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18 Where Were You the Night Of

General Summary

The two days of down time came and went, and the morning of the 43rd dawned. Fiera and Avie found a job as bouncers at Club Mahogany, and Wylandriah took Thiol to a meeting at the SDB. The party first investigated at the Inventors' Guild because they had a robot head from the assassin sent by Ulenor. They initially spoke to Tricia Moonfall, but decided to back off and question people differently when they noticed her name. Menti got a gun upgrade for a small favor. They spoke to Enchanter Emily Fudge, then Gun Guy Moiren Farr, then finally spoke to Tricia Moonfallj. Emily said she was playing board games with some people, and Moiren said he was at home with his cat Strawberry. Tricia said she was at the Overlook Tower restaurant, then the Coat Emporium, then Tailoring Hands, then Furs R Us, high end shops in town. She was quickly able to access the memories of the robot, which she said was an antique model. The party & Tricia discussed the ethics of robots and whether they were people. The memories of the robot showed being given a mission by Ulenor to go find them, and they saw that there were subsequent orders from Ulenor to update the robot on their location based on information from "the invisible one." The robot bribed Pilot Bitmann to get into the city, and then after a while of searching, attacked them. The party then went to follow up on a bunch of alibis. First they went to the Overlook Restaurant, and saw that the Moonfalls came there very frequently. They got some food, but not fish, because imports are impossible to get right now. They then went to Tailoring Hands and saw that the order placed by Tricia Moonfall was dated from the 39th, not the 38th (the evening leading up to the murder). They then went to interview Edward, the Moonfalls' assistant. He maintained that there must be a mistake in the books. Solana pretended to be a clumsy first-day intern and Edward offered her some secret-supply shrimp if that notebook were to just disappear. He insisted that a much better lead was Corion, the bodyguard. Just as the party was leaving, he cast a bit of a spell, but then the detectives quickly activated an anti-magic field. The party went back to the stores to follow up. They checked with Lucas at the Tailoring Hands again, and they checked with Marisha at the Coat Emporium, who confirmed that they saw the Moonfalls on the 39th. The shopkeeper Fezzik at Furs R Us initially said that the Moonfalls were there on the 38th, but then admitted that they'd been asked to lie for them. The party then went to interview Corion at his house and found him pretty depressed over the murder. He said that he watched the Prince go in the front door of the House of Lords, then as he turned so that he could walk around the building to get to the window, he saw the outline of the tiefling with standing-up horns. He says that then he was hit by something from behind (and he has a pretty big mark on his back armor to show it) and he has no memory of anything after that. He finally said when he came to again, he was already in the Inventors' Guild with Tricia and some guards. He also mentioned Prince Ethan's love interest, Urgran, a commoner who works at a bakery. They just left Corion's house, when they heard a newsboy run by, saying that the House of Lords has just voted to consolidate power to combat instability, and a High Lord is to be elected tomorrow. Time of day is around 6:30 PM
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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