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Driftriver Community Rules

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. The Driftriver Community privacy policy can be found here:Driftriver Privacy Policy

  3. No Attacking The Community Or Members
  4. Any behavior intended to attack or disrupt the Dritriver Community, such as raiding, trolling, brigading, doxing or otherwise attacking individuals or the community will result in removal and a permanent ban from Driftriver. This includes any attempts to phish or introduce malicious software within the community.

  5. No Minors
  6. Driftriver does not permit minors to participate in the server. The content on Driftriver contains adult themes. Any member must be of a legal age to be represented as an adult within their respective country of residence. If a player is determined to be a minor they will receive a ban from Driftriver until they can prove otherwise, or have reached the appropriate age.

  7. No Minor Characters
  8. All characters played on Driftriver must be of an adult age for their race. This is typically defined in the race’s lore, as detailed in the source material. This ban does not extend to non-player characters (NPCs) but any minor NPCs must immediately and successfully escape, no matter what the odds, should a battle break out. Dungeon Masters must not direct their own monsters to attack, maim or otherwise harm minor characters. Players must never direct their own characters to attack, maim or otherwise harm minor characters. These rules can not be stepped around through the use of illusion or shapeshifting; taking any form which would break this rules is also expressly forbidden. If a character is pregnant these rules also apply to that character; the character must be immediately evacuated from any combat scenario, including any pregnant player characters. Violators will be warned or instantly removed from Driftriver and banned.

  9. No Explicit Sexual Content or Behavior
  10. The Driftriver Community does not condone or permit explicit sexual behavior in or out of character. The distribution of pornographic images and media including any softcore, hardcore, illustrated, animated or other form containing explicit sexual content can result in a warning to immediate removal and/or a permanent ban from Driftriver. Driftriver understands that individuals may wish to explore sexual themes or environments within games. Any situations in which this content would cross the line from implicit to explicit must be handled with an immediate “fade to black” in which the behavior is left implicit. Players who wish to pursue sexual interests with other consensual members of the community must do so privately, using a platform not officially affiliated with Driftriver, such as private direct messages or their own resources.

  11. No Out-Of-Character Racism or Prejudiced Behavior
  12. Any players making racist comments or espousing prejudiced or hateful beliefs will be warned or instantly banned from Driftriver. Please report any occurrences of this behavior to a staff member.Characters may hold these beliefs and act on them within an in-character context. For example a Dwarf with a deep-rooted grudge against all orcs is permitted.

  13. No Bullying or Personal Attacks
  14. Players may participate in friendly banter or teasing at their comfort levels. If for any reason a player becomes uncomfortable due to direct offensive behavior from another community member then staff will review and act to resolve the situation. Discrimination or hate speech based on race, sex, gender, age, or sexuality is unacceptable. Racial slurs are specifically prohibited. If you are being bullied/harassed (even in DMs), please report it to any member of Staff.

  15. Drug Use, Depiction of Drug Use, or Discussion of Drugs
  16. Driftriver does not permit the glorification of drug use. Characters may not create, use, or describe the effects of any real drugs or narcotics. Any substance use depicted should be kept as implicit as possible and be as lore friendly to Dungeons and Dragons as possible, matching source material.Drug use may not be incorporated into sessions via game mechanics unless specifically outlined in a class feature or an item’s description. Any other drug use should not be codified or gamified in such a way that a character rolls for saves against negative effects, an overdose, or addiction.Drug use is a sensitive topic, and you should be upfront with all players at a table if you plan on making it a central theme to a game session as a Dungeon Master or as a character theme as player. Players have the right to refuse to participate or respond to your drug use.Whenever possible the representation of the effects of any drugs or unusual substances should be considered magical over chemical or biological.

  17. No Spam
  18. Posting a high volume of messages or low value content without interaction from other members of the community may result in a warning. If other members of the community are interested in the content they will respond; if not then please do not continue to repeat the subject. Violators will be warned; repeat violators will be banned. Directly messaging Driftriver community members with low value content is included under spam. If another community member does not engage in conversation with your direct messages, and the unwanted messages persist, they can report your messages as spam if the messaging member is only able to connect to the user through being members of Driftriver. Additionally, using Driftriver as a messaging list or 'mailing list' to send mass private messages is considered spam.

  19. Respect the Dungeon Master
  20. Within a game setting the Dungeon Master is responsible for ruling on gameplay and story questions and concerns. If you have a disagreement with a Dungeon Master in the moment please do all that you can to continue the game until completion and bring your concerns to Staff for review. By allowing the session to continue until completion we ensure that all other players are able to complete the session in a timely manner.

