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Season 2

The adventures of the agents of BASE. Flamerule 1494 - Nightal 1494

  • 1494

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    Let Slip the Dogs of War

    In the epic finale of the incursion of the underdark, Lumos was holding a strategy meeting at the Soul Forge with some of the other known high-tier adventurers of B.A.S.E. During the meeting the ground began to quake and sirens across the city sound a warning of invasion. Lumos looks to his comrades for assistance in this terrible time of need. The group consisting of Lady Rowan Marsh-Morrian of the Lilac Estate, Hulfgar Nearwood of Hyssop Home, Mathias of the Pallid Scriptorium, Azrael of the Soul Forge, and Idhrenion of the Shadowdawn Monastery, Rush into the fray immediately encountering a number of Horrors. Pushing through the waves of enemies the group was able to make their way to the boss, the dreaded Doomholder. The group put up a valiant fight fending off all of the supporting enemies of the giant Beholder; however, near the end of the arduous battle Azrael fell to the Doomholder's Disintegration Ray. Angered by the loss of their friend the rest of the group quickly dispatched the Doomholder thereafter leaving nothing but its drops enhanced equipment behind. Rowan Gathered all of the ashes that she could and turned them over to Lumos to take back to the Soul Forge

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    The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep1: Snow Day!

    Season 2 starts with a wild cameo of The Great and Noble Sir Lord Mayor Zug Zugger Esquire PHD AMB [ Thank you, Kron], who, under the guise of needing a vacation---saves [?] the tiny dragon crew. But what's this? Tension's arise when anew when a new stowaway arives, just what are the hybrids?

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    Lost ring

    The party gets summoned to go down a hole to fetch a ring that was stolen from a well paying customer of BASE. They are shrunk down to fit in there, and as they make their way past bigass spiders, and bigass rats, putting the first on fire and webbing up the second ones, they follow the hole to the hideout of a bigass grey cat, who almost had fish and rat for dinner! They safely retrieve the ring from the hoard of this cat, and bring it out for a successful mission, be it with a bit of guilt for Valeria, the Cat Slayer.

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    Them Kids Are Bored O’Th’ Food Again!

    A chef orders a candy delivery, providing a sketchy location of some candy. A variety of wonderful people have already been gathered because several other residents of Hyssop Home were rather annoyed about constant rambling about needing candy for the kids. Thus, the brave candy retrieval squad made their way to a parkette west of Driftriver, and found a pond, with several sculptures of an identical variety. Nonetheless, after some confusing slime fighting outside, they delved down into the cave, discovering a ladder down. Turns out it was a fringe part of the Driftriver sewers, where the party surprises a cadre of kobold sewer workers, whom attack them with a skunk. After some silliness, the group manages to vanquish some sewer drain slimes, take a break, then wander towards a green glow where there is some radioactive goo, radioactive crystals, and somehow at one point eight hyper-intelligent mice are conjured from another plane. After some mini-dragon on tiny mice threats, things get worked out, Toby licks a radioactive rock, and Miles spends a bit too much time beside it, and they get a bit sick, so everyone takes it home with the mice; and they find out that the ‘candy’ ruse was, well. A ruse. And they make the ‘delivery’ of the ‘rock candy’ and go get some help for the sick boys.

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    Fantasia Syndrome

    Our party of heroes find themselves investigating the strange occurrences at the Crystalline Village. Seeking out an end to the villagers...suffering, they boldly go towards ancient and complex secrets. Some of them get lost along the way, almost certainly, and now they stand before what may be their final hour.

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    9 /7

    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep2: More exposition?]

    Our heroes desperately seek information about their newest addition to the ship, but are called away in a rush to aid Tsux'za. They find that two of the council members are at Tsux'za's shop, seeking what they eventually discover is the body of Veil's younger brother, Soulis. With quick thinking, the party is able to save Soul and an unexpected new comrade, as well as discover some secrets about a certain BASE agent. However, when Livi refuses to return their sendings they discover him to have been stolen and brutally murdered. Deciding to reconvene, they return to their ship, leaving Roxy behind to look after Tsux'za for awhile. Upon returning to the ship, they finally come face to face with the source of the rampant Wild magic on their ship and gain another new ally as well as what might be the info they need.

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    Illiad: Power Surge

    With Ion racing out of the city carrying the lodestone on the verge of cataclysm. The party show up and deal with the threat. Then those damn nobles Gate into the scene and things get violent.

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  • 1494

    12 /7

    Timber Towing

    The party followed a little fox out of BASE, along the road west, until they got to a crossing, fought some ghostly puppers. Followed the fox some more after taking a wrong turn and fought some ghostly cats. Finally the fox got back on the right track and they found the tree of a dryad, being dragged along by 2 living wolves, and started dragging the tree. While draggin, and fighting about stuff internally, they were approached by Wightlord Geoff the Mighty, slayer of many, vanquisher of... He's dead already. They dragged the tree to the ranchlands south of Eweford, where the planted it, leaving a happy Dryad.

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  • 1494

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    Full Circle

    The party is gathered, and pasts are shared. Upon utilizing the aid of a convenient grumpy old friend they find their way to the golden city, expertly infiltrating their way into Hughes' Manor. But getting out is a different matter entirely, and things only escalate with the reveal of Hugh's power, and the plain fact that their princess just might be in another tower..   The story wraps up with an exciting plan from our heroes that results in the devouring and destruction of Lord Hugh and his mansion. With some quick thinking and the help of some hidden-in-plain-sight notes, they are able to reunite Jacqui with her daughter, and leave her feeling a little more complete in life. Returning to Driftriver, our heroes can rejoice in a job well done.

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    Down the Banks of the Ashaba

    A halfing man commissions BASE to find his grandmother and her two friends. The party befriends trolls, avoids owlbears, and destroys everything else including a couple of young and unlucky dragons. A couple of hags are found with one of the old ladies but they are no match for the seasoned adventurers. The other two ladies are found safe and sound. A job well done!

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  • 1494

    15 /7

    Where Are They Going

    A mission rendered with some therapy to start us off; before water is drank, that smells so good. After exploring into a cave and combatting several sIMPs that challenge the party, they encounter Dell Bellfiend, who manages to sway everyone except Misho to keep drinking her succubus girl spring water, and start turning into fiends! A rescue must be mounted!

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    Comrades in Need

    (Cont. from Where Are They Going?) With an adventurer rushing back to report several fellow agents missing, a rescue mission is immediately mounted with zero pertinent information passed from the previous adventurer to the new group. So they go in blind, with nothing but a location. Arriving, they smell the nice water, and all resist, but Veillios drinks it anyway. They head inside, to the tunes of ‘Never give up’ in various tones, and sIMPs taunting from the sides. Tracking down more water, Veillios charged ahead, and fights began with some neckbeards. Fighting through the cave, and many imp ambushes, they finally find the succubus, her mount, and some captured gear on some fiends. Fighting hard, Veillios ends up lost, but the rest of the group recovers the lost B.A.S.E. agents from before.

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    A Mission from Scarlet

    A mission to clear out a stronghold and find a journal was ordered by someone known only as Scarlet. The party cleared out a number ghosts, undead, and a watery adversary. They avoided an enticing but deadly trap (as indicated by all of the skeletons). They bumped into an elemental and a lizardlike fiend who informed them they "accomplished their own mission" and left the party alone to find the journal.

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  • 1494

    18 /7

    Where's Grandma?

    The BASE agents were sent to find a halfling granny and her friends. On the way they found mercenaries who were hired to kill the same granny. The mercs were killed, as was a cyclops, some annoying plants, and a hydra. Oh and some blue folks from Ravnica came by with their big pet, but got scared off by the party. The halfling granny didn't get along too well with most of the young adventurers and she assured them she'd be back out there again soon.

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  • 1494

    23 /7

    Where did he go?

