as the Zhentarim were confined to the barracks and further speaking about a heated argument occurring in the basement. Taking that as his cue to head to the basement, Mar snuck into the building and made his way down to listen to the Zhentarim’s arguments.   It turned out the Zhentarim were divided in their loyalty with Bane proving to be an unpopular leader with his immediate subordinates.   “One more fuckup by [Bane] will get him relieved of command.”   “I will kill him myself to get promoted and then my first order will be to get out of here.”   “Calm down Jameson, you can’t kill him. But maybe we can arrest him if the orders come.”   So the party had a name to focus on now. Jameson was clearly the seditious leader and, even better, seemed like he wanted to get the Zhentarim out. This would be useful information for the elves. Mar made it out of the building and over the wall, but an unlucky guard managed to spot him just as he reached the ground. He ran for it outside of the city wall to break line of sight in the dark just as Hardrada continued to distract the south side of the garrison.   Successfully making it out, the party reconvened and Mar relayed the info to Nalgan who took off for the party with the elves. The rest of the party bought a keg to bring back to the temple.

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    Session 27 - Nalgan’s Evening

    Nalgan set off for the Cormerian district and told Elias what the party had discovered that night. He sent a letter off (likely summarizing the discontent in the Zhentarim camp) off to (someone) and then offered Nalgan an invitation into the party where Nalgan would likely be able to speak to the prince himself.   Nalgan entered the party and wasted little time seeking out the prince. The upstairs area had other adventurers and others of that type, with a band providing background ambience. Nalgan found himself interested in a set of armor on display, a fine set that appeared unused. It had apparently been found in the sewers under the tower (oddly enough). Nalgan found himself captivated by the armor, seeing a vision of a winged being in the armor lifting him up (Nalgan had not started life as an Aasimar) which he remembered as happening right when he began his new life.   Upon touching it, the armor Iron Man-ed its pieces onto Nalgan, proving very disruptive to the party as this was done with a rather impressive amount of pomp and circumstance. Closer examination revealed this to be +1 plate mail that is resistant to fire. It also was engraved with similar runes to those that revealed themselves on Hardrada’s great sword. This proved to be an impressive party trick, but did allow Nalgan to get free to speak to the prince with the prince’s Vizer’s blessing (named Zalen).   Upon entrance, the prince (Linlas) seemed interested in the armor’s provenance, but Nalgan had no memory of the armor beyond the brief recognition he experienced on seeing it. He told Nalgan that Zalen could show him specifically where in the sewers they had found the gear, should he wish to check it out himself.   Linlas seemed surprised the rest of the party was not present, but did prove to be well-informed about the gnoll miasma. The elves were working on their own prevention mechanisms. He was also aware of Huxley’s purification attempts. The elves appeared to be at somewhat of a stalemate as well, though at least they confirmed that at least one other group in this city was aware of the issues. He told Nalgan to keep in touch should the party find anything else out about anything related to the gnolls, miasma, Zhentarim, or anything else, and with that Nalgan decided to check out the sewers with Zalen.   Zalen brought him to the sewer entrance, but warned Nalgan about heading down there by himself (as we have already seen the sewers are full of hentai monsters). Nalgan decided to return at a later date. He went back to enjoy the party.   The rest of the group got smashed at the temple and all stumbled to bed. The next morning, Cat took Huxley aside and showed him the book she had acquired previously. Initially, the book looked blank to Huxley, while Cat saw runes in the pages that she could not identify. Huxley, being the resident polyglot, was able to discern the runes after staring at the blank pages enough. Huxley recognized the runes as matching Hardrada’s blade, though he could not actually read them.   This set off something in Cat, who seemed to go limp for a moment as the rune on her forehead glowed to match, and then she let loose a banshee-like wail that everyone could hear from her other room. Rushing to aid her, everyone decided maybe Huxley was the best person to deal with this as a Cleric, and decided to let him handle it. With enough examination, the book was revealed to be the Book of Whispers, a spellbook that would offer a once/day cast of Detect Thoughts and also a DC 12 Banshee Wail (that would result in stunned creatures if they failed rather than insta-death like a proper Banshee).   When Cat calmed down, she revealed that her patron had grown somewhat jealous and possessive of her, likely due to the string of chain snatches across the other patrons. The party launched into a discussion on how to fix the patron pact, with Thrax coming up with the worst idea of killing Cat and resurrecting her and everyone else deciding this was magic that would be hard to understand on their own.   At about this time, Nalgan noticed that Thrax had acquired a shield bearing the strange runes that the spellbook, his new armor, and Hardrada’s new sword shared. Thrax said he had found it in a dream, which begged further questions but Nalgan drew the short straw and had to explain his armor first. Nalgan explained how he acquired the armor and Thrax stated that he had sleptwalk his way into the armory here and the shield had called to him then.   The shield bore an engraving of Candlekeep, where Thrax had gone to college. As Thrax explained all this, the shield shattered like Nalgan’s armor and Hardrada’s sword did and revealed itself to be magic (just like the other items). This was a Shield of Divinity, once per rest would allow Thrax to do a Shield Rush and basically steamroll anything in a line for 3d6 damage and not provoke opportunity attacks.   At about this time, an elf showed up stating that Prince Linlas had sent him to assist Huxley with the purification ritual. As the party split up to help with the ritual, one of the Grey Riders that Mar had spoken to in session 25 caught up to them. Cat recognized him from a party held at her family’s house a while back. He introduced himself to Mar as Baldus.   Baldus stated that because of what Mar had told the riders the previous day, they had reason to believe Commander Hargrave was hiding something. He requested, on the orders of Lord Burnheart (a retired Captain in the Gray Riders still widely respected and with some oversight in the organization still and also a personal friend of Lord Tuor), that the party investigate Hargrave’s estates to see what they could determine about wrongdoings committed by the captain. Lord Burnheart suggested that perhaps Hargrave was compromised in some way and sending false reports back. Surprisingly, Mar was deputized with a Gray Rider badge that would serve a search warrant.   Wondering how it was that at 20 years old one of the premier military organizations on this side of the continent was requesting his consulting expertise, Mar and Hardrada seemed excited at the prospect of legal breaking and entering. Huxley meanwhile returned to the Red Witch to acquire the crystals as they had spoken about previously. In addition to the crystals, the Witch threw in an amulet for free, seemingly compelled to do so. Huxley studied the amulet and noticed it bore the same runes as the other gift items did, so clearly it was meant for him.   The Witch explained the amulet had been found in the sewers under their area, oddly coincidental to match the armor’s story, though she could not explain what it did. Thrax, through his magical knowledge, recognized all these items as Soulbound Artifacts (mechanically they would level up with the bearer). Huxley went to work on casting the rituals.   Nalgan went back to Elias to report in about all this while Hardrada, Cat and Mar set off to break and enter into Hargrave’s manor. It turns out they did not have to, as Mar telling the the riders Cat’s name granted them immediate access even without the badge. Upon entry, the butler (Philip) and head maid of the manor met them and offered any support they could provide for the investigation. Since it was unknown if the servants were in on this, Mar asked for directions to the captain’s office and went up with Cat and Hardrada.   Hardrada booted the ornate doors to his office open, which greatly disturbed the butler downstairs, but did result in a successful entry to the room.