  21. No Character Trading
  22. Driftriver has a closed economy that depends on individual player progression. You may not trade with other characters in any fashion. Within sessions you may loan items or use items on other characters, but you must have the item within your loadout. The item is returned to your character at the end of the session, regardless of the ending game state.

  23. Logging Requirements
  24. Dungeon Masters are required to log sessions within the #sessions-archive channel per the information in the pin. Players are required to log character creation and changes in the #character-archives channel. Players are required to log gold expenditure in the #transactions-archives channel. Players are required to log Drop expenditures in the #drops-archives channel. Players are not required to keep their Driftriver Character Sheet up to date but it is highly recommended. Choosing to use and maintain a Driftriver Character Sheet may be a requirement for some Dungeon Masters to accept you into their game.Players caught falsifying characters, items or other character information will be warned or banned from Driftriver.

  25. Campaign Persistence
  26. Some Dungeon Masters may require that characters be committed to their campaign. In these situations these characters are locked in their state of entry to the campaign in question until the Dungeon Master releases them. All progression from the campaign applies at the end of the campaign arc, or when the Dungeon Master permits characters to return to Driftriver.Characters can roleplay in the town or interact with other characters as long as a DM does not take exception. It is recommended that they not discuss events regarding the current phase of their campaign arc. The roleplay can be treated as being before the campaign arc or after, but should be cleared by a DM. If you must depart a campaign early please work with your Dungeon Master to facilitate the departure.

  27. Be Cordial and Timely
  28. Do not join a game if you will not have the time to sit through it, or apply for a game you can not join. By joining these games you may prevent others who have the time and willingness to participate. If a Dungeon Master advertises a start time then ensure that you are available for that start time.

  29. No Advertisement
  30. Do not advertise content, social media, or business opportunities in the Driftriver community. If you operate a platform or a business which caters to the interest of the community then please approach the Driftriver Staff to gain permission and guidance on where and how to advertise. Violators will be warned, repeat violators will be banned.

  31. Staff Have The Final Say
  32. The staff of Driftriver are volunteers and maintain the community as a passion project. The staff reserves the right to change these rules, or control and moderate a situation or player when identified as disruptive. In some cases players may appeal their judgments with Staff for review if the appeal contains new information, otherwise Staff decisions are final. Any attempts to impersonate Driftriver Staff will result in an immediate ban.

  33. No Platforming
  34. Community members may not use Driftriver to promote or attack real-world political, social or religious platforms. This includes both out of character and in character situations. In character exceptions will be made for ancient/classical religions which have been re-imagined and printed within the DnD multiverse such as the Egyptian or Norse pantheons.

  35. No Earth Connection
  36. Driftriver has no connection to Earth. Any examples in which Earth is connected to the DnD multiverse are null and void. A character may be inspired by Earth history or culture, but direct connections are not permitted. Examples of invalid characters might be a Roman Legionnaire (try instead an Imperial Soldier as an archetype,) a Japanese Samurai (try instead a Wa-an swordsman for example,) or a cleric of Jesus Christ (try instead a DnD multiversal god of forgiveness.)

  37. Right of Refusal
  38. Application to a game does not guarantee invitation. DMs always retain the right of refusal, and may choose to exclude a character, or player, for any reason. DMs do not need to reveal or explain this reason. Community members should be mindful of creating difficult characters, or those which challenge the boundaries of lore as these types of characters may be less likely to be invited to a game.

  39. Consider Community Values
  40. Driftriver's core values are the guiding lights of our community. Members who are found to be consistently acting counter to these values will be counseled, warned for repeat offenses, or removed from the community.

    - Ease of Access. Creating characters, joining games, playing games, and finishing games should be easy.

    - Empower the Players. Players should be capable of driving their character story arc and making decisions for themselves. Because DMs can often change from game to game the main source of a character arc is the player themself.

    - Encourage Cooperation. We want players to play together, to that end we design systems to get players involved with each other and working together.

    - Civility. All players should be invested in the enjoyment of others at their table. Rudeness or violating server rules will result in warnings or removal from the community.

    - Inclusion. Driftriver tries to include all Wizards of the Coast content.- Reduce Paperwork. Players should have simple systems to manage and log. Keeping track of every point of experience or every gemstone they encounter is burdensome.

    - Simplify Equipment & Looting. Players should have a simple and approachable loot systems. Driftriver encourages diverse player motivations, and believes that combat, theft or other loot motivated behaviors shouldn't grant an advantage.

    - Remove Competition. Players should never find themselves competing with each other for loot drops.

    - Fairness. All players should have equal opportunity and equal limits.

    - Friendliness & Positivity. Driftriver wants to engender a positive social experience with a friendly community. Members should be mindful of their impact on others in the community, and seek to be a net positive.

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