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21 The Original City

General Summary

The party talked with the guards and detectives after their altercation with the Moonfalls. After a brief interview, the detective said that there was a good amount of evidence and he considered their job done, they'd just need to collect their reward from the king. Archer Grimsbane heard them mention that the whole thing was a political move by the Moonfalls to help overthrow King Leon Crane, so he suggested they all go talk to him. He ended up going by himself, and the party briefly split - some people went to go find Fezzik and Corion and escort them safely to the detective agency, and others went to speak with Larc Lestat to try to get his help navigating the underground. He agreed to help if the party could put in a good word for him with the King, to get some of the city guards redistributed to the underground. The party then met up and made their way to another entrance to the underground. They found a tunnel which led to both a market and some apartments, and they went towards the market, where they saw some people selling various things, but the market wasn't nearly at full capacity. They spoke to the market organizer and he said his sources had spotted some lordly looking humans around, and he gave them directions to the location where. Klover suggested digging a tunnel and Larc said basically, "Bad idea, there are demons." They went to the location where the humasn were spotted, one of the old fortresses from when the Darkweavers and Brotherhood of Earth used to be at war. They found an old lady's house and a boulder trap. A couple shitty assassins tried to attack them, and they got into a standoff with Fane Moonfall. After discussing terms, they agreed to just meet up and talk.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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