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Session 28: The Killing Joke

General Summary

Campaign nr 28 28/05/2021   Monday, 31 May 2021 00:24   The party regroups at camp and meet up with Rashall and Mortem one final time. They congratulate our heroes on succesfully completing the side objectives, allowing the allied armies to be at their full potential. They go over the plan one more time. Rashall and Mortem shall battle anything that attempts to enter the stronghold Killos is situated in. If anything makes it past them, it was either too strong for them or they're dead. Meanwhile the party shall go around and attempt to enter through a side entrance which should be less guarded. Killos himself is most probably busy with the summoning of Atrox, and the group must stop him. In the event that they fail and Atrox is revived, they must use the Anchors, otherwise known as one of the pens Usze has in his possession, to trap Atrox's soul and teleport it away to another location or realm, preventing Killos from taking control.   With that they part ways. Yash, Usze, Seraphina, Lysander, Vic, Palanthus and the Pit Fiend make their way towards Killos' stronghold. They manage to stay out of sight for most of it until they reach a guardpoint. There, a nahiki broodmaster, along with two sorcerers, two healers and two knights protect the entrance. Having the element of surprise, our heroes immediatly manage to kill both heroes. After damaging one of the knights, he claps his hands. "trés bien, trés bi-en!" he says, revealing himself to be the nahiki that had overtaken Francois and had teamed up with Rashall all the way back in Kalanthus (see campaign nr.7) . He does not live long though, as Lysander and Yash team up and take him out, while the pit fiend deals with the broodmaster.   After they succesfully defeat the monsters, a familiar voice is heard. The messenger of the Qulvo appears once again and takes over the bodies of the nahiki-infested, transforming them into sludge beasts. After a continues battle they succesfully manage to take out the underlings, however the messenger proves difficult. It teleports from party member to party member, dealing significant damage to those unfortunate. After a bluff, the group manages to surround the creature. Yash deals the final blow to it, cutting off its head, killing it. Usze freezes over the remains just to be sure.   Lysander suggests a rest, however the rest persist there is no time, and they head forward after Palanthus heals any who were hurt badly in the battle. The pit fiend, Seraphina and Yash walk at the front, followed by Usze and Palanthus. Lysander tails them, with Vic all the way in the back. As they approach the stronghold, Yash wishes to deliver Leecher to Mortem and Rashall who are fighting at the front. However, not long after turning invisible, he hears Leecher's voice faintly humming. He immediatly turns back, as if nothing happened.   While approaching their final destination, the group talks. Lysander says he is glad got to travel with his friends, while holding the pit fiend's hand, who took a few steps back. Usze turns to Yash and says: "Yash, I've been thinking about what you said back at the inn. About how the universe doesn't work in coincidences. I'm starting to understand what you meant". Yash nods to him. "I also have, one last request. If one of you manages to make it out of here alive, and decide to return to Ekellos, please seek out my friend Lydia. I promised her I'd return and tell her of my tales, but considering I am no longer able to, I wish to at least have one promise not be broken. She deserves to know what happened here." Palanthus nods at him. "We will first attempt to solve this issue diplomatically with Killos." Yash says, knowing how little chance he has at convincing the deranged jester.   They enter the stronghold.   A massive hall, filled with soldiers, healers and sorcerers stands before them. In the middle, a fountain gushing out surprisingly clean water. To its left, a small feeble house. Behind the fountain are five statues, representing five different groups of inhabitants from different realms that the planet Thrast used to communicate with long ago. The statues, in order from left to right; A horned creature, a creature with a poison tail much like the one Vic and Usze fought in the volcanic painting, A lady clad in armour, a smaller robotic humanoid and a giant insect-like beast. Behind the statues are stone stairs leading up to an altar. On that altar stands Yeenoghu, his back turned to them. At the bottom of the stairs, Killos.   "HeLLo!!" the jester says, as he greets the heroes with open arms. Yash steps forward. "First of all, I'd like to thank you for taking out the Fey. What are you doing here?" he asks rhetorically. "SaViNg THraSt!" Killos replies.   Yash takes another step, suggesting to Killos he is in no way capable of keeping the god king under control, with or without Yeenoghu's help. Killos is not swayed however, claiming he has done everything perfectly and has everything under control. Yash turns around and walks back to the party, who are getting ready for battle. Killos too, walks back to his knights, snickering. He turns to face the party. "LeT's BeGiN!!".   Before Killos could utter the last word, Vic already fired at the guards standing near the fountain, then running towards the feeble house for cover. Lysander fires a fire bolt and follows him. Killos dashes forward targeting Usze, and hits him and those surrounding him with an attack enhancing gravity, slamming them into the ground. Usze gets up and covers himself in frost armour, now eye to eye with the Jester. Guards attempt to surround Seraphina, but she gracefully dodges each of their attacks. The feeble house breaks open, and guards come pouring out, surrounding Lysander. Palanthus fires at a ffew guards in an attempt to draw attention. Yash, realising Yeenoghu is the one performing the ritual, orders everyone to follow him to the altar. Seraphina punches a few guards and runs after him to assist.   Vic is ambushed by the guards from the house and manages to defend himself, while Lysander does the same by covering himself with floating rocks. Killos turns to Palanthus and, turning the tip of his fingers into metal claws, jabs them into Palanthus' helmet possibly striking her eyes, followed by a knee strike to her stomach, bringing her to the ground. Usze attempts to assist Yash and Seraphina by striking Yeenoghu with three blasts, but they all fail to strike. Approaching the stairs, Seraphina and Yash are attacked by magic missiles from the two sorcerers hiding near two of the statues. Despite being struck, they continue to run, managing to dodge the sword strikes from the guards at the foot of the stairs. Yash runs up as Seraphina covers his back. Then Yash hears Leecher.   "Draw me."   Without a second though he pulls the blade from its hilt, and a shining golden light illuminates the hall. Dashing forward, he plunges the blade into Yeenoghu. The monster screeches, as Yash pulls it out and goes for a second strike. The beast however manages to block the strike, desperately reaching out to the portal it was summoning. Then, above the monster, another portal opens. Leecher flies out of Yash's hands towards it, as the Guardian comes out, grabs the blade and plunges it into Yeenoghu from above, killing the monster. Victory is short though, as despite his death, Yeenoghu was succesfull in completing the ritual. Out of the portal comes a familiar looking form, seen many times in the paintings that decorated the buildings of Thrast. Three eyes, graced in a black carapace armour fitting for the almighty. Atrox, the God King.   Yash and the Guardian stand side by side. Seraphina stands firm on the stairway, continuing to punch and kick any guard attempting to reach the altar. Vic attempts to dodge a few magic missiles, and shoots straight through one of the guards standing in front of him, decapacitating him. He is then approached by the same long ranged gunner he saw earlier on Thrast. The man taunts him, and then engage in their well deserved duel. Lysander meanwhile stands behind the house surrounded. He uses his magic to cause a small earthquake knocking his attackers off their feet. He uses this time to escape, digging through the ground and coming out near Usze, who is hit by a vicious laughter by Killos. The Lizard laughs and rolls around the floor, unable to resist the magic.   A single guard runs past Seraphina, but is immediately disintegrated by the slightest touch of Leecher. Yash then strikes towards Atrox. He hits him once, but the second hit is blocked by the God King. Seraphina in frustration, punches through a guard's shield and striking his chest, stopping his heart. She then kicks another all the way down the stairs. The Pit Fiend assists her and grabs one guard, cracking him in twain. Atrox then unfurls his wings and lets out a mighty roar, so powerful it blows one of the guards away into the wall, and putting both Usze and Lysander on edge.     