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11 The Lost Lord

General Summary

Menti had a vision of stalkers in cages in a hallway, then appeared just outside the water mill and made his way inside to catch up with everyone else. The party then examined the circle where they saw the dagger and a small rabbit skull. The circle had ethereal, invisible chains around it that Lyrra could see. When the barrier was opened, the chains formed into a chain devil that attacked the party. While trying to throw a shrinking potion onto the devil, it accidentally hit the rabbit skull and broke it, causing it to turn into an elvish man, but simultaneously shrinking him. Eventually the party defeated the chain devil and spoke to the man. They also found that the dagger was called the "athame of harvesting," and once a day it does dex damage, and it can steal health from the stab-ee to the stabber. It is a ceremonial-ish family heirloom for the rulers of
Woodsy City aka Druid Paradise
  He said he was previously a lord of Eldamar, but has been trapped in a demiplane listening to awful music for the past 200 years becuase of his batshit cousin Mordak of Eldamar  After some initial suspicion, the party left the cave, but then suspicion was renewed when Gennieros of Eldamar  cast remove curse on Solana to break attunement with her necklace. This was done in exchange for one of the rings that casts sending to the "boss" of the stalkers. Thiol pulled the necklace off of her, then eventually the situation diffused. They convinced Fiera and Avie to meet them at the Steak Out bar in town. They all went to Clover's garden since it was late, and convinced Genn to get the tree to run away. Klover's dad wasn't awoken by the sound, but his mom was - and she wisely let it happen. From there they went to meet up with @Fiera and @Avie at the Steak Out, which served transmuted steaks from non-animal materials. Solana got plastered after working out a 25% loot cut for services with the sisters. Lyrra went to the library, and met someone and found some rumors about the weird northern-light-alien-thing they'd seen on the road between Eldamar and Picchester. Thiol and Menti talked about Menti's vision, and Clover tried to prank people by making them small, and also made himself small. There was a commotion outside, and the party went to investigate, finding that it looked like some shit was about to go down between Mordak and Genn.

Character(s) interacted with

Mordak, Gennieros
Report Date
02 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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