    (Cont. from Comrades in Need) With Veillios missing entirely, and his equipment back at B.A.S.E. the rescue squad assembled to find him can only fear the worst. Gathering themselves and pushing to the site of his disappearance after some shopping in the town, they find little but a blood spatter that… extends beyond the material plane. Deciding to send two of their number to investigate on the ethereal, they trace the blood trail to a mysterious fog bank that seems to only exist in the ethereal… which itself seems to lead yet even elsewhere, from that plane. Attuning a pair of forks purchased for such purpose to the ethereal, Idhrenion and Eve make their way back to the material after quickly exploring the borders of the foggy place.   With one of their number departing, as they question if the three-toothed gravekeeper Franchesco Richard VIII could’ve been the one behind it all, the grave cleric Mathias arrives to speak to the gravekeeper about a recently departed, and learns of the current plight. Now with Mathias, his son and his aide, Audit, the party opts to use, and break, one of Idhrenion’s tuning forks freshly attuned during his and Eve’s oily trip over there, and bring all to the other side. Now facing down the bank of fog, the party ventures in, in two waves, keeping close to their divine beacons of confidence (Lumos and Eve). Finding themselves in a dead expanse of strange, fog-addled landscape, they meet a couple of accursed souls that attempt to warn them off of moving any further within. Persisting, the party forces a fight with the guardians of the gate, and a river of accursed, trapped souls keeps animating shadows to attempt to devour them in the process.   Vanquishing the guardians, the party presses into the gate entrance, through an unnatural darkness, but heartened by their paladins, find their way forward without issue, until reaching a hilly, stony road that crosses a bridge over the same, strange river as before; and continues onwards into the gloom. Pressing on, they encounter shrieking skeletal creatures that fly at them from the fog, as well as a massive bone-worm that rips part of itself off into a dragon-like shape, all of which attempts to devour the party. As they head onward, they start to hear a strange voice in their heads.   Managing to narrowly press past the foes, they found themselves at a strange, shadowy, fog-riddled rendition of the same graveyard as the one by Driftriver. Guarded by a multitude of shades and wraiths, and their foe, bent over Veillios’ body, slurping on his soul. This foe taunting them in their heads, offers them a deal, a deal that would have the one closest to Veillios deliver an object to a city of the creature’s choosing; and hide it to the best of their ability.   In this timeline, Idhrenion takes the deal, and they see themselves leaving with a healthy, living Veillios in hand, arriving back to the material plane after plane-shifting back out from the strange, Shadowfell adjacent lands. Yet, even as these things seem to come to an end, they find themselves still stood in the Arch-Wraith’s domain, at the fence to the graveyard. Watching the dregs of Veillios’ soul slipping out of his fallen form, and their foe hidden in the fog, letting it re-envelop him to the simple words in their heads; “It could be that easy. What is your answer?”   Attempting to glean more information about the ‘deal’ offered, the party as a whole seems unsatisfied with the offer, and having found one of their number disappearing after the strange vision they’re granted; Lumos smites the gate to the cemetery open, and battle is joined. It’s a long, hard fight, with sacrifices being made along the way. First Evelina falling to the massive wraiths’ shadowy hands, then Na-Da meeting their doom as well. Souls plucked away into the wraith’s body itself; so it’d seem. With the long, desperate conflict coming down to a battle of comparative toughness in the middle of the foggy air, Lumos and the archwraith duke it out until the wraith discorperates, having taunted them that “It can never die.”. Nonetheless, granting them a reprieve to gather their fallen companions and try to figure out what happened to their souls. After much coffin-bashing, statue-smacking, and a fireball for good measure, the obsidian orb from Idhrenion’s vision comes back into view, in the remains of the statue; just in time for the once-turned wraiths to come streaking back into the fight, attempting to defend the object. Smote aside, mostly in part due to some powerful spiritual guardians, the wraiths end up defeated, and the remaining three trying to figure out how to get home… so they call a ride; Codex at the Pallid Scriptorium looking up from brand-spanking-new library books with a warforged sigh and casting -Gate- to bring the remaining folk home to B.A.S.E. After a tired greeting, Evelina is returned to life as the cloned Na-Da wanders into the room for their gear, and Lumos bears the body of Veilios back to the Soul Forge to be raised on the morrow. However… in conversing with Codex on their return, one thing remains abundantly clear. This isn’t over. They didn’t -end- that wraith. And it still lurks, all too close to Driftriver.

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  • 1494

    23 /7

    Money Laundry And You - A Zug Zugger Experience

    Money Laundering was prevented. Poisoned giants were cured, and Oweh Kthood refuses the love of a dwarven woman who has a husband already. The party makes a copper tier adventurer quit, and drives four off and away from the money laundering operation. Net result… is success.

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  • 1494

    25 /7

    A Plea for Help

    The party was requested to go and save a village from a demon attack in the hills to the south of DR. The group managed to fight back the invaders with relative ease and ended up staying the night with one of the country bumpkins to make sure that the town wouldn't get immediately attacked again.

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  • 1494

    26 /7

    Get to the Gate

    The group went to Baldur's Gate after being shown a mysterious letter. They had a nice reunion where Margot grew up and Jiraiya was generous in donating to Mother Gertrude and the Moonlit Sanctum. They headed to the market after being told about a vendor, named Mick, that could help them. Zaidu and Margot were pickpocketed while talking to Mick resulting in a chase. The party was able to coral the young thief and found him to be one of the people they came to help. Cybil bought a bunch of bread and people were happy. The young thief, Rowan, brought them to the Nest. They found around 30 kids living there for shelter and met Billy, the author of the mysterious letter. At his request, the party explored the sewers clearing them out and found a hatch. Jiraiya smashed this hatch and an underground lair was found. The loud entrance resulted in combat. The tanks tanked, the healers healed and dope stuff was done. The party found journals alluding to experiments imbuing metal with souls without introducing free will. Something called the Antumbral Syndicate was mentioned in the mean mage's personal journal.

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  • 1494

    28 /7

    The Hunter

    Come one come all as I tell you the tale of a group of BASE agents who felled a great beast. Called by the Hunter Aleena Sladen, the group set out on their task to unravel the mystery behind a string of murders in a simple town. Though some of the towns folk seemed unwelcoming of the group at first, it seemed the mention of the Hunter that sent them was all that was needed to put the peoples minds at ease. A trip to the mortuary gave them the clues of a strange disease like curse that may have gripped the people had they not perished to their wounds. The tavern proved a good trip as they were able to investigate the room of the most recent attack. A mess that showed the creature that had done the attack had not forced its way inside. Our adventurers found their target, the mortician, who was a Werewolf, that was unable to be satiated by the dead bodies he had access to in the town. A grueling fight ensued, cursing poor Elanor, and gaining the party a new friend by the name Ashlynn, a young girl in a set of onion shaped armor. With their new friend and Elanor cured, they set off back to Driftriver. Perhaps they would hear from the dear hunter again.

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  • 1494

    30 /7

    Lord Kluvonat's Leftovers

    Assigned a months old concern, now that nearby villages are complaining about missing people again, B.A.S.E. agents head up to Haythistle, meeting Count Resckrovant, a fairly rude bearded fellow in charge of the village, who, backed by Commander Hammerstriker of the Lords Alliance, refused the party entrance to Haythistle. So, armed with the information they had, they instead followed around the dwarven patrol’s tracks and went where they dared not, finding a number of undead creatures through the woods and swamps and ruins, finally finding two ‘kids’, one aged to middle age, Frank, and Hank III, the grandson of Hank, the hay farmer they met on the road and had trouble understanding. Long story short, vanquishing some undead, punching some ghosts, and managing to have a first-time agent manage to shank the last foe to death, they rescue the vision questers, and return them home. Also finding a lab, and covering it with stones, so that it can be investigated later. They mark the location with rocks and a map marker on their map they turn over to B.A.S.E. and call it a mission, with 2 out of 3 folks rescued, one tragically dead, and the undead they discovered all smote to death.

