BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

33 Fire and Forgive

General Summary

Reason for the title :p 3 Samle 5pm
  Fenrick expressed his displeasure with his treatment at the hands of the party as his two stalkers advanced toward them. With some quick convincing and apologizing, he said fine, and Mabel and Tracy backed off to keep a safe distance. The party into the city and Lyrra saw a ghost. The party then went over to the shop where the shrine to Axios was in the basement. They solved some puzzles to get into the main room and found some magically un-rotted food and creepy "saturn devouring his son" paintings. Once the paintings were destroyed, the statue became more vulnerable to damage and was crumbled to dust. There were some items on the altar in front of the statue: rubies, 2 nonmagical and 1 magical, and a magical circlet. There was a confrontation about the items and about the seriousness of the mission and about physically fighting teammates. Eventually Solana went off on her own, Klover checked out the basement, and then people headed back to the car. There were some buildings on fire on the way to the car, and Klover tripped over nothing. Everyone else caught up with Solana and were able to calm things down before getting in the car and heading on the road to Eleydo. Along the way, they saw some sprites disguised as flowers that watched the car go by. As they got close to the city, they saw a giant track in the ground that was identified to be left by vines.
  4 samle 2am
Report Date
06 Apr 2021


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