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Darran was confused. He opened his eyes with a gasp as he pushed his prone body up to his feet with a groan. What is this place, where is he, and why is everything just swirling black? His mind raced with more questions the more he waited until he stopped with a jolt. Is that... another person he thought as he spotted a sharply dressed man with a well kept beard in military attire rise to his feet.
  Zelthin was angry. Who dares rip him from his work, to this phantasmagorical hell-scape no less. "Well i'm guessing it was one of you who summoned me here, so, get on with it" he snapped at the other three figures standing around him.
  Saan was bored. The tall, masked fellow was interesting enough for he seemed to know much Saan did not, but his cheery voice did start to drone after a while. The rather normal looking fellow stuck to the "side" away from the others, quite obviously avoiding contact, Saan respected his decision. At least there was that red-faced poon shouting about his work and time. He amused Saan.
  Darran shied away from the others and tucked himself away to the closest thing to a corner he could find. First Almighty, who were these people, he mused looking over the near regal looking man twirling a serpent cane in his hand with a half smile more intimidating than any horror he's seen, and God's the paindeer are hard to beat.
He was suddenly snapped out of his ruminations as a shrill, new voice perked up.
  "Greeeeeetings, men of power" said the new figure, offering a mock bow. "I trust the travel nausea has worn off by now hmmm. Hehehehehhahahahha" Telarus above, what IS this "man" Zelthin thought, looking at his hooked beak-like mask and strange runes burned across his whole body, some of which, Zelthin could read. Power, Weakness. The runes he could make out made as much sense as those he couldn't - ridiculous man. "Well, if you're done wasting our time, what the fuck do you want?" barked Zelthin, this resulted in the man busting into a small fit of hysteria.
  Saan almost escaped a chuckle as the General looking man grew further into a crimson fury, content enough to just observe, for now.
  Sensing the rising tensions in the room, Darran finally stepped forwards, "Yes, we are all busy men it would seem, why are we here?" resulting in a nod from the man with a stag skull helmet, what confusing attire. "HeeeeHeeee, my name is Killos, and I have brought you four here as the brightest and most powerful minds alive willing to join my caus-"
A voice laced with silk and honey, yet plainly hiding an icy edge of thorns just under, arose for the first time since Darran entered - "Rashall here has already told me of your endeavours... And I refuse" and before another breath could be made, he vanished out of existence.
  The man, with his fancy mannerisms and appearance was still just the same as all the others. He bored Saan.
  Of course, not only do the others already seem to know what's going on, but they can hop out whenever they please. Today is not Zlethin's day, and it's only 11 in the morning... probably. Steeling himself, he looks forward waiting for a reaction. "W-well I still place my offer to the rest of you, I seek to fabricate a God, one to fix this disgusting world and reshape it into each of our new, glorious ideals. Heehee." Zelthin let out a deep, long sigh, "Sorry I already have a God of my own to restore, now if you could politely send me back, that would be preferable." 
"Oooo, hoohoo I haven't even explained MY God yet~" Teased Killos, with a grin you could almost hear forming with the words.
Zelthin narrowed his eyes "Back, now." And with that, he was gone. 
"Oh" he said aloud, staring at the ceiling of his lab, "That was sudden, time to get back to work".
  Darran shook his head, he had far more important things to worry about, Parva for example, poor boy must be lost without him right now. No he would also have to decline, but before he could speak, the only other figure left spoke "Killos. I have warned you, if you come to me about this again, I will kill you."
"Ohhoho, dear, sweet Rashall, I knew deep down none of you would really join me". The man paused to give a questioning look over to Darran, resulting in a curt nod. "Yes, I have brought you two here, specifically for I see much future potential for an alliance between us. And if not, I offer a warning, a warning of things to come should our ideals cross hhhheeeeeeeeeeehehhehehhahhahaha." Darran blinked in confusion, was he threatening him? And if so, should he even take him seriously he thought, and paused. Though he is clearly insane, the dream idea is quite good he really should try it sometime.   Killos was quite tickled pink, for he did not expect such a hilarious response from the two. Sheer confusion, and something he couldn't read from Rashall, typical, whatever it was, it was quite funny though. "That is all for now, but you're probably aware i'll be back with my offer, after... some events pass heehhehe." And with that he disabled the spell and returned the others back to their where-evers. The coming days will be fun indeed.
  Rashall was tired, this news simply added to it, he'd deal with it later though. for now, it was time to sleep - he had one thing clear though, his revenge comes first.

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