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    Crystal's Landing

    While everyone was having a fun day at the beach, Crystal, the gorgeous lich, arrived with her fleet, asking for potential victims lovely people to join her cruise. The BASE agents present at the beach sounded the alarm as they saw undead. The lich besieged the judgmental party, murdered a civilian with a cloudkill (who got revived by Isrāfīl), and tried to flee with her fleet beneath the waves. These pesky BASE agents followed her glamorous galleon, the "Crystal Palace", and slayed the lich, sending the soul back to another ship. Most of the fleet went down river out of sight through the water.

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  • 1494

    2 /8

    The Tower Ep 1 & 2

    "My first mission here in Driftriver was odd. There's this magic tower we got asked to survey, with plenty of darkness we had to wade through to get further in. When we got in it was still plenty dark, but lots of undead popped up. There were a handful of traps that were quite visibile, but it's probably trickier further in. There were two notes on the walls "Keep your head" and some broad named Joan was there at some point. We left because we were getting tired. I made a map of the rooms we cleared out. I also noticed doors that were destroyed magically regenerated on our way out." - Zancho D. 'Bold "FIRE" ~ Kamali   "My first mission with BASE has left quite an impression. We were tasked with exploring a tower (which fell out of the sky and now lies, intact, burried in the earth up to an upper balcony) and retrieving any written intelligence we could find while expanding a map of the place. An initial investigation of the tower showed that tapping it creates a wave of energy across the magical stone surface. Additional investigation showed that the balcony, where the entrance is located, is made of a different material than the rest of the tower.   Entering the tower, an obscuring darkness extends for about 30 ft, during which the smooth carved surfaces transition to the rough surfaces of a cave. Once past the obscuring darkness, the interrior appears cavelike, however there are almost no cracks in the surface and the 'cave' is separated into squared off rooms/caverns with wooden, stone, or metal doors. Many of these doors were trapped and we found that moving stealthily was quite beneficial due to the mostly undead residents of the tower. Seismic Slayer08/18/2020 In the first room after the stairs and doorway, we found 2 banshees, 2 vampires, and 2 mummies. We defeated them, and saw no sign of the previous struggle or combat described as having been encountered by previous expeditions.   Proceeding through the cave/tower we explored primarily towards the south and west areas.   Noteworthy areas included a room, just south of the room of spikes, where we found a damaged shield on a raised platform. The shield had an engraving that looked like a family crest. We took a rubbing of the shield which we presented to our employer upon completion of our mission.   In another room we found a swarm of skeletons and 3 zombies. They were somewhat easily dispatched thanks to the particular skills of our group. In another room, we found a hole, which descended into a darkness similar to that from where we entered the tower. We threw a torch down and it was returned, as if thrown out of the hole, some minutes later. We repeated this with a piece of paper and a bit of writing on it to the effect of 'hi who are you?', it was returned in a similar fashion with additional writing 'you don't want to know'. We surrounded the hole with caltrops and let it be.   In the room directly to the east, we saw the rubbles of a statue, destroyed beyond any recognition aside from that it was one a statue of a humanoid of some sort. Many portions of the statue were missing.   Continuing east we encountered a room with some mutated zombie abominable monstrosity and a skeleton swarm. Here members of our party suffered significant injuries, after which we decided to end our exploration for today. As for our party it seems worthy to note:   Ghuun, a large Bugbear wielding a mighty axe, was quite useful at getting through the doors that were stuck, a common issue, though I suspect Ghuun would benefit from a pair of glasses.   Ashaea, an Elven noble, was indispensable as a shock troop, quickly eliminating enemies before they had a chance to react. Without her help, I do not think we would have made it as far as we did, as she often would singlehandedly kill whole swarms of skeletons in only a few seconds.   Vesi, a sea elf with a bad reputation for shenanigans, was quite reliable when it came to disarming traps and unlocking doors. Without his skills and tools, there likely would have been a casualty or two from the deadly traps commonly associated with doors, and a few other select areas.   Niyah, a beautiful Eladrin Bard, was quite helpful with her support of various team members. Her inspiration helped avoid many failures, that might have been quite costly and her sprite was quite helpful investigating some traps.   I, as an expert investigator, served mainly in the capacity of a trap detector.   Best of luck to all future explorers   -Hospitality" The band of mercenaries as well as myself gathered and met each other within the vicinity of the tower we were to explore. Met and briefed by one "Odur" instead of the expected contact.   Once past the darkness noted by the other group, we explored in a South Westerly fashion. We found a few groups of undead, which were dispatched quickly and efficiently. Skelton's, phantasmal figures and zombies were the enemies found most commonly, with 2 feral vampires found within the first room.   Throughout the explored area, many doors were trapped, and many more were stuck, or damaged in someway, which required liberal application of force from Ghuun.   We eventually came to a room with a much larger zombie creature, and a few skeletons. We engaged and dispatched it, with myself taking a serious wound. Hospitality proved himself a surprisingly good healer; being able to mend my wounds with no scarring, and minimal time investment.   To be noted, the creatures in this room seemed to track me despite my inherent stealth capabilities, which should be noted for future teams. A stealthy approach will not be as helpful as it should. Among our team:   Hospitality: A tiefling... Cook? By his own admission. Proved invaluable with his knowledge of finding traps, and general healing abilities. Does have an inherent love of terrible jokes which can be jarring.   Vesi: a ruffian through and through, but deft with a blade and quick to act. Quick and decisive in his action, and despite his... Reputation was remarkably respectful.   Ghuun: a large brute of a creature, but strong, and hardy. Has a particular fondness for overwhelming force, and a seeming inherent hate of doors. This quirk was suprisingly helpful in the later portions of the exploration.   Niyah: a fellow elf, of unknown decent. Her music that she continued to play throughout fights while odd, was quite a way to take away the typical fear factor of the undead. Her magic was also suprisingly quick and merciless when I did witness it.   All in all, I would call our expedition a successful venture. All inherently worrying discovery's were marked upon the map handed in.   --Ashaea Be'sal

