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Session 9: Arkon's Escape

General Summary

The party moves onto the next room, on the way they talk amongst themselves. Lydia tells Ruuch that her sister Amber has a Nahiki inside her named Gollohan and is worried for her safety. Ruuch says that not all Nahiki mean harm and so she may be safe. The dogs seems to get more and more suspicious about Lydia but she keeps on simping for Yeenoghu, Killos seems to listen in on this and is amused, does he speak undercommon? We open the door and see a room filled with sludge. Adalai summons two eagles to take us across so he and Killos jump on, but halfway through the crystals in the room start pulsating, removing his concentration and so the eagles vanish. They both drop but Killos instantly teleports to the exit, laughing at us from the side lines. Adalai gets saved by Raine's vines. Usze breaks the ceiling with eldritch blast so it falls down to create platforms for us. One of the Gnolls fall into the sludge and dies. Adalai turns onto a spider to move across the walls and once again, his concentration broke and he fell only this time he landed on a crystal. Raine moves her vines around to set a better path for jumping over the sludge. Suddenly a giant creature rises from the sludge and Lydia dimension door's herself and Ruuch to the exit. Usze collapses the ceiling on the creature but also damages the party members. Meanwhile the crystal creatures at the walls continue pulsating and make the sludge reduce in size. The rest eventually make it across with Raine's vines, Adalai's birds and Usze's ceiling rubble, but not before the sludge monster burns Lydia's tail. She hisses a spell at it to make it move away and Palanthus shoots it, ending the encounter.   ############ EDITORS NOTE: Usze: Sludge is on my sweater already moms spaghetti ############   With the party being safe Ruuch instantly draws his sword and confronts Killos, grilling him about doing fuck-all to help us and only laughing at the sidelines just like before. Killos continues to laugh so Ruuch greenflame-blades him with a nat 20 but it has fire immunity no effect. We all discuss among ourselves how we don't trust Killos, Adalai says he does. The next thing we know the Blue Eye contacts us saying he has a path open for the link. The crystal coated hallway splits in two and Adalai moves left to break the link. The rest goes right to weaken the Crystalline Archon until it makes a flash, then we kill her and subdue the beast with the dart that Raine got from the eye. The god beast cannot be killed, it must be freed and only afterwards can it be killed.   Adalai sends Killos as backup to help us and he accepts as it is the carrier's will. Ruuch tells him to go fuck himself and so Killos decides to go with Adalai instead. Adalai gets a new spell; mindblast cantrip, as he walks down the smaller of the crystal tunnels and as he gets to a door the eye remarks that the linker is here. He opens the door to see a humanoid with crystalline arms pointing upwards towards a sigil in the sky, they don’t move at all. Adalai makes a charisma save and has no control of the two halves of his brain. There is now only one voice in his head that tells him to go the link and as he does his mind gets transported to another dimension. Adalai arrives in a dark void with swirling violet light, the linker stands in the middle to confront him. About 60 ft in front of him he sees an orb protected by a golden pillar. "Destroy it" says the eye.   Meanwhile the party approaches big crystal double doors. Lydia convinces the dog she had a vision of Yeenaguh that said we need to defeat whatever is in this room, it somehow is fully convinced. We push open the door and see the beast, fortified with pieces of metal being chained down in the middle of the room. Sludge and crystalline creatures are fighting each other, one sludge creature in particular is attacking the archon. Lydia uses dissonant whispers to get the sludge creature to move away from it and as it does, the beast claps it, ending it swiftly. It’s a very stonk boi. Raine surrounds the Archon with wind wall to protect it until the link is broken.   ########## Editors note: Lydia gets KO'd 4 times in 1 fight. But still manages to kill at least 1 creature by flipping it off. ##########   Adalai quickly finds himself out of options and asks for help and as he does, a shadowy creature rises from the void that dwarfs both Adalai and the lady. Suddenly the eyes open up, a blue, yellow, black and green one. They all start blasting at the figure and Adalai runs towards the orb. The forcefield gets shattered by the brain's tentacles and grabbed the orbs. As the rest of the party wiped the floor with most of the creatures more start to rise from the ground so they hide and wait until Adalai is done and the Archon flashes. When she finally realized what the party was doing she made her escape through a portal she was tinkering on. After a failed attempt from Raine to throw the dart at the beast it escaped as well. And so with what probably amounts to a collective 20 hitpoints, every party member has survived this gruesome battle, but fears for what awaits them next.
Report Date
28 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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