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    Session 28 - Investigating Hargrave’s Manor

    Mar, Cat, and Hardrada surveyed the room and investigated the contents of the desk. Cat examined a bar in the corner which looked suspicious while Mar looked at the writing desk and Hardrada checked the chest at the foot of the bed. Finding it locked, Mar popped it open with his thieves’ tools and found 4 potions of healing, 4 greater potions of healing, and 3 superior potions of healing. Quite a nice haul.   Cat discovered a hidden key in the bar, though when she touched it, it burned her hand and sent her into a panicked vision of a wolf chasing her. Cat fled downstairs to hide under the table as Mar and Hardrada followed. Cat calmed down but refused to return back upstairs, leaving Mar to check the room on his own as Hardrada went to assist Cat with the burns touching the key had left her.   Mar checked the other rooms upstairs, finding little but a side room with another desk with small journals written in a language he did not understand and a magic circle of some sort inlain in the floor. Mar did not recognize the circle, and Cat refused to head back upstairs, deciding instead to head off to find Huxley, Nalgan, and Thrax to bring them to the manor. Thrax decided to return to the temple, but Nalgan and Huxley were willing to join her back at the manor. They saw to the wound on her hand and then joined Mar and Hardrada upstairs to examine the circle.   Huxley recognized the circle as glowing with Conjuration magic, but could not determine much else about it. This forced the party to call for Thrax, despite everyone’s best efforts to avoid that. The Fighter arrived shortly and took a look. He recognized it as a teleportation circle, but could not determine where it actually went. Huxley was able to convince Cat to check on the circle, which seemed to work as the rune on her hand reacted with the teleportation circle.   This went poorly, as eldritch tentacles reached out of the circle and yanked the party through. The party found themselves standing in a dark room, across from a much larger circle of runes that hummed with energy. Further investigation revealed those to be runes of containment, which suggested this would not be a good thing to mess with. Even further study revealed that the inner circle was written in Abyssal runes, while the outer was Holy magic, which was basically ultra-heresy with a combination of magical impossibility.   Exploring the chambers further revealed two altars that bore marks of having been used for human/other sentient being sacrifice. Cat had a flash of memory from her past where she had managed to seduce someone down to a similar altar to be sacrificed, though she remembered nothing else about it beyond the brief flash.   At about that moment, the piles of gore in the altar chambers burst forth into evil-looking wolves:

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    Session 29 - Flesh Pits

    (Ironik not available for tonight but Ted running him for combat. Rage + sword was likely the order of the night)   Cat went to work immediately on the closest hellbeast., hoping to blind it with her spells, but the monster passed its spell save and was unaffected. One of the dogs clawed the warlock. Nalgan retreated back to her and also met the monster’s claws. Thrax joined the phalanx with them to keep Cat covered, and also found himself getting clawed and bitten by another of the dogs.   Mar moved forward to get a bowshot in, but missed in the melee as more of the hellhounds tore into Huxley. The scent of blood seemed to whip the pack further into a frenzy as they howled and charged through the group into the empty space towards the magic circle and directly at Mar in the center of the room. Hardrada moved to assist Huxley in the other chamber, slamming his new sword into nearest dog and nearly killing it.   Huxley followed up by Fireballing the chamber, managing to catch all three of the beasts in the room in the blast. Nalgan chased down the hounds who had closed on Mar, stabbing one and channeling Champion Challenge to taunt them to face him. Thrax and Cat charged after to continue the fight. Thrax managed to stab into one of them.   Mar retreated to keep using his bow at range, hiding behind a corner to go for the hidden ranged sneak attack meta that works so well in Rec’s campaign. Huxley and Hardrada kept working on the beasts in their room, killing one and severely injuring the remaining two. Nalgan ignited into Radiant Consumption, which singed Thrax pretty badly but it also lit up the two dogs. Burning Hands from Thrax and Scorching Rays from Cat continued to bloody the creatures, but they remained on their feet. Hardrada and Huxley meanwhile continued to battle the four-legged terrors, with one of them having absurdly good luck with dice rolls and critting at least once a turn. The blood pouring out of the barbarian attracted the other two, but Mar managed to dispatch one with an arrow to the head as it ran by. Hardrada bisected one of the remaining wolves with a swing, leaving only two left.   Cat hurled Eldritch Blasts, Thrax loosed a crossbow bolt, and Nalgan Commanded that last wolf to “Feast”, hoping to distract it with the body of its immediately fallen packmate. This worked great, except it prompted a sanity check which Mar failed, effectively taking him out of the rest of the fight as the wolf violently devoured the body of the other. Meanwhile, Huxley and Hardrada killed the final dog remaining in their room, leaving just the feasting one left.   Cat finished it off with two Eldritch Blasts as her second crit and the room fell-oh no it was still alive. Well Thrax went in and finished it off and then the room went silent. Except he missed. So he wasted action surge and managed to hit with a Fire Bolt to finally kill it.   Healing up after the fight, Huxley decided this would be a good time to check in with Sune. Sune, being cryptic, told Huxley that he would find what he sought in the darkness. Well, being in a dark torture dungeon seemed like the place to find darkness easily enough. Extinguishing all lights, the party members who actually had darkvision spread out to search for any secrets hidden in the altar rooms.   Mar found nothing, but did decide that breaking the vats the wolves broke out of would probably be a good idea. The party went about smashing them as they searched for a way out. Mar found a hidden switch on the altar which opened a passage that descended downward.   This proved to be a mistake, as the path led to a huge room illuminated by demonic red light. An altar stood at the north end of the room, carved with the same runes as the portal above. Blood coated the altar itself, looking long-dried, but desiccated corpses nearby offered hints as to the purpose. Glowing runes connected the altar to a large cage to the south, held in place by 8 stalactites it was chained to. Two pits of writhing masses of flesh on either side of the altar seemed to be feeding it. Mar suggested that Huxley light all that on fire.   Nalgan and Thrax managed to find what looked like pages from a journal scattered across some of the bodies. The journal spoke about how mortals had a tendency to kill each other violently, regardless of how hard the writer tried to help and seemed to be written by a divine being of some sort since the text was in Celestial. The description seemed somewhat similar to the corruption causing violence in Scardale that the party had encountered previously. The author believed that the only solution to this war would be to summon the gnoll god of slaughter to this place and kill him.   The way to summon the gnoll god of slaughter seemed to be by sacrificing individuals close to demons (Warlocks) to bring the god here. That likely explained the pits full of bodies, but apparently it did not succeed and the “project” was halted by the writer, saying she [Ted let it slip that it was a she, though seemed to be trying to hide that] would be heading north to try again with better servants. [Cat thinks the writer of this journal was the creepy lady she’s afraid of]. Wah ha ha hahahaaaaaaaaaaa….

