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The Dales Council

Diplomatic action


Driftriver has long been a town on the outs with the rest of the Dalelands, but this was to change, starting this year!

Clifford Blythe sends himself and a team of B.A.S.E. agents to crash an annual meeting of Dalelands Leadership to seek legitimacy for Driftriver.

Driftriver has long been a town on the outs with the rest of the Dalelands, but this was to change, starting this year! Clifford assembles a team of B.A.S.E. agents into his office to discuss crashing the Dales Council in Ashabenford, in order to get the city recognized as a valid member of the assembly and the peoples of these dales.

With a grand party formed, Clifford hands the party a dossier of information including legal complaints, issues with Driftriver raised by other towns and regions, and all the matters that could potentially cause Driftriver to have issues at the council.

With that information in hand, the party split into multiple paths to take action. One prepared a warship for potential intimidation tactics. One sought out rumors and information that could be of assistance to the cause. And a majority of the party retreated to the Gizmometry Labs’ library to conduct research, prepare and ready themselves for the next morning’s meeting.

After a long day of preparations, the party reassembled in Clifford’s office at HQ, and teleported off to Ashabenford!

With a tense standoff at the meeting hall’s doors, Grohck manages to intimidate the party’s way inside with Clifford, with Ernst then making a snide point to get them a place at the table!

There are only a few delegates at the table, with the following breakdown of attendance:
Deepingdale - Arel Ulalana (Nonbinary, Elf, 200’s) and a handful of Deepingdalespeople and moon elves.

Harrowdale - Hailing out of New Velar - Lord Silen Pama (M, Half-elf, 45) and a squadron of Grey Riders.

Battledale - Lord Varro Ilmeth the Second (M, Human, 59) and a number of Lord’s Men.

Daggerdale - Lord Barathal Cormaeril (M, Human, 68) and a number of the Lord’s Retinue.

High Dale - High Constable Orumop Fizzbabble (M, Gnome, 56) and half of the Flying Auxiliary. (Pegasus Mounted flying Archers led by Sothinar Leafglass (M, Elf, 243) )

Mistledale - High Councilor Thybrek Stonepebble (M, Dwarf, 122) Representing the Council of Six, and the leader of the Dwarvish Community in the dale. Hosted in Mistledale, with the Militia on high alert.

Shadowdale - Lady Varsel Moonmask (F, Centaur, 40) Harper and very recently arisen Lady of Shadowdale, Lady Varsel is accompanied to this meeting by Storm Silverhand herself.

The debate begins in earnest about Driftriver, though several of the council are absent at the onset of the meeting.

After skillful political maneuvering, the party does manage to guide Clifford into an advantageous position with the council, where Driftriver will spend the next year proving itself amongst the Dales.

However the question is soon raised; where are the other delegates? A scrying orb is brought out and scrys done on each of the absent delegates. The Black Captain is found to be injured and waylaid at a place with monks around. Sir Khelvos Dermmen of Scardale is unable to be found - and upon a commune with Oberon by Niyah, determined to be deceased. Ariara Cindertoe from Featherdale is wounded and riding hard; thought to be close to arrival, and a dispatch of Harpers immediately strikes out to make her safe. Finally, Lady Hermoine Sengular of Tasseldale is found to be captured and being tortured by a Yuan-Ti… and the connection to the scrying is snuffed out.

With this revelation, the silver harp pin wearing woman at the back of the room steps to the forefront and captures all attention, immediately addressing Clifford, asking if Driftriver would acquiesce to joining the Dales Compact, to further the mutual defence of all goodly folk in the Dales, in the face of this rising threat.

With the B.A.S.E. agent advisor’s approval, Clifford agrees, and the meeting is closed; with a last question asked of the asker, ‘Who are you?’ to the simple answer of “I’m surprised you didn’t know. I’m Storm.” And she leaves.

The meeting concludes into muttered plans of mustering defences and troops, and Clifford teleports the B.A.S.E. Contingent back to Driftriver, congratulating them on a job well done.

Now all that’s left is to run a war.

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