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Session 8: Family Matters

General Summary

Ruuch feels the revolver being lowered from his head. His son stands there in the dark entrance of the graveyard's catacombs. He's dressed in a militarily outfit and has a rifle that looks more for show than for battle. The son says that he survived the attack on the city of Traskarr thanks to a few helpful people that allied themselves with the eye. Ruuch asks about his wife and the son seems sombre. The air seems quite uncomfortable between them. The son introduces himself as Jeremiah and motions the party to head deeper into the catacombs. The path diverges, the party heads to the main area where the eye is located and Ruuch heads to a grave with his son. He then explains that his mother was victim of the sludge and so Ruuch comes to face his wife's tombstone. And so he returns to the party, looking empty. The party moves onto the eye, a strange fellow that's about 7,5 feet tall and speaks frantically about schools of magic. The eye asks for the rose, but Presco seems uncertain about him. Since the blue eye is Hassy's brother Lydia trusts him with the rose. She then asks about her sister Amber, he seems absent when he's being asked about her, but motions Lydia to the door behind him anyway. The rest of the party is tasked by the eye to find "questions girl" in the main room as to not pester him with trivialities anymore and let him get back to work. Adalai is simping for the rose, so Usze abducts him. Together they go find the girl. Ruuch instead goes to visit his wife's grave again.   ############# EDITORS NOTE: Usze wears boat shoes and cargo shorts, its cannon now. ############   Usze R E T U R N T O M O N K E and goes to find food. He finds the girl who introduces herself as Raine, she's a 4-feet-something water-Genasi and a scientist that works with the eye and Jeremiah to keep things afloat. She seems unfazed by the 7 feet lizard and leads them to the food. After securing the food they head to bed. Usze falls asleep in a haystack in the most derpy way possible, with only his head poking out. Lydia and Ruuch are still having conversations with their family members deep into the night. Adalai sneaks out of his room to steal the rose again, but is stopped by the eye.   The party wakes up to a lot of chatter and a glimmer of hope. They go to have breakfast and meet Amber, Lydia's sister. She told Amber that Usze sucks at dancing and so Usze proves her right by default dancing all over the main hub area. Raine opens her door to see it and writes it down in her notebook, with the same vigour Adalai writes fanfiction about the party. Ruuch and Raine seem to recognize each other. A certain Jim Smartman was her teacher in university; it was Ruuch, teaching her utter horseshit. He brags about how he fooled an entire university that he was some expert in natural oils.   ############# EDITORS NOTE: "Adalai just kinda smiles." tally: 46 #############   We head over to the eye to see him muttering to himself. Ruuch pushes Adalai into the room as he is the one to speak to the eye about his debt for resurrecting Usze. The eye asks if he's here to steal the rose again, the party seems kinda done with Adalais shit. Adalai asks the eye to fix his water waifu, so the eye grabs his amulet and notes there's no magic, curse or anything he knows to identify. He remarks that "death may be soon" if Adalai does not leave his amulet with him. Adalai refuses. He then asks about his debt. Underneath the city is a mine/factory which contains a beast that is being held by crystal creatures that are currently attempting a mind link with it. Our objective is to sever the mind link then kill the crystalline Archon and the chain protector, in that order. Adalai is the one to sever the mind link while the other party members go to fight. To subdue the beast we use a sleep dart that the eye gave us. Lydia asks about the beast and the eye remarks that it kills gods.   The eye orders us to pick up Raine, as we could use some help with the quest, so Ruuch and Adalai go and grab her. Adalai hands over the dart to Raine, asking her to shoot it at the beast. She agrees and takes a while to put on her armour, so Adalai asks to help her. Ruuch drags him away. Raine goes to her fellow doctors to tell them that she needs to go on a quest for the eye. When she opens the door to his office she sees the aftermath of Palanthus wrecking the place. The bodyguard looks fucked up, the doctor shaken up and the rifle she stole looks freshly polished. She heads past Raine to join the party. Usze remarks that he's not seen that gun before, and Palanthus says that she got it from the guard of a doctor that used to experiment on her. She wanted a little payback.   ############ EDITORS NOTE: >When the party is complete Raine, the fully armoured paladin AC queen remarks that wearing armour is necessary for dangerous quests like these. >mfw no one in the party wears armour. ############   We tell the eye we are ready and are promptly transported into the mining facility, the hallways echo with gunshots and growls. Upon opening one of the doors we see a battlefield of sludge fighting morgar (centaur creatures) and crystal creatures. At the end of the room we see a trap door. Adalai wildshapes into a gay wolf and dashes for the exit, but gets paralyzed not even a quarter way through. Rain steps behind a huge sludge creature, then proceeds to do nothing. Ruuch and Usze blasts baddies with eldrich blast. Lydia fails at all her spells so opts to insult her target instead, it works out. Adalai throughout this stays paralyzed, like the absolute soyboi he is.   When we slayed the last sludge we notice a heavily tattooed, masked man standing near the trap door that carries the same energy as Cicero, happily jesting about "the carrier" being here, referring to Adalai. A few doglike creatures come up to Lydia speaking Undercommon. They ask if we are here for "Yenaguh". Lydia deceives them and says they are. While they are conversing Adalai pulls the masked man aside to speak in private about what he means by "the carrier". He returns to the party and claims nobody knows what's wrong with him, not even the masked man. Usze believes him but Ruuch knows a liar when se sees one and while Adalai moves onto the next room, they talk amongst themselves. Ruuch remarks that Adalai has been acting increasingly strange and must be on our watch. With that Usze says that if the time ever comes; "He's not the real Adalai anymore, anyways."
Report Date
17 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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