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    Session 30 - Killing the Fiend

    Killing the pits with fire did nothing, not even with Sacred Flame, so the party considered their next options. Huxley noticed the pits seemed to be functioning as storage tanks of whatever the mysterious (and disgusting) ichor was. Attempts to do anything to the goo in the pits met with no success. Cat tried stepping into the circle, which resulted in the abomination secured in the bone prison growing more active, but nothing obvious beyond that occurred.   Huxley tried moving to Holy Oil into the pit next, ignited with a Fire Bolt from Thrax. This also seemed to accomplish very little. Hardrada tried hacking at the pillars the tendrils from the monstrosity connected to, but nothing happened. Eldritch Blasting and Fire Bolting the creature further resulted in no effect. After several more attempts to do...anything useful, Cat realized she could control the flesh pits from the center rune-covered circle. She used the circle to drain the pit.   Naturally, this caused concerning side effects as the warlock’s patron scar burst into flames and she lifted into the air. The creature in the center burst free of its prison, and Gibbering Mouthers burst from the pits.   Mar and Cat fled towards the rest of the group to avoid the Gibbering Mouthers, with Catalina casting Fire Rays over her shoulder and Mar lining up an arrow shot on the big fiend in the center, waiting for Hardrada to charge in before losing.   The monster responded by mauling Hardrada savagely, pinning him to the ground. Nalgan and Cat continued to work on the Gibbering Mouthers. Hardrada responded with his blade, and Scorching Rays from Huxley continued to chip away. Poison spores erupted from the creature as the Rays came in, continuing to keep Hardrada in danger.   Nalgan managed to outlast the first Gibbering Mouther, as Flaming Sphere and arrows from Mar finished it off. The fiend lept from Hardrada to Huxley, mauling him as savagely as it had the Barbarian previously. Thrax and Nalgan rushed to help as Mar and Cat shot it with everything they had, but Nalgan’s blade could not find a weak point and Cat’s first Eldritch Blast missed. Hardrada wanted revenge, however, and he closed the distance to bury his greatsword into it.   The monster exploded, the Gibbering Mouthers disappeared, and a cacophony of screams presumably from the hundreds or thousands of beings who had been sacrificed to summon this thing filled the air, plunging everyone into unconsciousness and madness. Fortunately Cat and Nalgan managed to stave off the insanity.   Everyone came to eventually, finding themselves on a dock with no recollection of how they got there. Hardrada and Mar gained the major flaw of paranoia regarding demons watching them (which honestly isn’t that different from how this normally goes). The party headed back to the Temple of Torm in order to see to Cleric assistance with the various effects the madness put on them, while Mar went to the manor to tell the Grey Riders of what they had found. Clearly Hargrave needed to be interrogated.   Back at the temple, the group was surprised to learn that they had been gone for 10 days. The priests of Torm saw to their various maladies. Khelvos explained that the manor had burned down in that time. He also reported that Gnolls had been sighted attacking farmsteads to the south of the city.   Mar was equally surprised to see the manor had been burned to the ground when he went to report to the Riders. Explaining what had happened, Lord Burnheart filled Mar in after he finished. The commander told him the manor had gone up in less than an hour, burning completely to ash and screams and magic were seen rising from the smoke. In this time, Hargrave had stolen a fishing boat and escaped.   Also during this time, the Zhentarim had left, with Field Marshal Bane’s body found hanging off the dock for “treason”. Apparently the dissidents had made good on their threats. The Sembians and Tassaldalians had joined forces, or rather the Sembians had absorbed the Tassaldalian enclave. The Cormanthers were upset by this, though at least they were probably happy to see the Zhentarim gone. (Khelvos also reported all this to the party). Thrax, Cat, and Huxley went to the Singing Siren for a well-deserved drink while Nalgan went to check in with the elves (who confirmed everything Khlevos and the Grey Riders had already told the party). Elias did add that the manor had previously been owned before the war by the ruler of Scardale and had been a central control point in the battle.   The party leveled up to 9.

