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7 Owl

General Summary

The party left Onioport, and on their way out, they saw a metal man being barred from entering the city by Joredir. They said that he could come with them, and he introduced himself as Wei. As they rode along, the infinity ring buzzed and made an annoying noise, so Thiol answered. The other end said "Hector, report in. Supposed to do this every day. Have you met your quota or not? Get back to me or I'm demoting you. Again." And Thiol sort of responded to that. Then they were stopped on a road by a Goblin who claimed to be the lord of this land, and he demanded shinies. He was given a rock with light and some gold to appease him. Once he left, Lyrra spotted an owl watching them at a weirdly close distance. The owl appeared to be a familiar belonging to someone. Once someone voiced this, the owl disappeared.
  Further down the road, the party came across some vines and brambles over the road that would've been impossible to get the car around. They heard a whistle noise, and realized they were about to be attacked. Two stalkers came up behind them, and a person in an owl mask took a potshot at them with an arcane arrow before running away. The party defeated the stalkers and then Wei and Solana cleared the brush away so they could drive past. Raven said that he knew the Owl and it seemed like his estranged sister. They got the rest of the way to Picchester, and then at the city limit they could hear music coming from the Outer Inn and people partying inside. They stopped, unsure what to do, and eventually figured out that these people were ghosts, both in the Ethereal and Material plane, not yet willing to pass on. Lyrra went inside to talk to them and found that they didn't want to talk about the stalkers. Wylandriah caught up with the party at a very poor timing, so they were suspicious at first and Lyrra talked to her separately. A group of horses came from further in the city and rode past them, saying that survivors were at the keep and the ghosts of the Outer Inn seemed harmless.
  Once they got to Picchester keep, they were granted entrance (but not food) by Jatai Blazegrove, who said that in 24 hours they would be trying to catch one of the generals (such as the antler guy or the owl person). They ride out during the day since they don't have darkvision but they do have horses. During the day, Wylandriah donated some goodberry bushes to the keep. Lyrra inspected the walls and found them to be strong, but she found a secret tunnel on the outside of the keep and she met a hireling who was not as he appeared. Menti made frends with one of the Blazegrove kids and gained entrance to their bedroom, where he found a map leading from the bedroom to outside the keep, and he found a hatch underneath the bed. Thiol reported to Wylandriah and had some rival banter with Jatai, and found that the Eldamarans are upset about a missing knife. Solana flirted with Seth Blazegrove and was informed that the Blazegroves are looking for a match for him. Wei destroyed the friendship between Lyndey Blazegrove and Wylandriah in one fell swoop uncovered some of the nuances of human relationships. The next morning, the party went off toward the Old Horse Rescue. When they nearly arrived, they were confronted with a familiar whistling noise. Six stalkers approached them, as well as Owl, who appeared to be riding a mechanical beast that then unfurled its wings and carried them both into the air.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location
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