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24 The Dagger & The Library

General Summary

The party awoke after their weird dreams and discussed following up with different leads. They found out from Gennieros via Wylandriah that the Athame of Harvesting in their posession will summon "Angry hippies" at midnight on the new month - in just a few hours. They discussed the stigmas against druids and researched what kind of ritual would be needed to satisfy the dagger's demands. Klover went to the King briefly and got his share of the reward for identifying the Prince's killers, and the King offered free mech lessions of the party could bring the Moonfalls to justice. Thiol got the party an audience with the Scholarly Dissemination Board and they cast a spell into Solana's ring that would let the party send the dagger to Gennieros. As they stepped outside, they saw a space distortion above the water fountain, and Ulenor popped out with five stalkers. They fought and tried to keep Ulenor there, but he managed to teleport away, leaving his stalkers in the city to wreak havoc. The party fought bravely and defeated two stalkers, until help from the wizards upstairs could arrive to imprison the other three. The five stalkers were neutralized, but the spell "Teleport" lets you take eight creatures with you...
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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