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    Session 31 - Gala

    Bromines not here tonight due to vacation. Mar received the Torque of Shielding (possibly at some point in session 27), an amulet that gave him +1 to all saves and a 1/day cast of Shield.   Nalgan spoke to Elias further and learned that the prince had left for Cormanthor (if I have ever spelled this correctly, it’s sheer luck). The rest of the Cormanthorians were also looking to leave, it seemed the Sembians would be victorious in their takeover of the city even with the Zhentarim’s departure.   Thrax headed to see the Red Witches of They, wanting to acquire Fireball for his 3rd level spell slot. He disguised himself as Qin with Disguise Self, and Cat came with him to the shop. The shop owner offered him Fireball and Counterspell as 3rd level options, though at 150 gold a piece, Thrax could not afford them. He could afford Darkvision though, which would be useful for the human.   Nalgan returned from the elves and Cat and Thrax met up with Hardrada and Mar. After a long argument about who was a demon in the party, due to Hardrada and Mar’s newfound paranoia, and Ted and Waste having more than enough of that shit, Huxley cast Greater Restoration to fix the problem for Hardrada, but since he only could cast that once a day, Mar was left paranoid.   Khelvos joined the group and informed them that a large pack of Gnolls had been spotted approaching the city and would arrive in about three weeks. The Warrior’s Rest would be hosting a gala that evening for all the remaining elites in the city to discuss rallying forces. The party spent the afternoon getting proper clothing for such an event. Nalgan’s cloak was finally ready for him, and given he and Huxley generally appreciated the finer things as they were, had suitable clothes already, and so did Cat. Thrax was going to rely on Disguise Self for his appearance, but Hardrada and Mar needed to buy clothes.   Hardrada settled on a traditional tuxedo-looking garment, with Huxley assisting him with cleaning up his beard. Thraxius and Nalgan went for Renaissance-style doublets and whatever those poofy pants from that time period are called, with Thrax also wearing a hat and ascot. Nalgan and Huxley were dressed to the nines in the finest ruffled shirts and vests. Catalina settled on a sheer silvery gown.   Properly attired, the talk turned to weapons. No openly-displayed weapons would be allowed, but Thrax could Weapon Bond to Hardrada’s sword and his Wand of Magic MIssile. Mar snuck his Dragon Claw dagger in, Cat could cast, so that just left Huxley and Nalgan unarmed. When the appointed time arrived, Khelvos met the party and seemed pleased at their ability to clean up for a formal evening. He explained that the goal of the night was to convince the Sembians to assist with patching the walls and fielding troops, ensuring that they did not ask for pay that the city couldn’t afford or worse: abandoning the city at the first site of the gnolls with their forces.   Cat suggested on the way over that this might be a trap, with the Sembians using the ball as an opportunity to dispatch the remaining powerplayers, and so made sure to establish an escape route through the kitchen. Mar checked the bathrooms for any hidden weapons when they arrived, finding nothing. Catalina, Huxley, and Nalgan handled the mingling as befit their respective backgrounds.   With sufficient schmoozing, the three of them successfully convinced the Sembians that the gnoll threat would be detrimental to their own businesses and it would be in their interest to assist in the fight. As dinner wrapped up, Khelvos invited the faces to head upstairs to meet more intimately with the Sembian contingent in a meeting away from dinner. Also present at the meeting were four of the Red Wizards of They, two female and two male. The combined efforts of the group managed to convince the assembled Sembians to help in the defense of the city.   With the meeting concluded, the party continued, though Huxley, Mar, and Cat left at that point.   Mar was Greater Restorationed the next morning, because Ted realized what a mistake it was to give Hardrada and Mar that flaw.   -Ted- It was great RP from you guys. Take one inspiration, Mar and Hardrada. But I felt that Hux would try to help his friends out the best he can and it was definitely affecting the cohesion of the party.

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    Session 32 - Preparing the Defense

    The next day, the party discussed the best way to defend the city. Patching and reinforcing the wall was a high priority. The party decided to split their efforts across their specialties, with Huxley and Cat deciding to train the spellcasters, while Hardrada and Thrax would train the fighters. Nalgan and Mar were still deciding how to assist when Khelvos arrived to bring the party together for a town meeting. At the meeting, the leaders of the various forces were present. The Sembians (Captain Franklin), Cormanthians (Lt. Silendra), Grey Riders, and Tormites (led by Khelvos) all had delegates present. The breakdown of potential tasks was as follows over the three weeks: Prepare the walls and defenses (Nalgan and the Sembians) Train the troops and establish chains of command (Hardrada, Thrax, and the Tormites) Scouting the gnolls (Mar and Cormanthians) Research gnoll attacks to see how they would be most likely to hit the fortified wall (Thrax and Cat) Find additional outside help (Hardrada, Huxley)   For the first week of effort, all tasks were successful. Cat learned from her research that Gnolls attacks were short but violent, so a siege was unlikely over just an overwhelming rush. If the city could hold a few days, the gnolls would likely be vanquished. Huxley was able to find outlying farms and small villages to recruit additional fighters.   The next week, preparations were slightly less successful. The wall’s progress stalled somewhat, though it still moved forward. The troop training likewise was less successful as the tactics advanced, but still progress. Mar’s scouting for places to give battle away from the city (or harass them on the way to the city) was less fruitful and the gnolls seemed to move quicker than expected. Additional research turned up that the gnolls operated in a hierarchical system based on strength, but any specifics about the power structure eluded Cat. Huxley and Hardrada were able to raise additional mercenary bands and Huxley was able to make contact with forces in Shadowdale as well.   Week 3 saw Mar and Thrax receiving letters from Shadowkiss and Thrax’s ex (whose name escapes me at the moment) both denying additional support. Hardrada taught tactics based on the research Cat had done to make sure the lines were able to hold against what was likely going to be a brutal few days. Mar and the elves began to launch night attacks on the gnolls now that their scouts were close enough to attack, making headway against the scouts to prevent any intelligence gathering. Cat researched the sewers and the city’s plans to find any likely avenues of Gnoll attack to shore up, successfully closing off the sewers and other waterways. The walls were improved with spike traps that would deploy when gnolls pressed against them and the last week of training succeeded.   The sun rose on the fourth week. The gnolls arrived early on in the week, numbering two hundred. Huxley and Cat would be on the walls with Fireballs prepared to act as artillery support for any gnoll masses as the first attackers flung themselves at the defenses. The first wave was composed of hyenas with the indication of rabies and scabs that the party had seen previously, followed by gnolls, and backed up finally by a Giant Hyena at the rear of the formation.   Mar dropped a hyena with his first shot as Nalgan moved forward to meet the mass. Cat Blinded one of the advancing hyenas as Huxley launched the first fireball of the day into the approaching gnolls, most of which had not moved yet and were still bunched up (including the Giant Hyena in the back line). One of the hyenas burned up immediately, while most of the gnolls yelped in pain as the fire raged through their line.   Two of the hyenas had charged into the party’s line, with Thrax cutting one down and moving to engage the one Cat had blinded.   The gnolls advanced, hurling spears at Nalgan, mostly ineffectually. The Giant Hyena roared and leapt the 80 foot distance straight into Hardrada. Nalgan fell back to assist with this problem, opening up with a Smite and then a normal sword swing. Hardrada finished it off, as the initial Fireball and Nalgan’s smite had damaged it severely. The creature exploded violently, though the party managed to dodge the worst of it by all passing the dex save.   This had the added benefit of dispatching the only other hyena that had made it to the line, freeing Mar up to start picking off the gnolls that had been hit with the Fireball previously. Thrax moved forward to unleash his flamethrower hands onto the southern part of the gnoll line, by this point only four remained. Hardrada closed in to help cleanup, Thrax killed one of the ones he had burned, Mar dropped a third with another headshot, and Cat hurled Eldritch Blasts as the backmost remaining gnoll. She connected, but did not kill it, though Thrax was able to finish the beast with a Fire Bolt and the battlefield fell silent. The gnolls retreated (surprisingly, given what Cat had learned about their usual tactics), and so did the party.