Meanwhile, far away, near where the town of Presco is, an army of Sludge starts approaching the small village. At the top of a hill, the big bird man Akhenaten stands with an army. "No one will get past me while I am alive!" he shouts, ready to face the oncoming monsters. A few miles further In Drethildun, a man enters his Lord's office and explains: "Lord, an army called the Qulvo seems to be approaching". The lord turns, and says: "that's a simple solution, send in the cavalry". In Kalanthus, a guard burst through the door. "Sir, the Qulvo seem to be surrounding the city!" he shouts. In the room Saan, Ruuch and Lucifer stand. "Ah, just like we expected, while we are all distracted on Thrast", Saan says calmly.   Back on Thrast, Killos is done laughing at the Lizard and releases him from his vicious laughter. Usze tries to get a hit in, but fails and is grabbed and thrown over the Jester's shoulder with ease, slamming him into the ground. He gets up, and starts firing eldritch blasts at Killos. Yash, dodging the sorcerer's attacks, slides underneath Atrox's legs and slashes the God King. The Guardian meanwhile casts a warding bond between them, strengthening their overall survival. Succesfully taking out most of the guards, Seraphina runs down the stairs to help the Pit Fiend, who is looking rough. After they succesfully take out another few enemies and realising his chances of survival are slim upon seeing the power of the God King, the Pit Fiend comes clean to Seraphina and tells her he is her great great great grandfather. "Youre getting out of here alive! Both of us!!" Seraphina yells, as she tries to persuade him to take a healing potion, though he refuses.   Then, the top right statue starts to crack, and breaks apart. The massive bug monster comes to live, and attacks all in its path. The Pit Fiend notices a healer hiding in the corner of the hall, and makes his way over to finish him off. Seraphina wants to follow him, but is halted by another guard grabbing her in an attempt to gut her. Then, a pulse is felt behind Usze, Palanthus and Lysander. An overwhelming stench of death fills the hall, as the Warden comes in and makes its way to Atrox. This either means that Rashall and Mortem couldn't stop it, or they're dead. Atrox gets slashed by the Warden, and strikes back ferociously, making the creature whimper.   Vic is continuing to have his duel with the gunned man, as they take turns firing bullets at magnificent speeds. Lysander, now being attacked by multiple guards who got up after his small earthquake, attempts to fire a powerful lightning strike at the Jester. However to his surprise there is one more healer still hiding inside the worn down house, who then counter spells him, much to Lysander's frustration. Killos seeing the Warden, tells Usze he is starting to bore him and walks over towards the fountain, towards Atrox. Usze makes a move to stop him and strikes his legs with his tail, but he is hit again with vicious laughter. However! Lysander quickly counter spells it. Usze and Lysander now stand together, fighting off the leftover guards.   The guardian teleports to the other side of Atrox in an attempt to flank him, causing some damage to the God king. Palanthus gets rid of the a few of the guards attacking Lysander, then flies forward into the house and deals with the counter spelling healer. The bug monster that came to life, makes it's way towards the duelling Vic and Gunman, crushing one of the guard's head that was in the way with its mandibles. Seraphina who was being held by one guard and flanked by another, uses her newfound Qulvo powers that she absorbed after Yash dropped them when he transformed (see campaign nr.27). She slithers out of their grasp and runs to her great great great grandfather's aid. Then, the horned statue breaks open and the monster inside awakens.   The Warden makes another attempt to strike Atrox, but is backhanded and thrown down the stairs. Vic meanwhile manages to strike his target in the shoulder, heavily damaging him, yet the gunman still stands firm. Lysander strikes one guard with a fire bolt rock, as Killos makes his way back and grabs Usze again, throwing him over his shoulder into the ground once more. Usze gets up, and covers himself in a frozen armour once again. Palanthus kills the healer inside the house, and when exiting sees Vic is in a bad condition. "Do you need any healing Vic, or is this a man thing you need to do?" Vic declines and Palanthus understands the situation. The gunman nods to Vic in respect. She makes her way over to Lysander and Usze to help them fight Killos.   The pit fiend engages with the horned statue monster, and is losing. The bug monster has reached the duelling gunmen, and screeches at them, catching the attention of one of the guards that was attacking Usze. They look at it, then at one another. "What the fuck is this?" the Gunman says. Vic nods towards him, and without saying a word he, the guard and the Gunman team up to face the giant bug monster. Seraphina seeing her kin in trouble, screams out "You will NOT hurt MY GRANDFATHER!!" as she smashes the horned monster so hard, he falls prone to the ground, allowing the pit fiend to rip open the monster's chest, Seraphina to kick it's nose and break it, and then finally using both their powerful punches to crack the horned monster's head open like an egg shell, killing it.   