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Clifford Blythe

Doge Clifford Blythe

How to Role-Play

Information: The ruler of Driftriver, Clifford might dispense higher-tier missions personally, or handle political incidents directly. He should be used as a figurehead, inspiring leader, or sometimes as the butt of a joke (Sparingly). Clifford is often in his office at B.A.S.E. when not at home in the Doge's Palace, wandering Driftriver's streets, or out of town on a diplomatic mission (Or vacation!). Inclined towards profits, he will encourage his employees to ensure that they partake in looting their... assignments, in order to keep B.A.S.E.'s coffers full-er. Ever one to back his employees, as long as he thinks they're in the right, he will go to bat against outside forces on the side of B.A.S.E. Agents given any kind of political incident (Unless they're lying to him and he finds out!)
Organization & Allegiances: B.A.S.E., Driftriver, Himself.
Quirks: Rather inclined towards profit, but has a soft spot for those that seem to be on the fringes of society or misunderstood.
Voice & Way of Speech: Over the top, with a presenters tone, a shade of drama and an inflection towards egotistical. "Why Yeeeeeeesssss, Profit!"
Relationships: Employer of all B.A.S.E. employees, Doge and ruler of Driftriver, married to a husband and a wife.

Notable History

The founder and ruler of Driftriver, as well as the founder and owner of B.A.S.E. Clifford has spent the last nine years of his life building this magical town into a small city in the heart of the Dalelands, bending many a nose out of joint, all while making a considerable profit. In 1493 DR, B.A.S.E. had finally grown to a degree where it was attracting some true talent from across the continent. Even the planes.

In early 1494 DR, Clifford was victim of a Zhentarim plot to attempt seizure of B.A.S.E. and Driftriver to turn the magics harnessed by the organization to their evil wiles. With the valiant efforts of dozens of B.A.S.E. agents, and a terrorist attack that still remains unsolved to this day, the Zhentarim were routed from Driftriver's streets and their nose in the Dalelands bloodied, quite thoroughly. With the organization secure, attention turned to day-to-day again, just in time for a maelstrom of energy to encompass the Pool of Yeven, causing a Mistrise of such proportions that entire section of a city was hurled against the base of Highcliff in the river. This soon-to-be new district was a severed piece of the city Halimar. After a stressful few weeks of dispatching missions, handling diplomatic intrigue and integrating this new neighbourhood to Driftriver, the threats to the city once more fell quiet, and Clifford enjoyed a few weeks of rest, relaxation and simpler times.

Towards the end of 1494, the power of B.A.S.E. wasn't to be ignored, in fact, Clifford thought it best to try expansion, and sent out exploratory teams towards the Thunder Peaks in search of a good place to set up a B.A.S.E. CAMP. The location found, and the corporate efforts ignoring any semblance of diplomacy with neighboring Dales and the Kingdom of Cormyr, Clifford's bold plan ran into a small Dracolich problem. Aurogloroasa, the conqueror of Thunderholme, was still lurking the depths under the Thunder Peaks, all too close to this incursion of BASECAMP. After harrowing missions into the ancient city to attempt to find answers, Aurogloroasa was fed up with the constant gnats in her rotted hide, and initiated an all-out assault on BASECAMP. Clifford himself stood by his most trusted employees in a battle for the ages, beating back hordes of undead beside B.A.S.E. agents, and eventually aiding in striking Aurogloroasa herself down. With BASECAMP in ruins, but the organization surviving, Clifford led the weary survivors back to Driftriver, to seek out the next adventure, but something... closer to home.

With the Dales Council upcoming, he's turned B.A.S.E. efforts towards missions in the Dalelands, in some attempt to curry favor amongst the disparate Dales.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, well kept, and clean shaven most of the time. Except for his mustache.

Facial Features

A baller mustache.

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

Quirky smile, almost always. Charming.

Special abilities

Legendary Resistance 3x/day
H.E.R.O. Of Driftriver - Clifford has maximum HP for his hit dice.
Clone - He has an offsite clone in case of accidental death.
Contingency: Teleport - Set up to his clone storage location, this teleport can be activated with his key-phrase prepared.

Apparel & Accessories

Fine clothing, with a suit of full plate glamor weaved over, oftentimes.

Specialized Equipment

Doge's Full Plate
Doge's Buckler of Office
Doge's Sword of Office
Boots of Speed

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Bisexual, motivated by power for himself and profits in general. Somewhat immoral when it suits him.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Profit
"I always fight for what's right. Me." "I know best, both for me, and my town." "My employees are important to me."
Dislikes: Loss

Virtues & Personality perks

Actually backs up his employees when it counts.
Oftentimes will let B.A.S.E. take a small loss to make someone feel better.
Usually jovial and polite, pleasant to interact with.

Vices & Personality flaws

Loves his spouses. All two of them. Also money. Sometimes loves money too much. But usually not too much.
Bonds: "I am tied to what I've created, for better or worse." "I have two spouses to care for, it's expensive!" "My contracts are rather binding, and I must fulfill them."
Flaws: "Profit is always a priority!" "Ego? What Ego? (It's a big ego.)" "Sometimes I get people, and myself, in over their and or my heads."

Personality Quirks

Always has 'drama' in his voice.   Charming, Charismatic, Direct yet subtle, Unpredictable, Devoted.


Very Clean.

Wealth & Financial state

Considerable, in the millions of GP.
Look how handsome he is, that's a face you can trust!
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
20th of Ches, 1451 DR
Current Residence
Doge's Palace, Driftriver
Sleek, mid-length, brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5' 9"
165 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Nooooooooo!" - Watching Aurogloroassa disintegrate Ma'ik.
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Sylvan, Undercommon, Chessentan, Chondathan, Chultan, Mulhorandi, Damaran, Rashemi

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