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    Session 33 - The Battle of Scardale

    Regrouping, Khelvos joined the party to confirm that the gnolls had indeed pulled back. He expressed surprise at that, as it was unusual for gnolls to exhibit any sort of tactics. It was expected they would regroup for another attack by the evening, and so the party prepared to go back to work.   The rest was interrupted by a loud explosion as the gnolls somehow managed to blow a hole in one of the walls by knocking one of the towers over. The party rushed to meet them. Mar and Hardrada dropped three hyenas immediately, while Cat hurled Eldritch Blasts into the group and landed hits, but no kills. A Giant Hyena charged the back line, rushing for Cat and Thrax as more poured into the gap.   Nalgan stepped forward to meet the beast, pushing it away from Cat and then Smiting it for solid blows, while Huxley polished off another Hyena. The horde surged forward. A second Giant Hyena rushed Hardrada, with another Hyena in tow. Hadrada and Mar failed to land hits on any of the monsters, as Thrax lit up two more hyenas from the opposite side with Burning Hands.   Additional creatures (seemingly burning blobs of demonic flesh) dove in off the roofs to join the fight. Mar had climbed onto one of the roofs for a better look and came face-to-face with one himself, though it did little to the tiefling. Meanwhile, Nalgan thrust one final time into the Giant Hyena, which exploded in death as the first one did, catching Thrax, Cat, and Huxley as well as the aasimar himself, in flames.   The hyenas continued to snap and snarl at Hardrada, accomplishing little against the barbarian, as Huxley worked on defeating the final two hyenas on the east. Thrax dispatched yet another hyena, matched by Hardrada cleaving through the two on him. Mar jumped from the roof to attempt to stab the Giant Hyena with his Shadow Blade, but failed to land a hit. Hardrada made up for that with another big blow, though the Giant Hyena remained on its feet.   Mar weathered a storm of arrows from gnolls attacking from the south, taking a few of them. Nalgan cast Shield of Faith on him to help with that as Huxley let loose a Fireball into the midst of the Gnolls, killing five of them outright. Mar dispatched the Giant Hyena and moved southward to engage the Gnolls, with Hardrada right behind him and stabbing deep into one for a kill.   Cat plugged the breach with a Fire Wall to prevent (or at least slow) any Gnoll reinforcements from bursting through. Thrax fired off Magic Missiles from his wand as he moved forward to meet the gnolls, followed up by Nalgan and Huxley. Huxley continued to use Sacred Flame to clear out the little demon blobs as Mar and Hardrada worked on the Gnolls. Mar continued to miss, reminding Paint why he hates D&D combat, but it mattered little as the few remaining gnolls put up resistance but fell to the combined attentions of everyone else (with Mar managing to finally kill something for the last gnoll with a sneak attack bow).   Scardale reinforcements arrived as the last gnolls fell, immediately falling into argument as the Sembians and Harrowdale contingents fought over who had let the gap open in the wall. Nalgan quickly brought them all to order. Pulling back behind the wall for another rest, the gnolls continued to press the attack, but without the recklessness they were normally known for. A council was called as night fell, with the commanders and the party rallying up at the temple of Torm.   Khelvos suggested the party head out overnight and eliminate the gnoll’s warleader, as it appeared something was calling the shots in a way gnolls normally didn’t. Realizing that the gnolls using tactics would likely be a bigger problem as the siege wore on, the party agreed with Khelvos that going behind the lines to eliminate the head would likely end this more effectively than trying to outlast the attacks. Khelvos suggested a boat around the gnoll lines would be the easiest way in and the party set off into the night.   On the way out, Captain Burnheart took Catalina aside and suggested she stay behind in safety as he knew her father. Cat refused to sit on her hands and told him as much. The Captain seemed impressed by that. Two row boats were provided for the raid. Mar’s scouting experience over the previous three weeks helped as once the boats had been landed, he was able to direct the party along the trails he and the scouting party had taken previously.   This plan fell apart immediately as everyone failed the stealth checks. This plan PROBABLY fell apart immediately as everyone failed the stealth checks. Somehow this plan did not fall apart immediately as the second round of stealth checks resulted in lots of crits, but did fall apart on the third set of stealth rolls. Approaching the camp, the gnolls were on guard.

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    Session 34 - The Head of the Snake

