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23 Winternight Wonderland: a Side Story

General Summary

The party found themselves in a cold, snowy field at night near a bench. No footprints in any direction to indicate how they'd gotten here. The stars and moons in the sky looked familiar to the night sky of the Dreamworld. Then a train approached, and Wylandriah-but-a-conductor invited them aboard. The train made a few more stops to pick up a sad clown, Samyang, and to pick up Ulenor, and some randos. The train went on a bit while the party harrassed Ulenor and Thiol took some of his hair, in between drinking hot coacoa and eating cookies. The train came to a sudden, screeching halt, and when they got out to investigate, they saw that they were stopped by Corion-but-a-nutcracker, just before the tracks stopped abruptly, interrupted by a huge, deep hole. There was a large groove cut into the land heading northward ish. Ulenor got upset about his hair being taken and stormed off, following the track, and the party eventually followed along with Corion-but-a-nutcracker. They ran into some ice elementals and their new friend Samyang turned Menti into a Brontosaurus. They continued following the track until they saw a village off to the right, while the track curved left. Ulenor split off to the right to go check out the village while the party followed the track until it led back down into another large hole in the ground. The party heard some bells off in the distance and eventually saw that it was a sleigh driven by Gennieros-but-Father-Winternight. He gave them a ride to the village and went to go get set up for giving out presents. The party checked out a few various things in the town. Lyrra found a gingerbread contest, and she entered a winning toy into the toymaking contest with Klover. They watched Corion-but-a-Nutcracker perform reluctantly in a ballet, and recieved Winternight Bells as gifts from Gennieros-but-Father-Winternight. They founda Kobold Home Alone and caroled for a few villagers. Then a blizzard hit very suddenly, and they were approached by the Icewing Harbinger, who told them that before the time of The Wurm, the world was like this - cold, harsh, and beautiful. The Icewing Harbinger said that The Wurm had killed Eirwen, and taken over, and that this world cannot exist without a being that rules/maintains it. The party accused Ulenor of wanting to be that ruler, then they woke up back at the Bedrock and Breakfast.
Report Date
16 Mar 2021


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