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25 Invisible Threat

General Summary

After defeating the stalkers, the party looked around and found some tracks near the fountain where Ulenor teleported in. The three sets of tracks were not human, but not from stalkers either. They found one invisible guy, who looked to be the same type of creature that had tracked them on the road through the woods, on the roof of the library. They quickly defeated the one on the roof, then discussed which of the other two tracks they should try to follow first. Lyrra determined that one probably went towards the inventors' guild, and the other track went off down a city street. The party eventually told Moiren Farr and Emily Fudge to lock down the inventors' guild while the party worked together to follow the other invisible guy, who had left the fountain immediately to go set fire to the Mech Base. They arrived at the flaming building and determined that none of the mechs seemed to be stolen, and the fuel supply was set on fire to cause the explosion. They got word from Moiren that as he was locking down the Inventors' Guild, he found an open window and some missing dynamite. The party then discussed different places that the dynamite could be used to target - Thiol went to check out the city wall. Solana and Lyrra went back to the Library and Inventors' guild to try to pick up the trail from there. Menti went to check if the invisible guy went Underground to try to collapse the city, and Klover went to the House of Lords to raise the alarm. The party eventually found that the invisible guy was making its way toward the House of Lords, where they and their mech rides quickly put a stop to it.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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