    The camp was perched on a 30 feet tall sloping hill lit by four braziers in the corners, as well as a large pillar of flame emanating from the center. In addition to the usual gnolls, skeletal undead gnolls patrolled the area with blue glowing eyes. Nalgan recognized these as Witherlings, gnolls fueled by demonic entities and powered by death. If anything (gnoll or player) died near them, they would attack with additional fervor. The party successfully closed under cover, but the clanking of heavy armor alerted the gnolls that something was amiss, even if they had not fully committed to a fight just yet. One of the living gnolls directed a few of the Witherlings to head south to investigate as Mar and Thrax crept forward into bushes for cover.   Thrax stepped on a fallen branch which sounded a resounding crack that immediately caught the attention of all the gnolls. Cat let loose with Stinking Cloud into the center of the camp, seeing as the jig was very shortly going to be up. The darkness did prove challenging for the gnolls, as, while they were converging towards the party, none of them seemed to have actually spotted any of the members.   Hardrada and Nalgan moved up into no man’s land between the gnolls and the backline, though an arrow whizzing by Nalgan’s head signified that they had been spotted. Huxley lit up the hillside with a Fireball, catching two Gnolls and one Witherling and disintegrating the all three. Mar loosed an arrow from the bush he was hiding behind and dropped a gnoll with it, as a bizarre mound of flesh approached Nalgan only to be cut down by a Fire Bolt by Thrax.   Catalina hurled Eldritch Blasts at the remaining Witherling next to the Gnoll Mar had dispatched, hitting it once but missing the second. Additional Witherlings closed in as Hardrada went to work with his Greatsword, cleaving through one’s skull. Nalgan followed the Barbarian through the gap, with Huxley bringing up the rear with Bless on the three of them.   It seemed like the gnolls were no match for the party initially, until a blood-curdling howl echoed through the night, answered by additional barks in the distance. Realizing they would have to move to disrupt whatever was making the pillar of flame quickly, Mar worked to close the distance, running straight into a small fleshy blob similar to the one that Thrax had killed previously. Mar set upon it with his dagger, sinking the blade in deep but failing to kill it.   Thrax and Hardrada started moving up the hill themselves, with Nalgan close behind and Huxley and Cat staying back. Hardrada found himself overextended as he crested the hill, running headlong into six gnolls that were waiting just for such an occasion. Peppered with arrows and then charged by Fangs of Yeenoghus, Hardrada found himself injured quickly, though still in the fight.   Another one of the fleshy creatures set upon Mar, preventing him from pressing forward. Huxley held up his Holy Symbol and Turned the Undead in the area, clearing a path for Thrax and Cat to close to help Hardrada and Nalgan.   Stepping out of the fire and flanked by two lieutenants, a gnoll wearing nice armor and carrying a well-kept glaive came into view. Likely their objective, Nalgan and Thrax pushed forward as Cat provided Eldritch Blast support from down the hill at gnolls that presented themselves. Hardrada downed a Superior Healing potion to stay in the fight, but struggled to land swings on the Gnolls pursuing him. Nalgan joined Hardrada up front and killed the last Witherling, then lit up his Radiant Consumption and stormed up the hill.   Huxley had a Fireball left and hurled it into the mass of gnolls surrounding Nalgan. The Aasimar caught the edge of the blast, but it was much worse for the gnolls. The two Fangs remained standing, but the other Gnolls were not so lucky. Additional howls and yips could be heard approaching, sounding closer now. Mar ran forward to drop one of the Fangs harassing Nalgan, but ate a longbow shot for his trouble from the War Leader’s bodyguard. Hellish Rebuke hurt the Gnoll in return, but time was clearly running out.   Thrax charged through the crush of gnoll corpses and Nalgan to blast the War Leader with 4 shots from his wand, followed up with an Action Surged Burning Hands. The Gnolls all remained standing, but damage was damage. Cat moved forward to try to get a shot on the leader as Hardrada dispatched one of the bodyguards. As he passed one of the tents, he was overcome with a feeling of intense dread as something inside the tent caught his eye. Perhaps this War Leader was not the main threat, but the fight still ranged.   Nalgan tore into the remaining Fang with everything he had, but the beast remained standing despite a Smite, and a Radiant Consumption-boosted Long Sword swing, though the Radiant Consumption end-of-turn damage finally polished it off. The howling continued to grow closer still.   Mar closed for a shot on the leader but missed despite Stealth Advantage, though Thrax was able to land a big sword swing followed up with a Shocking Grasp that tore into the gnoll. Thrax was also affected by whatever horror was in the tent, failing his save unlike Hardrada, and becoming Frightened. Cat charged up the hill next and dropped the War Leader with an Eldritch Blast.   The tent burst into flames and a raging figure covered in plate armor (described by Ted as being basically Artorias’ armor from Dark Souls) emerged that was clearly the source of the Fear aura. The last remaining Gnoll fell to Hardrada, who wheeled around and hurled an axe at the new horror, missing. Huxley tried to heal everyone with Prayer of Healing, but the flaming horror Counterspelled it. Huxley fell to its aura as well.   Raising a glaive, it struck Hardrada for a big hit of magic damage that he could not Rage against. Things looked dire until a giant ashen wolf burst from the pillar of flame and carried the mysterious knight off suddenly. The mesa fell quiet for the moment, but the gnoll reinforcements could still be heard closing.   With the leader killed, it was time to leave as Hardrada and Nalgan were both injured and the party was very low on spell slots. Running back to the south seemed like the course of action to take.

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    Session 35 - Revelry

    The party retreated back to the south the way they had come, avoiding or dispatching gnoll patrols as best as they could. Killing the occasional scout and sneaking back to the boat, the party managed to make it back to Scardale mostly intact. Khelvos greeted them all with fine ale, looking pleased at their success. Faceplanting into bed after drinking and eating, the party shared another dream in which Davan appeared to all of them and chided them on their “dalliance”. Chains linked the party to Cat as he spoke, and suggested that they “remember the arrangement he made”. No one did, given their initial binding to him was confusing and not explained, though when they woke, the party found another mark on their faces.   Gathering for breakfast, the party discussed their next plans. Harrowdale was likely the next stop, though as they ate they were told that Khelvos had headed out to clear out the rest of the gnolls as the party slept. Quickly finishing breakfast, the group headed out to the field to assist with the mop up, which proved to be not much of an issue. Once the Gnolls had all fallen, the party celebrated back in town, being paid handsomely with the following as the feast continued.   (money comes out to 768gp 3sp 4cp each per Huxley, already added to char sheet. Art objects still need to be sold)) 1000 copper 9000 silver 2500 gold 120 plat 4 art Large gold bracelet with diamonds Large tapestry Silk robe with embroidery Silver necklace with gold pendant 250 gp (so are the above art objects) Dispel magic Scroll Potion of fire breath   As the revelry carried on, Huxley noticed a human man that seemed to be keeping tabs on the party. Huxley went after him, curious, while Cat and Thrax Disguised Self (Cat as the barmaid from the tavern, and Thrax as Quinn) and also gave chase.   Thrax managed to corner him, and found that he was an artist looking to capture the party’s essence at rest for a sculpture. Huxley and Cat found that explanation somewhat suspicious, though Huxley and Thrax were unaware that Cat had disguised herself and immediately became suspicious of her. Cat complicated matters by being evasive when questioned by Thrax and Huxley.   Nalgan meanwhile had been telling the tale of the fight across the town as he went bar hopping, which angered Hardrada due to Nalgan playing up Hardrada’s retreat off the hill for humor. They decided throwing down in the tavern would be fun, which Thrax of course was supportive of.   Hardrada laid the beatdown on Nalgan pretty solidly, but the tavern enjoyed it. The party continued for the rest of the day, with the party preparing to set off for Harrowdale the next day.   The party leveled up to 10.