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  • 1494

    3 /8

    Otherworldly Realms of Darkness and Death

    Gathered to Clifford’s office, a group of B.A.S.E.’s best and maybe not the brightest all are informed of the strange phenomena taking place at the graveyard near to the town, on the border ethereal. Going through a briefing with Evelina and Clifford, the group is filled in on the dangers, threats and the potential for massive loss of… souls? Not to mention life, if this domain manages to expand onto the material somehow. With this information in hand, the party splits up to complete several objectives. Purchasing tuning forks, changing enchanted items, even attuning a glass fork to the ethereal plane for later travel. Even a small… detour at the Pallid Scriptorium where an infiltrating member of the party learns some regret in trying to dupe Mathias as to their identity and worship. Nonetheless, reuniting the next morning at Hyssop Home, Quinton delivers a prayer over a grand feast of a breakfast, preparing the party in body, mind and spirit, with even a silly little song from Zug Zugger regarding Tetsu’s mummy-dating proclivities, before the entire party sets off to the graveyard in the material. Arriving in the real world, a few hundred feet back, the party as one plane shifts into the border ethereal and makes their way as one into the mists. Walking for almost… too long this time, the party finds their way to the familiar deadened landscape, with rotting trees, almost… unhallowed feeling ground spreading under their feet as they advance. An advance quickly slowed by the presence of a large number of wraithful figures, including a very familiar one to Evelina, one that’d… participated quite eagerly in her previous demise. Few words are exchanged. As the party certainly has little intention to negotiate, or to leave.   Thus, battle is joined, with a number of large magical effects used to both protect and control the battlefield, a fairly back-and-forth fight being joined until one by one, the combined heroic efforts of the party manage to drive most of the dead back, scattering their forms back into the pervasive fog surrounding, their spirits banished back to their masters’ embrace for now. The lead shade did manage to escape, but only just, heavily wounded and soaring for the cover of the higher reaches of the fog. The party takes a few minutes to regroup, allowing prayers from Quinton to magically soothe their wounds. Pressing on, they encounter a closed, sealed door into the cliff face, familiar too, to Evelina. But unfamiliar are the runes that traverse the door in five bands, small to large, at each of the ‘sizings’ of the doorway.   Spending some time puzzling this out between them, the party eventually discerns two of the runic combinations as magical formulae, spells inscribed upon the door. The first, smallest, being an augmented arcane lock spell, of more ancient origin. The next, more unclear, some kind of anti-life barrier, to repel the living from entry. The rest escape being learned, though with some dispelling efforts, the anti-life barrier is defeated… though the towering statues to either side begin to crack, and crumble. Suspicion running high, certainly not trusting this place’s ancient netherese architecture that Quinton has identified it as… in unison, two of the party on one side sunder a statue apart, while Quinton levels his scepter at the other, and simply blasts it apart. Thus revealed, four towering, skeletal guardians are freed from their prisons, and move to strike the adventurers.   After a rather decisive battle, though painful for some, the guardians lay defeated. A concerted effort and many spell slots go into breaching the door’s remaining wards, the largest finally identified as an augmented version of a prismatic wall. Managing to clear the wards, the party bravely pushes the door to a passage of absolute darkness open, and press on, the doors shutting unnaturally behind them. After half an hour of walking, the group opts to start marking their trail, but backtrack to check on the main door. Finding it… only a minute behind them? Managing to open the door, Quinton steps out to the hillside where they’d defeated the guardians, and prays to Ilmater, wishing for a sanctuary of hallowed ground within the accursed land. The prayer is answered, both by his god, and the Wraith-Ruler of the domain, who expresses it’s displeasure for Quinton’s efforts.   This of course manages to spur Philomila to action, who steps into the tunnel with an escort, and calls out a wish to the very cosmos. To whomever would listen. To aid her too, in placing a section of blessed ground into this dismal land. And the call is answered, with a long breath of a moment passing as Philomila is brought to her hands and knees in the tunnel, a vision of a starry sky, the moon prominent within the vision, before vision returning, and a burgeoning aura of moonlight filling the passage, bright as day. Thus blessed by Selune for her cry, she rejoins the party, and Quinton transports them all back to Driftriver, to the hallowed halls of Hyssop Home, and to safety. Reporting on their limited successes in carving a foothold into the dreadful wraith’s domain, each goes their own way, to perhaps return to the progress they’d made… at a later, soon, date.

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  • 1494

    4 /8

    A short dwarf's tall tale

    Indigo Bones tells the tale about how he SINGLEHANDEDLY raided the dungeon of Shabubalb in the Anorauch desert, and retrieved the holy tangler grenade. He made his way through the blistering desert, into the tomb, tripping over a wire and seeing the door shut behind him. He peeked around with his psychic eyes, puffing his cigar, and saw another one, carefully disconnecting it, and gluing it to the other wall, keeping tension. He found a dead body, but got jumped by shadow demons. He punched and stabbed all of them top death, for he is Indigo Bones. Next to the body, he found a little golden scarab, who he fit into the next huge ass door, finding a sunlit room full of snakes. He got on his knees, and starting talking to the snakes, convincing them to let him past, as he slid aside the last door. He looked the ancient mummy lord right in the face, dispatching him and his guards with two powerful blasts of lightning, grabbing the grenade AND a lamp. As the pedestals they were on sunk down, the whole temple started shaking. He ran to the snakes, put all of them and their eggs in his backpack, ran into the temple, threw fire all around and burned all the mummies that were starting to rise, banished a statue, and teleported out to safety, with his prized treasures.

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  • 1494

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep5: The Plot Thickens]

    Ah, where to start? Our heroes set upon a journey back to Tsux'za's hideaway and upon arriving they encounter a force of Septimus's Clockwork Soldiers preventing them from entering. Though they tried to reason with the constructs their reasoning went largely misunderstood and the crew entered in a long, drawn out battle with the soldiers. Eventually, they managed to get the upper hand in the fight, completely unprepared for the realization of the soldier's 'collective' that resulted in a mass explosion as they all self destructed at once. Dealing with the fiery situation [ and turning it into a soapy one] the group eventually follows Roxy [ who was accompanied by, Trevor? Wait, wut???? Trevor's a real boy now???] down to Tsux'za's basement where they are all greeted by the surprising and mysterious Septimus himself. The thought to be dead inventor wishes to hire their services in his gold for world peace, but the crew is suspicious of his intentions. It all comes to a height when Septimus reveals that the crew came recommended to him by their very own ship captain, Israfil. Feelings arise as the resulting conversation reveals Israfil's intentions and drives the crew to try and fight for their captain. For now, they have succeeded. Returning with Tsux'za in tow after successfully removing his anchor, the crew go to settle the lingering feelings in their hearts....and deal with the fact that their ship is currently floating in the air, half bubbled, half on fire....and well, the chaos continues next episode.

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    Groshka decided to whip some misfits into shape. Her first test, the test of agility, was making the party catch a cat she threw out. Because two mages were involved, the cat was caught pretty quickly with hold monster. She then moved the whole party over to the beach, where she set up a race sponsored by Giovanni's Frozen Treats. Carts were pulled along a track, where they had to pass through gates. Mirai failed this task successfully and got in first. She also set up some training dummies that fought back. Eventually they made the whole thing explode, dealing with the dummies. While some members of the party were wrestling with pigs they found, there were also 2 sparring matches, with a crowd full of goblins. Eventually, Groshka just facepalmed after someone jumped into a pit with spinning blades over and over, and just went to take care of rewards while Myrhh, Mirai and Thurman abducted 2 pigs... and 4 chickens.

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    Fantasia Syndrome

    A angel, a time wizard, a star child, a flame mage and a paladin all walk into a temple....and how did this joke go again? Our heroes finally make it to Crystalline Acres to investigate the reoccurring time anomaly. All was going well until Evalina [014906] slipped up and ended up lost in time as well as their most treasured member---their dear Dwarven companion, Bruno. Taking on a new life as the young adopted child of two former residents of the village, 'Evie' was a sweet young woman who never had to deal with the pressures of noble society or the shame of failure as an elder sibling. She was an Eladrin always in her spring, unlike her wintery original existence. However, with the prodding and encouragement of her former party she was able to recall her past life, and in a heart wrenching decision calls upon the aid of the mysterious and otherworldly inventor Septimus, who agrees to fix her paradox in exchange for the discarded 'soul' of the woman she had become. Evalina agrees, and is restored to her former glory---another rune added to the card that the inventor gifted her with, and a sense of guilt weighing heavily on her chest. In spite of this, the heroes forge on, accompanied at first by their strange guide Markle who later abandons them in favor of running off with some treasures. They spend a long time trying to figure out the puzzle of the gate of the Elven time god---many animals lost in time as a price as a result of Navigator's (013004) clever thinking--- before finally being able to enter. They come face to face with monstrous amalgamations of time who instantly engage them in battle. Though he knew better, a second's slip up on part of [REACTED] 3803 has him using time magic in a swirling vortex of time itself and he is almost lost. However, he manages to pull himself back but he, as well as no one else, is able to recall his name. Shrugging off that concern, the party continues onward, facing a large and ordinate gateway before them....bracing themselves for the struggles that still lay ahead.

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    Gnarled Grotto: Living Earth?

