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10 Water Mill Caves

General Summary

The party awoke in the evening, outside the vine wall of Eldamar, to find a curious gopher investigating their dome, and then investigating their car. Solana chased the gopher off a few times, and a half-orc in purple armor walked up, trying to get into the city. Eventually the gopher turned into a gnome once the half-orc menitoned he was there to deliver an insurance payout, because apparently the gopher's uncle bud had died. The party learned that the gopher/gnome was named Clover, and he dug a tunnel underneath the vine wall so that they could enter the city. They went shopping and first visited the "Right to Bear Arms," an armor shop run by a bear. Next they visited a jewelry store. At these two shops, Solana looked for the most premium polish and cleaning supplies for her necklace, and forced a jeweler to clean it a bit. Then they all went to the Mighty Cauldron, a magic shop run by a guy and his mom. They browsed the wares and purchased a roll of the Dice of Random Effects, which made Solana sick. They then headed over to the water mill, where they found Roaming Richard and two mercenaries he had hired - Fiera and Avie, both tieflings. They convinced Fiera and Avie that Richard wouldn't pay them for their services, so the water mill was left empty (except for a guy digging in the yard for the missing dagger) so the party snuck inside. They found a slide going downward in the fireplace when Lyrra messed with one of the candlesticks on the mantle. Inside the cave, which was huge and deep and full of glowing mushrooms, they could see the dagger in the distance, the dagger that's entire reason for the small war between Picchester and Eldamar, and the whole reason that Eldamar was stuck in vines in the first place. They walked through and bumped into some huge glowing mushrooms, which made wisps attack them and then self-detonate to shock them. Lyrra tracked her classified contact's footprints through the cave, and Thiol found a mysterious key. They also ran into a frog who they yeeted off the cliff. They discovered that the purple mushroom juice makes you feel sick, the green mushroom juice helps you jump, and the blue mushroom juice shrinks you. With a combination of mushrooms and magic, they skipped a portion of the caves to reach the room with the dagger.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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