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112 Silver Sanctum Annex

The party did find one survivor from the prison wagon, a guy called the Silver Rose aka Zara Griffith. This guy turned into a bird along with the party and led them to the new Silver Sanctum, a place he claimed to be relatively safe.
  Once arriving at the Silver Sanctum, the party asked Father Aelkond some questions and got some potential leads.
  -Hot Pressed Papers recently got in trouble for publishing inflammatory material under a pseudonym, some execs have been taken in for questioning to figure out the identity of the writer
  -Brolympia had to shut down their kickboxing class over accusations of "arming the populace"
  -Horace Riskel has a lot of money and ties to basically everything, he seems to have been carefully neutral
  -The Last Sinner has 4 GTA stars and is still at large around the city somewhere
  -The Sinner tunnels still exist but are probably flooded by the aquifer
  The lead they were going to follow is that if you go to Eric's Shop and ask for an Oddly Specific Item, he'll get you some fake ID papers (This was the thing y'all were about to do)
  -Oasis Square is a decent, low-key place to stay without attracting too much attention
  -Brain arrives in 6 days. The Aqua Palace is being prepared for him, with intelligence operations being run from the Heartscale Station


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