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    Session 36 - Leaving Scardale

    Updates were waiting for the party at Scardale as they prepared to head to Harrowdale. The Flaming Fist has received Hardrada’s message and were moving forces to the east to act as the local national guard to assist with any gnoll problems that may pop up in the meantime. The Birds of Prey had sent representatives to Scardale to attempt to expand the network to the formerly-wealthy port city.   The party woke the day after the party to prepare for the trip to Harrowdale. Nalgan and Mar bought provisions while Huxley bought components to his healing spells. Thrax, Catalina, and Hardrada researched Velk, a legendary warrior who wielded all of the artifact items that the party had acquired in Scardale (the sword, shield, plate armor, torque of shielding, etc.) Cat’s tome was not listed among his items, oddly. Velk presumably met his end in the sewers beneath Scardale, hunting an assassins group.   With that research complete, Thrax and Cat headed to the Red Wizards to see what they had for sale. It turned out the Red Wizards had left by order of Khelvos. Disappointed at losing the easy source of magical items, the party instead set off for Harrowdale after arguing for about half an hour about who was riding which horse/cart and also about Fast and the Furious movies.   Heading down the road, the party was set upon by seven bandits, one of whom was covered in frost and seemed to be a magic user. Mar dove into a bush to begin the fight with the Rogue Hokey Pokey, which opened with a 32 damage sneak attack on a bandit. Hardrada got hit with a Crown of Madness immediately, turning on Huxley and hitting him solidly.   Catalina tried to attack the caster to disrupt the spell, but failed. Nalgan and Thrax charged forward to go to work, however the distances involved meant they could not close in a turn. Not that it mattered, since Thrax had a Scroll of FIreball on hand.   Mar knocked off the first bandit with another arrow, but the Crown of Madness remained on Hardrada as he went after Cat next. Fortunately, his swing missed and then Hardrada managed to pass his Wisdom save and recover.   The bandits charged Nalgan and Thrax, apparently having deathwishes, and the melee was joined.

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    Session 37 - The Road to Harrowdale

    The bandits got tired of being sneak attacked by Mar and the mage concentrated on him, levitating him 30 feet in the air while the archers shot him full of arrows. Huxley cast Prayer of Healing to fix Mar and the frontline, which was helpful. Unfortunately the mage proved to be quite good at concentration as even with Thrax Fire Balling him and stabbing him twice as well as an arrow from the levitating Mar were not enough to free the tiefling. The mage decided to let him drop on his own, hurting Mar somewhat, but Thrax Counterspelled his next attempt at magic.   Cat fired off Eldritch Blasts at max range, but managed to clip Thrax with her first beam and missed with her second. Thrax stabbed the mage, who tried to run, but Thrax’s attack of opportunity and Booming Blade were enough to dispatch him.   The mage exploded into a burst of gore and tendrils, apparently not a normal mortal. This prompted madness from Thrax and Hardrada, which is why ranged rogues are the best. Also exploding from the mage was an Intellect Devourer (though ICly no one knew what it was). It attacked Nalgan first, but he passed his Intelligence Save and shrugged it off. Nalgan quickly killed it.   Unfortunately, that did not cease the madness, so Hardrada and Thrax ended up fighting each other in their madness while everyone else killed the final bandit. Huxley used Speak with Dead in an attempt to figure out why the bandits seemed to know who the party were, but did not receive any useful information before the bandit disintegrated.   The party rested to recover from the fight and then continued on the way to Harrowdale.   Down the road, the party ran into one of the bandits who had ran from the fighter earlier. Trying to subdue him, Thrax was surprised to find the man transform into an Oni and got blasted by an icy blast for a huge amount of damage across the whole party (even half of 34 damage on passing the save hurts). A troll charged in from the south, followed by 3 more.   The Oni swung at Hardrada but missed. Mar hit him with an arrow, but the creature seemed to quickly heal from it. Realizing that physical damage wasn’t going to cut it, and also that fighting 4 trolls and an Oni would be difficult to fight, the party decided to run.   ...Sort of. Mar retreated south as fast as he could, but despite the retreat call going out, no one else joined him. Mar ended up well out of range, with Huxley and Cat on his heels, but Nalgan, Hardrada, and Thrax lagged behind. Thrax was grabbed by the Oni, which provided to be problematic, but a combination of Fireballs from Huxley and Intimidating Presence from Hardrada drove the monsters back. The Oni eventually let Thrax go and departed (turning invisible), saying something in a language none of the party spoke that sounded like “Eldriss Macab”, the Bard “Davan” had warned the party about in Session 17.   Huxley managed to kill one of the trolls with his Fireballs.

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    Session 38 - Arrival at Harrowdale

    The party continued to fight the trolls, with Cat launching another Fireball after seeing Huxley’s work. A second troll fell to the fire. Mar returned, seeing that the party no longer seemed to want to leave, but the sprint back and forth had caused him to miss his shot and nearly hit Hardrada at the frontline.   Huxley kept the fire going with Flame Strike. Hardrada dispatched the third troll, leaving only one remaining, only for a moment as his final swing decapitated the last one. Having fought the bandits and then the trolls, the party decided to camp for the night to recover.   Thrax took the first watch with nothing eventful happening. Cat was up next, then Huxley. Rain fell and mist swirled low to the ground, but nothing happened of concern as Nalgan finished the watch order. Thrax cooked breakfast and the party set off again.   Cat found her Tome of Whispers was missing when she woke, which was concerning. Nalgan looked around the camp and found it sitting partially in the fire, though it was not burned. A note fell out of it when he handed it back to Cat. She flipped through it, did not elaborate on what the note said, and the party set off.   After a day of walking, the party arrived at Harrowdale. The city was bustling as befit a proper capital. Nalgan was excited to check out the tailor, with Thrax following. Thrax hijacked the trip to check out a magic item shop, looking for a Bag of Holding. Unfortunately, the shop did not have any in stock. The tailor proved more fruitful, with both Thrax and Nalgan acquiring fashionable clothing.   Huxley, Hardrada, Cat and Mar headed to the tavern as was their custom. Hardrada bought a round for a random table full of sailors. Huxley found another table of patrons and approached to ask about news. Hardrada didn’t get much from the sailors, and moved on to see what he could do with another table with Grey Riders seated at it. Hardrada told them what happened in Scarsdale, and the Grey Riders let slip that there were a string of missing persons in the area recently that the adventurers might be of service investigating. The Riders directed Hardrada to inquire further at the Grey Rider’s barracks with the captain.   Harrowdale was an old and wealthy dale which had never seen much in the way of true conflict. The city was ruled by the 7 Burghers, the wealthiest families in the city. The Grey Riders were based out of Harrowdale, acting as the constabulary. Numerous small villages and towns ringed the main city, with their inhabitants frequently coming into the city proper to trade.   Mar noticed a woman casting furtive glances towards him and Cat, seemingly trying to catch Cat’s eye. Mar brought that to Cat’s attention, and she realized it was one of the handmaidens at the Tuor Estate. She told Catalina that her father would be happy to have her for dinner that night, though Cat declined.   Nalgan and Thrax rallied back in their new clothes and they set off to check in with the Grey Riders. Arriving at their keep, the party checked in at the admin office. Catalina took the lead, pretending to be a reporter for the town’s local newspaper (per Ted wealthy towns do have regular newspaper/broadsheet distribution). The person manning the desk’s name was named John, a leftenant, and he seemed frustrated that a citizen was asking him about this. He offered little insight in response to her questions.   He did let slip that it was 5 missing people and the current belief was that the individuals had been shanghaied off the docks. The current detective assigned to the case was a Captain Braxar, an experienced officer. That was all that Catalina got from him, but then Hardrada tried.   Hardrada told John that he had met a group of Grey Riders in the tavern who had directed him to ask after the case. He also told John about the party’s letter from Goldeneye for distribution to the Council of Seven. The leftenant offered to deliver it, but Hardrada refused.

