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Hyssop Home

Adventures of the residents of Hyssop Home

  • 1494

    6 /7

    Them Kids Are Bored O’Th’ Food Again!

    A chef orders a candy delivery, providing a sketchy location of some candy. A variety of wonderful people have already been gathered because several other residents of Hyssop Home were rather annoyed about constant rambling about needing candy for the kids. Thus, the brave candy retrieval squad made their way to a parkette west of Driftriver, and found a pond, with several sculptures of an identical variety. Nonetheless, after some confusing slime fighting outside, they delved down into the cave, discovering a ladder down. Turns out it was a fringe part of the Driftriver sewers, where the party surprises a cadre of kobold sewer workers, whom attack them with a skunk. After some silliness, the group manages to vanquish some sewer drain slimes, take a break, then wander towards a green glow where there is some radioactive goo, radioactive crystals, and somehow at one point eight hyper-intelligent mice are conjured from another plane. After some mini-dragon on tiny mice threats, things get worked out, Toby licks a radioactive rock, and Miles spends a bit too much time beside it, and they get a bit sick, so everyone takes it home with the mice; and they find out that the ‘candy’ ruse was, well. A ruse. And they make the ‘delivery’ of the ‘rock candy’ and go get some help for the sick boys.

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  • 1494

    15 /8

    A Most Curious Request

    Clifford summons a variety of B.A.S.E. agents to attend him at HQ. A task is delegated to them, to meet with some group of diplomats that are strange and asking after a B.A.S.E. agent that is a criminal, something about having to resolve it, but Clifford doesn’t want to miss the big Zug Zugger concert happening at Elko Arena that evening. So, thus tasked, the group is issued a one-use teleportation wand from Una, and a rock that was collected near to the meeting spot. This in hand, the group gathers around Myrrh, and simply teleports. Arriving to a point by the river, the party is directed by some Gith warriors to the spot, with silent hand-signs. Arriving, a tongues spell is activated by the leader of these yellow-skinned warriors. A discussion is had, wherein the Gith expect a certain ‘Pahhu’ to be turned over to them due to crimes against their people, which counted among them over a dozen murders and assaults.   The party of course declined to immediately do this, with the explanation coming out that Pahhu is to be put on trial, on the Astral Plane, and to be tried by the Queen of the Githyanki people herself. This is still not agreeable to the B.A.S.E. agents, even if they get to have half the jury on their side. So, with all that discussing happening as fireworks start to go off, fired from an airship flying around Driftriver, and the teeming sounds of a concert begin to flare up, Vaal just charges in and battle is joined against the Gith forces. Imna is almost immediately slain by the gith, her clone activating as an attack is being undertaken against Hyssop Home. The party out on the outskirts manages to narrowly squeeze victory out, with one Gith fleeing, the others dying horrible deaths.   In Hyssop Home, a skirmish is had, as the Gith are trying to make away with Pahhu’s Mirror of the Past relic from her room; and manage to do so, when their quiet escape is interrupted by Quinton, Simone and Imna, as well as the three keepers of the home still on duty. The Gith’s ship does a fly-by blast of the home before warping out, and the Gishes manage to plane-shift back to the Astral, mirror in hand.   The Mirror of the Past from Shifting Sands of Time (See Pahhu's entry for details) is stolen and it’s location unknown.   Hyssop Home sustained 1000 GP in damages when the fountain got blown up by a cold/lightning arcane cannon blast.   Pahhu is known to be wanted. And now B.A.S.E. knows it.   Dalgan picked up one of the Gith’s weapons, a regular greatsword. It’s owner’s family members -might- come looking for it.   Imna’s clone popped and needs to be replaced.

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  • 1494


    The Order of the Red Dawn

    Zug Zugger sorta kinda dupes seven agents into coming to help him with something to do with ninjas that are after his buddy Gilbert and his partner, Rajit. Finding this agreeable somehow, he leads them to Elcho Arena where an object is hidden. Hidden amidst a battle with Israfil, Randy, Clarker and Seres. So he Dimension Doors in, steals the thing, and Dimension Doors out, before grabbing the group and having them all lay hands on this.. Battleaxe? They all end up… plane shifted to a place with cubes for sky, in the middle of an arena… that quickly fills with Hobgoblin Ninjas. The ninjas are rather hostile, and require judicious murder-actions to deal with. With great teamwork, the party subdues over thirty ninjas, before finding themselves challenged by about a dozen more. After defeating those, with the help of Zug Zugger, sans guitar, who freed himself from his precarious position of being held at sword point; Zug resolves to get them out of the mess he got them in to, by communing with the floaty candle god, and doing something with the battleaxe that’d brought them there… as they all reappear in a field. Several hours later after a rest and Pearl’s sister finding the party to teleport them back, Clifford himself delivers Zug to Hyssop Home for treatment, while the party is cashed out by Septima in HQ. Consequences 202 - Zug Zugger is presently unconscious after returning the party from Acheron, with many attempts at curative magics all failing. Could this be some sort of Ninja Curse?!

