BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

4 Skytemple

General Summary

The party arrives in Wylandriah's tower back in the current timeline, and they figure out that their little meeting in the festival was 18 years ago. They ask what ever happened to that nerdy intern, Thiol, and dunh dunh dunh he walks in, 30 years old and less of a shithead, and Wylandriah suggests to him that the party needs his help and he should go with them as one of them. They remember that the next thing they were going to do (before the detour to the past) was use the portal, which has been repaired, to get to the Skytemple to try and ask a prophet what they are doing here and why they're being brought here. After a little deliberation, they step into the portal. They appear in a crypt-like location with spiderwebs, bones, a bunch of coffin graves, and other unpleasant things. They have to fight their way through some skeleton knights which have risen from their resting places, and ran into a priest who had been corrupted into a bodak. Menti found a little statue shaped like a grim reaper, and they all found some little crystals with coiled wires in them. They all break through a door, hoping no more bad things are behind them, and they find a bunch of guards with rifles pointed at them. But behind them a voice yells to wait, that they don't seem to be monsters, and to let them through. They meet Captain Alestair and the Skytemple guards, who block up the door behind them once they're through. They explain that stalkers kept coming through the portal room, so they had to destroy it. Now all the portals that usually lead to the skytemple all seem to put people into the lower decks instead, so the lower decks have become infested with all kinds of things and blocked off. As they are shown around the upper decks, they find that the Skytemple is actually an airship, though a somewhat damaged one with current events. They speak with Prophet Davon, and then through him, speak with Aki the Caretaker. He tells them that he's sick and weak and it's hard for him to bring them into this world sometimes and even speaking through the prophet is difficult. He says that the evil seeping into this world seems to be coming from the northwest, but it's within the northern mist so he can't clearly see exactly what it is. He asks the party to please help figure out and put a stop to it. Then the prophet passes out, coughing. There are a couple dragons off the side of the skyship, who are arguing over whether Cows or Sheep are better to eat, and they demand that the people on the ship help them solve the argument. They eventually agree that chicken nuggets are actually the best.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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