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28 Dirty Deeds: A Justus Side Story

General Summary

Menti's backstory was interrupted by Justus because he wanted to tell a story. The party found themselves in Boss Holden's office in Fort Eastfall, a frontier town in Arkelya. The boss tasked them all with finding some of her 'spice' that was stolen. The party went to the bar to look around and ask the barkeeper about its disappearance, when a gunslinger tried to hold up the bar. In the scuffle, a patron of the bar was shot, and his coat leaked some mysterious powder... The party interrogated Guy and got him to lead them to the cave where he was tasked with delivering the spice. It was guarded by someone who, when killed, had a familiar glob of light come out of their dead body, and the glob smushed into another enemy, making that enemy stronger. After fighting through more people and seeing more globs and amalgamations, the party eventually found Scytheron. He said he was hanging out with these people, Eirwin cultists, though he didn't agree with them, since they were all kicked out of Dreamworld by Aki. He talked about kicking puppies or something terrible, and the party learned that when this took place about a year ago, Justus and the other adventurers had killed Scytheron.
Report Date
16 Mar 2021


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