The robotic statue awakens. It slowly walks towards Seraphina and the Pit Fiend, first looking towards Atrox, witnessing Yash holding on and succesfully dodging the swings of Atrox' sword strikes that come down with such force, it breaks the ground into multiple chunks. The Robot then looks forward again and approaches Seraphina. Back near the house, Vic shoots the giant bug and pierces its carapace, as Lysander burns through another guard with another bolt. In retort, Killos turns to him and punches him straight in the jaw, and as he stumbles grabs him by the coat and slams him overhead into the ground, followed by a wallop of kicks knocking him unconcious. Usze fires two blasts against him throwing him back 10 feet. Usze then jumps between Lysander and Killos. "You're not taking another one of my friends." He says. Killos laughs maniacally and replies "Then I'll take you!".   Seraphina continues to be struck by a few of the sorcerer's attacks, as the bug monster chows down onto the guard fighting it. Yash strikes Atrox twice in his legs, and noticing the Pit Fiend in the corner of his eye, heals him slightly. Angered, Atrox swings down but misses the agile Yash as he dodges at the last moment, pieces of the altar flying past him. The statue next to Seraphina and the Pit Fiend awakens, as the Pit Fiend rips off one of the sorcerer's heads, spilling out their guts. Then, the robot stands in front of them. It grabs the Pit Fiend's arm, punches down onto his elbow breaking it. Then, transforming one of its arms into a blade, plunges it deep into the Fiend's chest, ending his life.   Seraphina looks on as her great great great grandfather perishes, uttering his final words to her. "Don't... Die...". Seraphina on the verge of tears, screams out against the robot. Atrox lets out another blast as he regains more of his soul, going on a rampage. He slams away both the Guardian and the Warden, but when he goes to strike Yash, instead of dodging, he meets the God King with his own blade, locking them both. As Leecher grants him power, he is able to withstand Atrox, despite the ground underneath him forming a crater out of sheer force.   Vice fires two precise shots at the giant bug, striking both eye and piercing it's brain, killing it. The gunman nods to him and he nods back, as they get back into position to continue the duel. Lysander now back on his feet thanks to Palanthus, runs past Usze and strikes Killos with an insanely powerful lighting strike, shocking the Jester's whole body. Somehow amused, Killos starts to dance and laugh. Running past both Usze and Lysander, he reaches Palanthus and slams her to the ground, continuing to stomp down onto her until she rolls out of the way.   The Guardian teleports himself back onto the altar, or what remains of it. Seraphina meanwhile can't avenge her kin yet, as not only is the robot facing her, but now the statue behind her, the one with the poisonous tail, is also trying to kill her. Remembering what Mortem mentioned about the fountain being cleansed, she sets her sights on it after dodging a tail strike. Yash turns to the Guardian and unfortunately letting his guard down, gets stricken fully by one of Atrox' blows. Thanks to the bind, the damage is shared between him and the Guardian. However, the Guardian is also starting to lose stamina.   Usze fires a blast towards Killos, but he dodges it. He turns to the Lizard in order to mock him, but before he knows it he is met face to face with a second blast, slamming him backwards. He stumbles back to his feet, still hurt from the lightning strike from Lysander, as Palanthus comes up from behind and grapples him, kicking down onto his knee, as Usze fires a third blast directly into his stomach. He starts coughing, as some sort of smoke escapes from his mask. "that one was for Adalai you son of a bitch." Usze says as Killos falls to his knees, and he starts to laugh, though it almost sounds like he is crying. Yash continues his fight against Atrox, as the Warden gets back up and helps them.   Vic and the Gunman continue their duel, however Vic is struck in his chest, and he falls down, losing the duel. The gunman however, out of respect, picks up Vic's downed body and places him against the wall of the house. He sits next to him, and catches his breath. Seraphina meanwhile has reached the fountain, and attunes to it, healer herself somewhat. Then, the final statue erupts behind her, the Lady in armour. She pulls out a large blade and spots the Tiefling, dashing towards her and striking her in the back as Seraphina attempts to reach the group fighting Killos.   