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Post-43 Downtime

World News

The power structure of the world settles a bit, now that many leaders have died, and the surviving ones have acquired a few cities. Some of these new nobles are great, others are not so great, but either way, many of the individual cities are instead consolidating into much more concrete alliances and countries.
  In the winter of 9845, it seems as though no new people are pulled into the plane. However, a number of extrapalanar travelers, adventurers, planeswalkers, and mages have shown up, by their own power, on purpose. It seems that the planar barriers have been taken down to a more normal level.
  Another barrier has been at least partially taken down: the painfully cold mist that surrounds the continent of Calida has developed some pathways through it. A few go in each direction out from the main continent. A few explorer parties are being put together with the intent of carefully mapping and discovering what exists beyond the bounds of Calida.
  With the fall harvest of 9845 interrupted, the winter of 9845 is one of scarcity, so it's good that new people aren't being brought into the plane yet. Of the remaining people, some have turned to banditry and looting since many of the empty cities are there for the taking.

Smaller News & Follow-ups

    • Mordak of Eldamar hasn't been seen in Eldamar since a few days after Gennieros of Eldamar left. (He left the day after the party did.) She allegedly flew into a rage, stormed off into the woods, and didn't come back.
    • Sonya Drusilla replaces Evan Everston as one of the heads of the SDB
    • Beatrice (Orok's Friend) approaches you with Orok's notes that he was starting to compile, and a letter he wrote to you all with the intention of giving it to you. It's only about half done, but it says that the gate to the next plane over is "In an emerald castle, you can't miss it. It leads to the plane of Void, an airless land that's a bit of a hub for many other planes to converge on. From there you have to get to a heavily guarded metal beast-city, which contains a gate to the Hateful Morass. Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to get to the Three Continents plane without going through the Hateful Morass, and it's a land constantly in turmoil, as three great evils battle there."  His letter has enclosed with it a tuning fork to Dreamworld
    • Halroth sends a letter to Lyrra with information about Hitermal: There is a very old text that describes such an "invisible web of trees" seen by a long-dead old explorer, who said that he saw them far to the northeast, "shrouded in Aether and Stars at the edge of the world"
    • Gennieros sends a bird to Senrielle and Lyrra with information about Hitermal: One of the ancestors speculates that it doesn't grow through seeds, it grows through thoughts, feeding off of them. The more people acknowledge it and believe that it's relevant to their lives, the more the Hitermal spreads in an area.
    • You learn of the election results from Shalerock, and find that Dominic Wood is your representative in the House of Lords now.


Potential Downtime Activities

  Downtime activities can be done with another party member, but they don't have to be. They are generally low-risk things, and not necessarily part of the main adventure, but part of the life your character leads.
    • Investigating Ulenor's Base
    • Selling magic items you don't want
    • Buying/comissioning magic items you DO want
    • Visiting your property (Shalerock House or Wylandriah's Old Tower, which now belongs to you too) (I'll figure out how to embed the maps here unless you want to find them on your own)
    • Pick up your car
    • Research something
    • Open a business
    • Pick up a new skill
    • Contacting NPC's
    • Visiting Family
    • Lots of other things


Future Full-Party Quests

These are threads and things you could do, may want to do, but don't have to do. I'll put up a survey about what you'd like to do next, but if you have any other ideas of what the options should be, let me know. This is just to help me prep, but generally I'd like to know from this what you think you'll do next once the full party comes together again.
    • Travel to Druimmor and visit the Court Wizard to get one gem to open the portal in the temple to Dunia (under the mountains between Shalerock and Agobert)
    • Find an Exploration Vessel, travel to "The Eye of the North" to get another gem to open the portal in the temple to Dunia (under the mountains between Shalerock and Agobert)
    • Follow up on the political fuckery in Shalerock
    • Track down the treasure in the Gulf of Wycor
    • Go on a multi-planar journey to Arkelya following Orok's path
    • Follow up on Hitermal & possibly visit its origin point

  After 90 days of downtime, when we pick back up, it will be the 6th of Hvile (which is our equivalent of the beginning of February)


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