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King Yeppi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muscular and stocky

Facial Features

Long snout that’s always smiling

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of his clan on his left shoulder

Special abilities

Yeppi has the unique ability to absorb the damage done to others standing next to him into himself. He doesn’t know how he’s able to do this.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Yeppi identifies as Male, and is not ashamed of his body or nudity. This comes from his kobold heritage.


Single Father.


Yeppi has no formal education. He learned what he could while he could. Bringing his whole clan up from the underdark didn’t allow much time for book-reading. He instead focused on becoming the best leader he could be.


Yeppi is employed by BASE, but rarely gets called on missions because of how busy he is running his entire home.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Yeppi considers his greatest accomplishment The Kavern. The day he was able to announce that his family would be considered lower nobility, he wept tears of joy. His life goal had been fulfilled. Now he just had to protect it.

Failures & Embarrassments

During his creation of his signature drink, Sewa Wata, Yeppi used the only liquid he could find. Hence where he got the name. This led to some interesting encounters when selling it to raise money for his home, most of them ending poorly. Now, the drink is a lot more sanitary, using the normal methods.

Mental Trauma

When he was younger and living in the Underdark, Yeppi had a son by blood. He was named Zippo (or Zippi) because of how fast he would always run. Zippo was the fastest kobold in the clan, even from such a young age. Yeppi was so proud of his son, and loved him with all his heart. That ended the day the ‘Roos came. They slammed and consumed their victims, killing off a large portion of Yeppi’s clan. That was the day Yeppi watched his son die in his arms. Overcome by anger, grief, and hatred, he flew into a blood rage, yelling for his clan to run. To this day, Yeppi doesn’t know how he was able to defeat that ‘Roo. He claims to have simply picked it up and launched it. He was left with deep mental and physical scars after that day. Instead of swearing vengeance and spreading hatred, Yeppi decided to lead the remainder of his clan to the surface, where they found a new home in The Kavern.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that all individuals should be treated equally, and given the chance to respect one another in a safe environment.

Personality Characteristics


Nothing is more important than the other members of my family.

Virtues & Personality perks

The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.

Vices & Personality flaws

I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word addressed to me, and I'm quick to anger.


Yeppi keeps himself clean, so as to properly present himself as nobility.


Family Ties

Adopted Son, Prince Kosj Kosj Tzindelor

Yeppi is the King of the Kavern. He has a very small son (adopted) named Kosj. Yeppi has a very bad Undertow/New Halimar accent, because he comes from Down Unda.

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
21 of Elient, 1470 DR
The Underdark
Current Residence
The Kavern
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green Scales
37 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • “Go get ‘em, mate!”
  • “Ya part ‘a tha family now, mate.”
  • (Draconic battle roar)
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Ruled Locations

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