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    Session 39 - The Council of Seven

    Cat suggested that Hardrada turn the letter over as she did not think he would meet with success by marching up to the Burghers and demanding an audience. Hardrada, Thrax, and Huxley decided to try anyway, while Cat headed for the docks by herself. Nalgan headed for the temple of Temora (the goddess of luck) and Mar decided to try to pick up the word on the street regarding what may have happened between the Zhentarim and the Flaming Fists. Mar rolled highest on initiative and so headed off for the market first to put his ear to the ground, especially interested in what may have happened with the Flaming Fists’ arrival into the city against the Zhentarim. After a few hours of listening around the market, Mar learned that the Zhentarim had been shaken up a few weeks ago. A Zhentarim ship had docked a few weeks ago, offloaded a bunch of random citizens (no Zhentarim), and then departed. The Fists had established a presence in the city, much to the chagrin of the Grey Riders.   Hardrada and Huxley headed for the Council Chambers, and met with no success. The guard on duty directed them to leave their missive with the leftenant. Hardrada admitted defeat and they returned to Leftenant John. Hardrada handed the letter over and expressed his discontent with how this was handled. Leftenant John confirmed that he would personally deliver the letter to the council that night and would find Hardrada and Huxley if the Burghers had any questions for them. Hardrada and Huxley returned to the bar with their mission accomplished.   Nalgan arrived at the temple and discovered temples to Temora were basically casinos. He sat down to gamble.   Catalina at the docks overheard some sailors complaining about losing a shipment a few weeks ago. Cat recognized the sailor as one of the ones Hardrada had spoken to at the tavern. The sailor said a freak storm had smashed on the boats on the rocks, causing the lost cargo. No one on that ship died, but they did have to be picked up by other passing ships. They had recovered the cargo that they could from the wreck, but it still remained on the rocks.   Thrax managed to track down an apprentice to a magic shop who had a line on spell scrolls. Unfortunately, the spell scroll on offer was 8th level, so no one could cast it and it was likely too expensive for the party to afford. I gave up attempting to keep track of whatever the fuck Thien was buying, so he bought some shit that wasn’t a level 8 spell scroll and we moved on.   The party joined back up for the evening at the tavern. Nalgan decided to stay at the Shrine Maiden Lodge, a much higher-end establishment than what the party usually stayed in. Thrax and Huxley decided this was also a good idea. They bathed to look presentable as the rest of the party moved to meet them at the council chambers that night.   Leftenant John seemed surprised to see them at the Council chambers, but did fulfill his promise of bringing them into the chambers. He took the party’s names and led them inside. The seven Burghers sat in a semicircular dias behind judicial-looking benches. The Burghers, like every other collection of nobles on this side of the world, were as skeptical as every other political group the party had met. They had received word from Scardale via Burnheart about the party’s success in the south and presumed that meant that the gnoll problem had been dealt with.   Hardrada told them about the mysterious figure the party had ran into at the gnoll camp, and Thrax cast Minor Illusion to show the council what they had seen. The council examined it but seemed unconvinced of the danger.   Departing the council chambers, the party headed for their rooms. Thrax, Huxley, and Nalgan lived large at the Shrine Maiden Lodge, and everyone else headed to sleep at the tavern.   Ted reminded everyone that Davan had told them to check out reports of missing Warlocks in Harrowdale and to find Eldriss McNab, a Warlock who was actively looking to fight back against whatever mysterious force was collecting Warlocks.

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    Session 40 -

    The plebs ate breakfast in the tavern (“The Iron Pan Inn” which I don’t think had a name previously), while those at the Shrine Maiden enjoyed room service-with-a-side-of-drugs. Thrax, purchasing some of literally everything with 100 gold, ended up with a collection of weed, “elf crystal” (probably meth), and “Some mushrooms a gnome said are good” (which I’m not even paraphrasing, that is actually how it was sold), or breakfast in the main dining room (Nalgan). Huxley, Thrax, Cat, and Hardrada headed to find the Captain Braxar, the investigator on the missing person case who they had previously asked about the day before. Having been told he usually was in in the mornings before starting his patrols, the party headed to the office again. Once again failing to convince the door guard to let them in (seemingly a recurring theme of Harrowdale), several attempts at Persuasion later got them a consolation “we’ll send a runner to the Shrine Maiden” for a meeting later.   With that proving to be a dead end for at least the immediate time, the party argued about what to do next. Hardrada, Thrax, and Mar went chasing after a dog Hardrada heard, while Thrax and Nalgan decided to actually attempt investigating the missing persons. Thrax bought a pearl for Identify to assist with that. Huxley tried what Mar did previously, listening for any conversations potentially related to the missing persons. He had no luck overhearing conversations, but did find some posters show an older man and a younger woman, both listed as missing and directing anyone with information to pass it along to Captain Braxar.   Huxley visited the temple of Ogma, the god of knowledge, and it was essentially a library. Given the party’s complete lack of useful knowledge about anything, this seemed like a good place to look for some. Huxley examined its archives for information about gnolls, as having more knowledge about the gnoll threat or miasma could always be relevant.   Mar told Cat about his dream of darkness falling over Harrowdale and a gnoll biting him awake and suggested she put in a word to her father about the gnoll threat to perhaps use his influence to convince the Burghers that the threat was real. Cat was as reluctant as ever to bring her dad into anything, and it became apparent the Tuors were not a close family (to the surprise of no one listening). Cat reluctantly offered to send a letter to her father to inform him of the gnoll threat.   Hardrada meanwhile had met up with some Flaming Fist officers and was led back to their current office.