    The party was commissioned to head into the Gnarled Grotto to attempt to map it. They found a twisting set of tunnels with a number of displaced earth elementals. A few fights broke out without too much danger being faced, but soon the party met a petulant child-like stone giant earth genasi. After learning of the child's mother being 'strong' and 'up ahead' they continued mapping. After being sniffed all over by a group of Xorn and found wanting for delicious treats, the party was passed as inedible as they smelled only of Fleshy Bits and Poverty. Continuing their bizarre journey in the twisted tunnels they encountered flail snails and ever-rolling Galeb Duhrs. Making their way through these obstacles they encountered a Dao noble who, disappointed in the lack of treasures and gems of this plane, decided perhaps she would take slaves instead. Deciding Azaki and Valeria were too old to be of value due to their white hair, dismissing Miri for being too small, and lacking interest in Ernst for his fish-like appearance. She instead had interest in Luna as a possible pet for her sun, and Monty as a belly dancer candidate. She began a drum beat and demanded that Monty dance for her and earn his petition to join her court. Monty's disastrous belly dance (nat 1) disgusted the Dao, and as she judged him (insight nat 1) she believed he was genuinely trying his best and it was that poor. Disgusted with the lack of quality of the plane in every regard she dismissed the party from the tunnels and made to leave the plane; it wasn't worth spending another moment in this terrible place.

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    Summer Farmin'

    The party was hired for the simple task of clearing out weeds and poultrygeists on ol'Bucky's farm. Somehow, they managed to coerce a goat into killing the farmer by accident. Knot will be given a warning and the pr disaster will be dealt with by blaming the goat the party put down afterwards. Several people take goats home because there's no longer anyone to take care of them.

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    A Most Curious Request

    Clifford summons a variety of B.A.S.E. agents to attend him at HQ. A task is delegated to them, to meet with some group of diplomats that are strange and asking after a B.A.S.E. agent that is a criminal, something about having to resolve it, but Clifford doesn’t want to miss the big Zug Zugger concert happening at Elko Arena that evening. So, thus tasked, the group is issued a one-use teleportation wand from Una, and a rock that was collected near to the meeting spot. This in hand, the group gathers around Myrrh, and simply teleports. Arriving to a point by the river, the party is directed by some Gith warriors to the spot, with silent hand-signs. Arriving, a tongues spell is activated by the leader of these yellow-skinned warriors. A discussion is had, wherein the Gith expect a certain ‘Pahhu’ to be turned over to them due to crimes against their people, which counted among them over a dozen murders and assaults.   The party of course declined to immediately do this, with the explanation coming out that Pahhu is to be put on trial, on the Astral Plane, and to be tried by the Queen of the Githyanki people herself. This is still not agreeable to the B.A.S.E. agents, even if they get to have half the jury on their side. So, with all that discussing happening as fireworks start to go off, fired from an airship flying around Driftriver, and the teeming sounds of a concert begin to flare up, Vaal just charges in and battle is joined against the Gith forces. Imna is almost immediately slain by the gith, her clone activating as an attack is being undertaken against Hyssop Home. The party out on the outskirts manages to narrowly squeeze victory out, with one Gith fleeing, the others dying horrible deaths.   In Hyssop Home, a skirmish is had, as the Gith are trying to make away with Pahhu’s Mirror of the Past relic from her room; and manage to do so, when their quiet escape is interrupted by Quinton, Simone and Imna, as well as the three keepers of the home still on duty. The Gith’s ship does a fly-by blast of the home before warping out, and the Gishes manage to plane-shift back to the Astral, mirror in hand.   The Mirror of the Past from Shifting Sands of Time (See Pahhu's entry for details) is stolen and it’s location unknown.   Hyssop Home sustained 1000 GP in damages when the fountain got blown up by a cold/lightning arcane cannon blast.   Pahhu is known to be wanted. And now B.A.S.E. knows it.   Dalgan picked up one of the Gith’s weapons, a regular greatsword. It’s owner’s family members -might- come looking for it.   Imna’s clone popped and needs to be replaced.

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    Adapted: White Plume Mountain

    B.A.S.E. had received a tip about volcanic activity causing landslides in the mountains to the Southwest, within the Thunder Peaks. These landslides had uncovered an entrance to an ancient hidden structure. Legends told of a treasure hoarde containing powerful magic weapons within the Thunder Peaks. Wanting to retrieve these weapons for Research and Development purposes, B.A.S.E. quickly gathered a competent group of adventurers and sent them into the Thunder Peaks with the mission of retrieving any and all magic artifacts of value. The party was ominously warned that should the group try to take these weapons and run with them that they B.A.S.E. would know and consider them fugitives. After nearly two weeks of travel the party arrived at the base of the mountain, still spewing forth smoke and heated mist. Despite the obvious risks of descending into a seismically and volcanically active mountain they bravely charged into the damp and humid tunnels in search of treasure. Despite nearly burning to death multiple times, nearly drowning multiple times the party managed to make a friend in their journey to get themselves out of a pinch. They retrieved three impressive looking weapons within the mountain and returned them happily to B.A.S.E. in return for payment.

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    Sewer Cleanup

    The group gathered up for Sewer Duty, one of Driftriver's most unpleasant but necessary tasks. They headed into the sewers not sure of what to expect, and were still left flummoxed by the bizarre lifestyles of the creatures which call the sewers of Driftriver their home. Friends were made, poisonous mushroom pizza was eaten, dangerous creatures were killed, and a giant pile of nasty ooze was frozen solid and shattered. They also freed a trapped crab which had come to Driftriver following another adventuring group, and learned his name was Leonardo Da Pinchi.

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    You No Take… Magic Item?

    Tasked by B.A.S.E. to seek out the robbers that hit a vault of a bank in Highcliff, they’re given a guide named Banana, who is a kobold captured in the wake of the robbery. Led by Banana to the robber’s lair, well, the kobold’s caves inside the Gnarled Grotto, he leaves them at the entrance to then go inside to deal with things themselves. What proceeds is a long, winding mess of battle, ending with a slain pair of wizards, one B.A.S.E (Ernst Yalgeth) and one Kobold, in a spiked pit, and a cave in that gets un-buried from, with the party leaving the caves with their dead companion to get him raised. And more than half the caves yet to explore!

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    Hidden in Plane Sight - The Khan Job

    Zancho D Bold requests what could be called a normal stroll through Driftriver. The party walks around town, first finding an Efreet-owned shop in Downtown, which appears to have been taken straight from the City of Brass. Afterwards there is a commotion in Elcho, a monstrosity has escaped from the arena, but the party is able to subdue it and it's offspring for the arena workers to take them back alive (Avah leaves, perhaps with some other business to attend to). Next they visit the Starstream Sanctuary where they meet Kallo and Ashaea. (Ashaea joins the party) They reach The Arch and talk a customs officer into ingnoring some dwarven traders who seemed suspiciously azer-like. And at the end of the excursion through town, Zancho leads the party to an extravagant mansion in Highcliff. He promptly pulls out a scroll, the magic it taps into lets loose a quake centered on the mansion, causing it to crumble into the Ashaba River. This surprised and annoyed most of the party. This also led the guard air elementals outside of the mansion to fight the party, roughing up the Kobold lawyer quite seriously but everyone else made out quite nicely. Zancho left a business card for whoever would return to find this cliffside property was now "riverfront" real estate.

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    Rising Heat!

    The team were sent to investigate the Cult of the Hearth Flame. They soon found out that the cult was recruiting from the nearby farmlands with promises of riches and an extravagant lifestyle. Many of the younger generation were being lured from their farms for nefarious purposes, never returning home. The cult seemingly stood against the false prophet Jackass which the people of surrounding area had begun to question, as a cultural divide formed between those who remembered the old ways and those who worshipped the new Donkey Prophet. After nearly foiling a human sacrifice the team continued to investigate and descended into a red hot den of debauchery and evil, and faced down a fiend summoned from a plane of hell...

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep7: Picking up the pieces.]

