BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

8 Owl Capture

General Summary

The party zooped back into the dreamworld, but for a brief moment, they were brought into the wrong time and saw the battle that could've been, the one in which they missed the whole thing. But then Aki said "Whoops, wrong time" and sent them back, so that they re-entered the dream at prettymuch the exact moment they left it. Owl and the Stalkers attacked, while the party and horsemen ran around picking them off. Lyrra force-choked the wingbeast to hold it in place and Thiol misty-stepped onto the back of the wingbeast to force Owl off. Owl took a potion. Menti led a troop of horsemen to take care of a few of the stalkers, and Solana saved Seth's butt when his horse was killed under him. Wei dismounted his horse and took a lot of damage from the stalkers, but then he handcuffed Owl's wrist to her ankle behind her back. One of the stalkers tried to run off with owl in his arms, but that stalker was killed, and the rest of the stalkers were killed or driven off. The party questioned Owl as they went back to Picchester Keep, and they learned that she works for someone whose name she doesn't know, but she calls him "The Boss." The Boss is upset that Aki brought him to this dreamworld without asking his permission, Owl claims that The Boss wants to kill the people and animals of this world because they make Aki stronger, and killing them will weaken the god. At this point, Solana made the connection that The Boss might be the pissy young wizard Ulenor that they met at the festival 18 years ago. An hour after the battle, Owl fell unconscious and could not be roused. They identified the potion that she took, and found that it grants resistance to everything for an hour, but then the user falls into a coma for 24 hours. They took a short rest and learned that Menti is good at piloting the Wingbeast, Wylandriah is bad at estimating ages, and Jatai still doesn't want to duel with Thiol.
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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