Killos, down on the floor coughing and laughing, is approached by Lysander. He kneels down next to the Jester and says "I hope... You burn in hell." as he fires another lightning strike through the Jester, going straight through him and striking the gunman who was sitting behind them as well, charring the poor man's entire corpse. Killos however, is still alive and breathing, more smoke escaping his mask. He laughs and pulls out a small black crystal, and crushes it. A piece of the shard he took from the shard dimension! (see campaign nr.20) Being a Thrastian himself, much like Mortem and Yash, he has the ability to ascend. Using the power of the shard, he does just this, making him technically immortal. He grows larger and bulkier in front of our heroes' eyes. Usze downs the health potion given by Rashall, ready for round two.   Atrox starts to glow.   Seraphina looks behind her and sees the Lady. She attempts to run off and gets slashed again. She reaches Vic and force feeds him her health potion, and helps him up. Vic looks around and sees the charred remains of his duelling partner, then turns to Lysander with a degrading look. Seraphina seeing the cowboy back up, continues to run around the house for safety and a moment to breathe. The robot meanwhile grabs the poison monster's head and smashes it against a pillar, killing it instantly. It then spots Seraphina behind the house and cuts her off.   Atrox, now flowing, rams his blade against both the Guardian and the Warden, while Yash yet again parries it. He then blasts one massive beam in a straight line forward, destroying the fountain and leaving a trial of smoke and burned ground as if a meteor had crashed. Palanthus just manages to dodge it, as Vic fires at the Ascended Killos. They hit, but he does not seem bothered. The lady then moves up and strikes Usze, after which she is hit by the cold armour swirling around the Lizard. Lysander positions himself, and fires another lightning strike through the Ascended Killos, hitting the Lady behind him as well. The Ascended Killos strikes back and slams Lysander in the jaw, knocking him out with his newfound power.   The pen in Usze´s pocket pulses.   Without a moment to spare he runs away from Killos who had his attention on Lysander, and using his dance skills jumps over the Lady with the sword. She turns and attempts to hit him, but he is already dashing towards Atrox. As he comes close, the pen flies out of his pocket into the air, then directly towards Atrox' chest. As Atrox is about to deal the final blow to the Guardian, the pen strikes him in the heart. It digs deep into the God King, and within a mere second, he vanishes.   -----   "I'll get to see you soon my boy..." Alistair says, as he vigorously types away at his desk. The AI he created, named Mo, is assembling an army within the shard dimension, when suddenly a flash of light. "This is a pleasant surprise." Mo utters as Atrox stands there in the centre of the AI's room. They stare at one another for a moment, after which Mo asks for the God King to join him. Of course, the God King immediatly attacks. "A shame" Mo says, as he fills the room with disintegrating gas. So, the AI and the God King start a never-ending battle.   Saan, Ruuch and the Devil head downstairs into the basement of Saan's establishment. "The plan has failed, the Qulvo are taking over". He says calmly towards the researchers there. They immediatly kick into action, activating machines left and right as steam blows left and right out of copper and brass pipes. "The shard is detonated". Saan turns to Ruuch, and explains: "Ruuch, this beam is going to cleanse. You see, there is too much risk to the lives of others in this world. Targeting the utmost powerful, they shall be transported and their lives rewritten to a place far away from us. This body, the remains of our god, shall assist us".   In Treskarr, deep in the remains of the laboratory, a black heart pulses surrounded by waves of Qulvo. Then, a golden-white beam pierces it, dissolving it and all Qulvo surrounding it. At the borders of Presco, Akhenaten continues to fight the Qulvo, until suddenly they all melt away at once. Victorious, he places his spear into the sand. "No one shall get Presco while I stand." As he finishes his sentence, a golden beam strikes him.   "Well I'm glad I lost all my magic power when I died." Ruuch says nervously. The Devil turns to him in a mocking manner. "You're not getting off that easy partner." as he lights a cigarette. His smug smile then turns into a frown. "...Well in the end, you really were a lucky fucker. I guess you're free now." as the devil himself is hit by a white beam, erasing him from this world. Ruuch looks for a few seconds processing what happened, then turns to Saan and says: "That was my plan all along, I knew he would be taken out by this white beam". Saan just looks at him and replies: "Luckily I am not that powerful".   Outside of the stronghold on Thrast, Telarus holds Rashall and Mortem in his hands, chocking them both as all soldiers around them have fallen. Then, all three are struck by the beam.   Alistair finally finishes his work and wipes away the sweat from his forehead. He gets up, eager to see his son again.   The white beam strikes.   In Drethildun, Zelthin looks at the now empty throne. He takes his seat. "Well I can get used to this." He says as he places an illusionary crown upon his head.   ---   The Ascended Killos attempts to strike down upon the downed Lysander, as the immortal jester is hit by the glowing beam, along with the Lady and the Robot. It is silent in the hall, as all foes have disappeared. The group looks at one another, amazed at their success.   Then, Vic feels an odd felling in his stomach. Despite never having it before, he knows what it means. He turns to Usze and says "It's been real man". Then he turns to Vic, and gives him one final nod. Yash nods back, as out of nowhere the beam swoops down and disintegrates him.   "Usze, I-I.." Palanthus says, however she is unable to finish her sentence as she is too taken by the beam.   Usze feels it too, and turns to Yash. He smiles. "Though parting hurts, the rest is in your hands." Yash gives him the Thrastian salute, a sign of utmost respect. Usze gives him the signal needed to re-enter Presco, the one he learned all the way back at the start of the adventure. The beam comes down and disintegrates him.   The Guardian walks up to Yash. "My time is up, you were always meant to lead." Yash is able to keep himself together and looks up at his old colleague. The beam approaches, but the Guardian crosses his arms and blocks the beam for a moment. "Goodbye..." he says, as he opens his arms accepting the beam.   ----   "Sir! Outside, the Qulvo seem to have perished!" a guard says to Saan and Ruuch. Saan nods slowly. "And now, for something I have never said.... It is time for a counterattack."   ----   Yash, Lysander and Seraphina are left in the aftermath. Seraphina walks up to Lysander and stabilises him, getting him back onto his feet. The young researcher looks around, and notices a lot of people are gone. "We... Won?" he says, confused. "I'm not sure... Some of the enemies are gone, but our allies are also gone." Yash stands on the Altar, and speaks to Leecher. The sword, now the planet, explains this had happened before. He explains to Yash how they built Thrast in the first place, and how they can built it up again as he remembers how to do it. Seraphina and Lysander make their way onto the Altar.   "Looks like we've got our hands full." He says, looking down at his blade. He makes a broad swing, as a portal appears before them. A portal back to Ekellos. Lysander looks in for a second, then hesitates. "Well... I'd..." he pauses for a moment. "My father is not responding. His knowledge, I have with me." He turns to Yash, who smiles back at him. "We'd be honoured to have you." Lysander overjoyed, wraps his arm around Yash's shoulder. "I'd love to read all your books!". "I'll need to teach you the language first!" Yash says as they share a laugh.     They then turn to Seraphina, who has walked down the stairs towards the body of her great great great grandfather, the Pit Fiend. She performs a prayer burial, freeing him from his past. "Though it was brief, it was fun. You big dork..." she says as she turns around and climbs the stairs again. She looks at her friends. "Well, I need to go home. Rebuild my temple, considering the sludge destroyed everything". Lysander lets go of Yash's shoulder and goes in to hug Seraphina, who hugs him back. "May winds favour you." Yash says as he salutes her as well. She upnods him back, and walks through the portal, it closing behind her. Yash and Lysander look at one another, as Yash makes his way down the stairs.   Lysander follows, but turns around for a second. He places his hands together, and then onto the rubble left by the battle. Utilising his magic and the remains of the broken statues, he leaves a monument.   To heroes fallen.
Report Date
28 May 2021
Primary Location

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