    As Written by Clarker We began the session on the boat of the Tiny Dragon as usual, but still very much stuck hovering two miles in the air due to a previous incident.   After a brief stint of trying to return our now plushified (became an inanimate stuffed animal) friend back to normal, we discovered A (Thats the name of an NPC) was the one holding the ship in the air.   Randy (Our Bard) and A had a brief chat, and A agreed to put the ship down. Still sore from "The Bigby's Hand Incident," A remained reclusive for the duration of the session.   We began preparations for a trip to the island nation of Alpharetta, Wa.   We have obtained seemingly all the heirs to the throne for an extended cruse, leaving it empty and the nation was presumably in chaos.   The second heir was actually resurrected rather recently, as we ran across his corpse during a previous adventure. We recently leaned that he was assaulted in his own castle, which made this trip all the more pressing. We slept for the night, and the next morning we prepared to set off.   Although A was kind enough to put the ship down gently, we did not land in the water. After some big brain ideas such as trying to push the ship really hard, we decided to utilize the talents of our extended crew to teleport to Alpharetta.   Upon arriving we realized that teleporting to the other side of the world has the side effect of instantly switching time zones.   After causing a ruckus at what was 2am for the people of Wa, we where confronted by some very nice mercenaries who led us to a tavern and paid for our food. Oh also theres apparently a new ruler who took over or something, we should probably deal with that.   During our stay at the tavern we tried to milk a flickery boi for exposition, but he walked out of existence rather than face another insight check.   An ice cream haired girl presumably tried to milk us (both figuratively and literally) for whatever exposition we gained from flickery boi, but she got rejected by everyone (Big Oof as they say in the Marines).   Some of the mercenaries returned the next NEXT morning (Timezones be wack man), and under the guise of a tour actually lead us right into the palace to meet the new self appointed Ruler.   Turns out that Clarker (Thats me!) is a big dumb dumb who doesn't know how to properly tune a spies murmur, and literally every mercenary in range heard everything during their time in Wa thus far.   Fortunately the mercenaries where sympathetic to our cause of restoring the rightful heirs to the throne, as they where all from the same clan that liked honor and cherry blossoms or something. It took little convincing for them to let us walk right in, and we confronted the new ruler.   Lots of plot stuff happened. The New Ruler: -Is actually the unknown third sibling of the two heirs we took on a cruise. -Wants to rule instead of going on a cruse. -Did not harm or arrange for the harm of any of the other heirs. -Is the proud owner of the BBBE: Big Black Book of Exposition. -Now has a name, which she was never given. (Two actually, she couldn't pick between Iris and Rose, so she just became Iris Rose.)

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    The Labs of Sentrid Vixx

    The party was gathered to investigate why the Artificer Sentrid Vixx was delinquent on his deliveries of Perume of Bewitching. Divorce papers were piling up at B.A.S.E. HQ due to marital troubles related to couples spending time around each other without being charmed by each other thanks to the 'enhancing effects' of the perfume. The party entered Sentrid Vixx's labs and found themselves wandering the twisted halls of a bizarre gnomish mind while uncovering far more personal information than they wanted as well as learning about his numberous inventions. They discovered Sentrid Vixx's fate, and helped ensure that he was able to return to work post-haste. Ernst left with copies of Sentrid's notes and an idea for how to improve the library in his soon to be constructed lab.

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    The Order of the Red Dawn

    Zug Zugger sorta kinda dupes seven agents into coming to help him with something to do with ninjas that are after his buddy Gilbert and his partner, Rajit. Finding this agreeable somehow, he leads them to Elcho Arena where an object is hidden. Hidden amidst a battle with Israfil, Randy, Clarker and Seres. So he Dimension Doors in, steals the thing, and Dimension Doors out, before grabbing the group and having them all lay hands on this.. Battleaxe? They all end up… plane shifted to a place with cubes for sky, in the middle of an arena… that quickly fills with Hobgoblin Ninjas. The ninjas are rather hostile, and require judicious murder-actions to deal with. With great teamwork, the party subdues over thirty ninjas, before finding themselves challenged by about a dozen more. After defeating those, with the help of Zug Zugger, sans guitar, who freed himself from his precarious position of being held at sword point; Zug resolves to get them out of the mess he got them in to, by communing with the floaty candle god, and doing something with the battleaxe that’d brought them there… as they all reappear in a field. Several hours later after a rest and Pearl’s sister finding the party to teleport them back, Clifford himself delivers Zug to Hyssop Home for treatment, while the party is cashed out by Septima in HQ. Consequences 202 - Zug Zugger is presently unconscious after returning the party from Acheron, with many attempts at curative magics all failing. Could this be some sort of Ninja Curse?!

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    A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

    The players were summoned to BASE HQ to help a visiting noblewoman find her wayward son who had taken up with a group of fire cultists. Following him through a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire., they sailed the Sunscorched Sea, making short work of a lava kraken along the way. The local ruler, Razim the Incandescent, Pasha of the Third Prime, Forger of Chains, Sublime Keeper of the Tomb of Okhran al-Kabus, Slayer of Caliph Naazzin of the Putrid Waters, Bane of Azer-kind, Conqueror of al-Hubam, and Loyal Subject of the Great Sultan of the City of Brass, was gracious enough to grant them an audience and permit them to prove their Cunning and Strength. Deciding their interests were in line with his, he allowed them to pursue their quarry, which they handily recovered and returned to BASE through a portal of fire that opened momentarily in the lobby. Despite Una's annoyance at them, she had to admit they did get the job done and would in fact get paid.

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    Farmland Remains III

    The party rode into the northwestern farmlands on Vera's carriage to explore a blight. The party discovered a large number of rotting fields sprinkled with corpses. The undead rose to eat the flesh of the living, and though the party repelled them the spooked horses and carriage had to return. The brave adventuring party continued forward and cleared the village square, and then took to shelter in the town's church. A revenant lead an assault party of undead on the now fortified church, but the party held against the undead horde. They were able to use holy water to remove much of the desecration, and then they returned to Driftriver to report in.

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    Bad Batch Bar Brawl

    The lovely best of the best tavern temp hires went to fill in for opening night at the Green Fairy. They met with the head waitress Angela, and Absinthe, the pixie owner, roughed up the place, taught an ogre how to cook, started and diffuse bar brawls, made killer shots and nachos, and generally... at least got the customers out the door.

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    Hroth's Rescue Team

    The crew of the Odyssey entered a cave where Hroths kidnapper was, fighting their way through enemies and eventually finding Hroth in a pool of his own blood. After fighting off some demons and the kidnapper, they managed to dispel the effect keeping Hroth from waking up, and busted out.

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    Soul Train

    The party was hurried to board a crazy train out of Driftriver. They quickly found the train to be some kind of engine designed to wear down and feed on the spirits of the ground down ghosts. They resisted a number of challenges, seemingly cursed to face personal vices within the train. After a series of painful bloody battles they reached the engine of the train and destroyed it, which seemingly caused the train to come to a screeching halt and return to the station in Driftriver. The engine then exploded, and as the phantasmal energy washed over the station it reverted to its previous form.... The train has left the city for now.

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    Secret Tunnel?

    The Party met Yeppi in the Kobold Kavern, and delved into the new tunnel that had been newly uncovered. Bravely venturing forth into these ancient tunnel ruins, they discovered several boring inhabitants, including a Purple Worm and its baby and a few Bulets (Bullets), whomst the party slew. Discovering a few interesting tibits about the tunnels near the Kobold Kavern. Adventuring into the deepest reaches of this tunnel, however, they came upon a sleeping brass dragon wyrmling. It told them to follow it into a ravine, where its mother was waiting for it. Doldrianus (an adult brass dragon), after some conversation with the nervous and/or mesmerized party, decided to let them go. On one condition. That they spread her name and power to the masses. They agreed, meeting back up with Yeppi, who didn't believe that they encountered a friggin dragon. Yeppi invited them all into the Kobold Kavern, and the party returned to BASE.

