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27 Butt Sticks for Science

General Summary

Session 27 - Butt Sticks for Science You recieved some things in the mail: payment from George, ballots informing you of the upcoming election (on the 5th, today is the 2nd). You got some newspaper with as few headlines - Sportsball tournament still delayed! The Proof is in the Plants! (a news story about you!) The party found a secret hideout type thing in the attic with three locations circled: One of Lady Arabella Grimstone, one of the former house of Andre Falbrook, and one of your house. The party researched the suit of sneaky armor and found that it belonged to a vigilante-type known as the Nimblegloom who was active up until 30 years ago. They talked to the SDB about the stalkers and the SDB mentioned they could use the help of some very powerful necromancers, which they knew of in the underground named Zeno Noberos. They experimented on the stalkers with some help from a chicken. 1) when a stalker kills a chicken in an arcane isolation circle, a ball of light comes out of the chicken and quickly bounces around in the ring. 2) when a stalker kills a nother stalker in the arcane isolation circle, no ball of light comes out of it, and the body doesn't dissipate instantly. 3) You're told from past experimentation, that normally if something dies within an arcane isolation circle, there is no ball of light. The party found the stone dragon at the Mingling Memorial. Klover touched it and was very disturbed by a vision, then solana touched it and wasn't disturbed by a vision. The party told some of the mechs about the statue's ability to impart visions. The party went down to the Darkweaver Market and met up with Larc Lestat. You again met Dominic Wood, the market boss guy who seems to know where everything and everyone is down here, and this time he told you he's running for office in the House of Lords and asked you to vote for him. He introduced you to Zeno Noberos. Zeno asked what was in it for her if she would go help the SDB. Klover offered her two copper pieces. Thiol offered her forbidden knowledge. She said she would go see what the SDB had to offer her for her help.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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