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  • 1494

    27 /9

    Zuha Remnants: Blood on the Sand

    The party was dispatched by Pahhu into the Anauroch desert to deal with remnants of the Zuha Time Ascendant faction of Yuan-Ti. They arrived and quickly stormed the twisted temple to Sseth, finding a number of unstable time anomalies as well as some Anathema being developed into Time-Touched beings. Through sheer aggression and careful dispels they were able to rescue a number of Bedine tribesmen, losing only a single one to an unfortunate exposure to a time rift, leaving the tribeswoman rent to entropic dust. Though a few time elementals were encountered no one suffered their erosive entropic attacks.

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  • 1494

    4 /10

    Adventure to the East pt. 1

    A plague is ravaging the far eastern continent of Osse. Overwhelmed by the ill and needy a church of the Triad sent a priest to the west to seek and recruit help from other followers of the faith. Alfred, one such priest, has spent nearly six months traveling westward spreading the tale and seeking assistance. On arrival to Driftriver he was able to make a deal with the doge Clifford Blythe, as well as recruit a number of Triad followers from the city. Zug Zugger, Oriana Arnjaunor, Adrum Firefist, Kombucha Sharptooth and Imna Arnjaunor made their preparations to leave, wishing their loved ones farewell as they would be absent for a lengthy voyage. After arranging transportation on The Avenging Light, the airship belonging to Hulfar Nearwood (and "arranging" in this case means creatively commandeered by one Zug Zugger) the group began to head east.   They spent a few days getting to know each other in their travels, but as they crossed over northeastern Aglarond they encountered a strange storm. Despite attempting to avoid it, by moving around it to the south they were soon assaulted by an adult white dragon. The dangerous freezing breath nearly overwhelmed a number of the party, but they were able to stop the dragon from retreating and recuperating. They make plans to touch down in Emmech to repair the boat and resupply.

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  • 1494

    18 /10

    Adventure to the East Pt. 2

    The party stopped at the Thayan stronghold Undumor for a resupply and a nice night at the hotspring. After returning to the boat with their provisions they manage to make their through the next many days of their journey stopping in various towns to get supplies and have some time on land before continuing. The group is now approaching their destination and is about 4 days away from the island with the port city of Dune Stone.

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  • 1494

    2 /11

    Adventure to the East pt. 3

    The group has made it far across the world and is now approaching the end of their journey to Osse. A few hours before their arrival in Dune Stone the party is ambushed by a small tribe of wyvern riding kobolds. The leader of the kobolds was slain and it was found out that the leader had been infected with the plague the group is here to take care of. The group was able to get a little bit of information from this encounter but they seemed to lack a bit in the area of medical research. The party took some time to rest in the last 3 hours of their journey after cleaning up the corpses from their last fight. Upon arrival in Dune Stone the group found the Commander of the guard, Commander Mud, that began taking them on a 'tour' of the city. The group found that the city had been divided in half, quarantining the sick citizens to one side of the city.

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  • 1494

    15 /11

    Adventure to the East pt. 4

    The party is split one half making water in the food district while the other half is speaking with Commander Mud about the situation of the city. While Kombucha and Oriana are seeing to the water crisis they encounter the Arch Druidess. The Arch Druidess tells them to come to the other side of the wall if they wish to help the infected. The group meets back up and enters the walled off section of the city finding that this area has been left by the dead and scavenged by the living. The group goes to the market district for this side of the city to find the Arch Druidess having made fruit to replenish the supply of food for the people here. She explains to the party that she is also healing some of the infected as much as she can to lessen their pain and after watching her for a few minutes they realize that she is taking the disease into her own body which is immune to lessen the symptoms on the towns people and ease their pain. Adrum tries to use the spell remove curse and nearly loses his hand for it if it was not for the Arch Druidess restoring his necrotized flesh to life. The party realized now that she is probably quite powerful and would come to find out later that she is most likely an aspect of Chauntea.

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  • 1494

    22 /11

    Adventure to the East Pt. 5

    The party has made their decision to go and investigate the city of Oharoto. When they arrive they find that the city is a proverbial ghost town filled with silence. The group spots a lone fox like creature running through the city across roof tops. Zug Zugger and Sigourney try to cut the creature off with a quick casting of Dimension Door and find themselves surrounded and trapped on all sides by demons. Combat breaks out!

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  • 1494

    6 /12

    Adventure to the East Pt. 6

    The group finished their fight with the dastardly fiends that seemed to be ransacking the town, slaying all but one of them that managed to escape. The Arcanaloth seemed as if it was heading towards the mountain range to the northwest. The group decided to head back to their ship to attempt to track it down from the air. Zug, Imna, and Oriana decide to get some needed rest after their tough fight (LR for the 3 of them), While Sigourney, Adrum, and Kombucha kept watch for any trace of the Arcanaloth. After a few hours of flying the trio on the upper deck noticed a change in the air causing them to go on alert and look around. From what they noticed there seemed to be an area of pestilence in the land that was affecting plants, wildlife, and even the water. The group kept watch and after an hour of flying through the area they found themselves leaving the zone. The trio that was still awake decided that investigating the town was probably their best first move with the pestilent zone as a backup plan. The group arrives at the town having Captain Captain stop 600 feet above the town. Adrum and Kombucha both notice, in their weary sleep deprived states, that this new town of Lembasato also seems to be devoid of life.

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