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    Expedition to Thunder Peaks - Part I

    The first team from BASE dove to the caves beneath the town of Torch in search of the missing councilman. While they didn't find him, they did find the remains of two previous expeditions, as well as one member of the councilman's party, and brought all bodies back up to town to be taken care of properly. Monsters large and small were slain, oozes and molds were dispatched, and despite some friendly fire the party negotiated a truce with the local Duergar by handling a particularly nasty pest problem. They discovered the direction the councilman and his group went and negotiated free passage through the Duergar caves for any BASE agents. Rumrun also displayed exceptional cartography skill, making a near perfect map of the caves for future expeditions.

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep9 part I: Captain's Orders

    A rare ship meeting called by The Tiny Dragon's unwillingly appointed Captain Israfil, reveals to the crew that they are running low on shipmates to sail the ship properly. With the majority of the clockworks in disrepair, Z comatose due to a worrisome case of exhaustion and Vice Captain Bruvald otherwise....incapacitated the party is given a choice of four options in order to draft in non-BASE assigned crewmates! During this meeting, Randy finally get's his response from the mercurial and intimidating Archfey, Theodesious---and it results in changes to the Drow boy and the resident Candy Necromancer, Roxanne that are concerning and surprising in the least. Having dealt with that---Randy and Misha also discover that the frightening BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE are spreading like a plague and soon spread to Roxy and Clarker unbeknownst to the rest of the crew. Having dealt with all of that, they decide to take a trip to an amusement park that was once created and owned by Veil's father, the former Emperor of Alferetta, Maximus. They make some new friends, and just as they're lauled into a state of relaxation and job well done they walk into a surprising encounter that may spell out their doom. As Randy ready's the calling card forced onto him by the enigmatic Septimus...the session comes to a close. Just what will happen to our Heroes? Stay tuned for next episode.

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    Into the Dark

    Vampires are vaguely near driftriver! The Kiss needs rooted out. A dwarven crypt has been taken over and used by them. The party was sent to destroy the undead threat. After getting through the door by pouring ale over some silver pieces the door swung open for a trapped hallway, a trapped room with statues. But the traps were mostly avoided thanks to the sharp eyes of the Dr. To the east skeletons worked at forges, ringing out a series of rhythic notes. The skeletons were dealt with before moving to fight the vampires. Aurea had health sapped, and Aelar was focused by invisible dogs. but in the end the vampires were all slain. Through this room were two more, one with tombs and religious altars, and one a large crystal and floating wind chimes. While being stumped by the puzzle of the chimes, Mirai was given the idea to set off traps and see if that does something. Spoiler, it did not. Returning to the chimes, and using the song of the skeletons opened a portal. TO FURTHER ADVENTURE!!

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    The First Reagent: A Beholders Eye

    After finding a beholder, the crew of the odyssey easily tore through everything they encountered in the underdark. They found a drow cook who offered to guide them to the beholders lair. After meeting up with the rest of the drow and finding out about the beholders experimentation on humans as well as a war between duergar, drow, mindflayers, and the beholder. They stormed the beholders lair, geraldo filling up a disintegrated hole in it with actual shit, and teleported back to base with their prize.

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    Roniz Sleazemaw's Safaris: Jungle Fever

    Roniz Sleazemaw hunted some dinosaurs all by himself. He killed a bunch of dinosaurs all by himself. He then captured incredible chimeragraphs of himself, standing on the piles of dead dinosaurs, from a distance, all by himself. Roniz returned to Driftriver to share the story and claim all the glory, to himself. He even ripped out the throat of a T.Rex with his teeth by himself. (The above summary is 2 truths and 3 lies. You figure out which!)

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep9 part II: Devil's Advocate

    On this episode of the tiny dragon crew most of the crew were out at a theme park to recruit some new crew. After many successful interactions they came up against a zombie who wasn’t so keen to talk to them. Upon subduing her she disappeared and they gathered up the rest of their new friends and left the park. But that wasn’t the end of it. No it was the beginning of the end of the beginning. Just as the crew was leaving the park; Bison, Roxy, Misha, Clarker, Randy, and Veil were teleported away by an unseen force. Bison, Randy and Roxy end up in the abyss near the River Styx where they found another friend who they fixed up. There were also really pretty flowers. Randy picked a few. Clarker, Veil, and Misha ended up in a library were they met Lilac, a young man working at the library. After a brief conversation they found out that they were somehow 3000 years in the past?? After some exploration they met up with a certain familiar family, which ended up being much bigger than they thought, and the rest of their crew. There was a nice dinner until one of them was taken away and the crew was helped back to their time. They returned to the boat to find a mountain of food and more emotions but also new crew. Will that little trip back come to bite them in the butt? Only time will tell.   *Summary as written by @Erilla *

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    Kill the Cult

    A group of low level adventurers were called to base due to rumors of a cult of Orcus that had sprung up a few miles to the south. Upon arrival, they were met by their guide Jacob, who answered some questions as he led them into the forest and to a trapdoor, which led down to an underground bunker of sorts. Inside, they killed many undead, a large S&M loving demon, and quite a few cultists, while eventually finding a teleportation circle leading to a pit with teeth. After sketching out the teleportation circle, they left to get stronger agents to deal with the circle.

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    The Illegal Magical Item Trade

    Given a task to attend to the Desert Wanderer Tavern and seek a dark haired personage of suspicious intentions, the party is sent by Clifford Blythe to manage this task, entrusted with sorting out the matter of who is selling magical items in/near Driftriver… that isn’t B.A.S.E. Arriving at the Desert Wanderer, the party manages to befriend old war chums, a mysterious psionic talking cat, manage to pickpocket a recipe for ‘Soul Chili’ and cause a high-end magical bar fight, befriend a pretty blonde bard (Thiu Iam), interest an Arcanaloth in seeking legal representation, (Estrath), referring such to D.Bold Lawyers Corp. Chester even gets a Sembian Pork and Grain merchant lordling drunk and inspired with their new dwarven drinking friends to go do ‘good’ in the world. (Tulbar Margerni). Chester wanders off after said bar fight and when the party decides to follow the advice of said talking cat who only identified themself as ‘A Friend’, and whom led them on a rolicking adventure to acquire fresh Snow Peas before heading to a farmers field near the southern limits of Driftriver; to walk through a vine-covered lattice with their snow peas and arrive in a city called ‘The Cage’. After numerous misadventures in such place, and discovering that ‘The Cage’ is /really/ expensive, and the people all use slang unfamiliar to them, the party beats a retreat, reporting all to the B.A.S.E. counter staff.   Consequences This party highlighted the existence of a ‘keyed planar portal’ to B.A.S.E. staff and services, it is now under standing guard 24/10, (24 hours a day, 10 days a week) and is inaccessible except upon B.A.S.E. mission request. B.A.S.E. is NOT openly informing folk of the nature of this portal, or it’s key. (IE: DMs may write to me to request use of this plot device in a game and we can work out if it’s appropriate.)

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    A Mad Scientists Dream

    A Goblin scientist named Bizzit Tougle enlisted the help of BASE to go through a magic circle to a land brimming with dinosaurs, and a few other even scarier creatures and return pieces of the creatures there for his experimentation. While there, they killed a couple t-rexs, a stegosaurus, and six velociraptors. Upon their return, they discovered a magical cart they had been given to use was actually a swiss army knife of carts, turning into a camaro, microwave, and even an AK-47.

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    27 /9

    Zuha Remnants: Blood on the Sand

    The party was dispatched by Pahhu into the Anauroch desert to deal with remnants of the Zuha Time Ascendant faction of Yuan-Ti. They arrived and quickly stormed the twisted temple to Sseth, finding a number of unstable time anomalies as well as some Anathema being developed into Time-Touched beings. Through sheer aggression and careful dispels they were able to rescue a number of Bedine tribesmen, losing only a single one to an unfortunate exposure to a time rift, leaving the tribeswoman rent to entropic dust. Though a few time elementals were encountered no one suffered their erosive entropic attacks.

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    29 /9

    Fight night got out of hand.

    An undead summoning for some training/exhibition fighting got out of hand. BASE agents were dispatched immediately, with utmost haste to clean the messy situation up. Many undead ghosts were dispatched both above and below in the Underseum. a ghost got ahold of Prycylla and forced her off to the master to potentially recruit her. but it didnt work... After a hurried chase the master was dispatched. Behind his throne a rainbow portal playing haunting notes from a recent adventure to slay vampires. "My master will take you all!" Story Developments: Another rainbow portal has shown up. this time inserting itself into Driftriver. The notes summoned the portal last time, but didn't sustain it beyond the masters

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    3 /10

    Silverflow Dwarves: Corrupted Forest

    Another Silverflow clan home was uncovered in the forests south of Driftriver. The druids of the forest who are overseeing the slow death and rebirth of the blighted land sent to B.A.S.E for assistance which was soon delivered. The party headed into the blighted lads and dispatched a group of blighted myconids who were spreading the corruption by cutting into the plant life and seeding it with toxic spores. After reaching the heartland of the corruption the group battled with a number of blighted trees and other corrupted plantlife. They descended into the dwarven hold below, met with the druids reclaiming the land, and then went to purge the tainted quicksilver source, the burial site of an ancient Silverflow patriarch. With the heart of the corruption destroyed the druids have moved in to contain the toxic flow.

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    4 /10

    Adventure to the East pt. 1

    A plague is ravaging the far eastern continent of Osse. Overwhelmed by the ill and needy a church of the Triad sent a priest to the west to seek and recruit help from other followers of the faith. Alfred, one such priest, has spent nearly six months traveling westward spreading the tale and seeking assistance. On arrival to Driftriver he was able to make a deal with the doge Clifford Blythe, as well as recruit a number of Triad followers from the city. Zug Zugger, Oriana Arnjaunor, Adrum Firefist, Kombucha Sharptooth and Imna Arnjaunor made their preparations to leave, wishing their loved ones farewell as they would be absent for a lengthy voyage. After arranging transportation on The Avenging Light, the airship belonging to Hulfar Nearwood (and "arranging" in this case means creatively commandeered by one Zug Zugger) the group began to head east.   They spent a few days getting to know each other in their travels, but as they crossed over northeastern Aglarond they encountered a strange storm. Despite attempting to avoid it, by moving around it to the south they were soon assaulted by an adult white dragon. The dangerous freezing breath nearly overwhelmed a number of the party, but they were able to stop the dragon from retreating and recuperating. They make plans to touch down in Emmech to repair the boat and resupply.

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    10 /10

    Mine Occupation

    The party was tasked to deal with an iron shortage (according to Nina, that's really bad for your health). They took a Gate down from the blacksmith's guild to Glaun. There they met the mayor, T. Ganks, who was willing to make trade deals if the party cleared the mine of monsters and made it operational again. Said mine was occupied with kobolds and hydras. The party kidnapped some of the kobolds and hydra hatchlings, and mudered the mommy hydra. They came back, found the Gate gone, and took a cart back to DR with iron, hydra hatchlings and kobolds.

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    11 /10

    Expedition to Thunder Peaks - Part II

    A new team of adventurers arrived from BASE to continue the search for the missing councilman and an explanation for what happened to the bizarre light source that gave Torch its name. After nearly causing a diplomatic incident with the Duergar that would've lost BASE free access to the cave, they found their way to a series of strange, metal doors. A construct was easily dismantled, some sort of holding pens with piles of bones were discovered, and the party made its way to a massive cavern with an oddly desert-like habitat. Chasing a bug-like creature into the darkness led to them gaining the attention of a swarm of the massive skeletons of some primitive race of humanoids. Crossing the cavern, they found more of the strange metal doors, and wondrous illusions that could summon the images of the cavern they had just left. Further exploration led to a zombie of the same primitive species, who the team vanquished and left charred on the metal floor of a strange observation room. The team made note of the one creature the illusion showed was still alive in the cavern, and returned to Torch to rest and report their progress.

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    13 /10

    [Trick or Treat: The Kavern] Spooky Scary Sub-Terrain: pt.2!

    The party went into The Kavern, grabbed some candy, admired the decorations, and delved into a tunnel, discovered by Vanessa. Exploring this strange place, they came upon some spooky scary skeletons, easily defeating them. Some of them rattled their bones. After defeating those, they crawled through a small dirt tunnel, digging it out to make room for the...larger members. Then the ghosts gave some polite nuzzles and one gave Phaedra a good spook. One was even taken as a ‘pet’. Eventually, after a few close calls and some “deaths”, they made it to the grand final of this "haunted house". The Big Eye zombie. It was shot and stabbed by two brave heroes, After finding out the rest of the group were actually still alive, they made it back out safely. Some victory candy (king size of course) from King Yeppi, and the group was thanked for their bravery.

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    18 /10

    While the Boss is Away

    After fortifying themselves with a Halloween Feast, the party were lowered into the hole in the ground by the goblin staff. Despite the splorching of oozes, the grabbiness of tentacles, and horrors from the cold, dark void the party cleared out all threats and reported the existence of an extraplanar gate beneath the labs that Ernst will not be too happy to find out about, if he ever gets back to this plane himself.

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    21 /10

    The Pumpkin King

    A pumpkin patch sprouted in Elcho. Pumpkin Mounds engulfed Agents. A corpse pumpkin died quickly. A child demanded GUTS. A splash zone was created. The Pumpkin king was slain. Pumpkin hide is quite tough for orcs apparently.

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    21 /10

    Riko's Menagerie

    A girl came to Driftriver, seeking aid in recapturing lost beasties. The Smol squad responded, with great speed and skill. Traveling through the fort that they had overrun, keeping all but 3 alive. Despite a harrowing final battle, between a menagerie of foul draconic mutantants; the party made it out entierly intact!.... Save for one near death-by-Yeet.

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    22 /10

    Riko's Menagerie

    A girl came to Driftriver, seeking aid in restocking lost beasties. She took the party through a teleportation circle to Chult, to capture her even more creatures. Ready the transport fox dragged the unconscious forms of the biggest beasts, and only 2 were lost to fatal damage!

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    22 /10

    Ballroom Bananza

    After journeying to a steampunk themed town to the north, the group sneaks past a foreman in order to find a map of the city before heading in. They find the mayors house and sneak around back, breaking into the cellar, finding supplies, then sat jetto on overwatch duty from the skyline above while the rest got in by going through the vent, as well as fast talking their way past the guards. The group got into the kitchen, realizing the cooks were puppets, and got into another corridor on the other side, successfully hiding from the patrol.

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    23 /10

    Reentry into the demiplane! Hunting Time!

    Entering into the demiplane, they began traveling into the center of the island they were dropped on. A few hours in they spotted a small village, but decided to pass it by. After being attacked by multiple different creatures, they were set upon by a hundred armed, fifty headed monster. It knocked three of them out, leaving two inches from death before their allies saved them. After eventually killing it with a holy phoenix through the chest, they decided to turn back in order to heal their wounds before returning.

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    24 /10

    [Gnarled Grotto] Arachnophobia

    Citizens of the Undertow have gone missing. BASE Dispatched a crew to deal with the problem. After burning their way through the tunnel of webs and spiders the party comes across a prayer to Lolth. After a ""Brief"" scuffle resulting in one death, the party recovers thanks to the clone spell. Pressing further they come across the nesting grounds of two Arasta. Pitched in deadly combat, coated with webs and singed from repeated firestorms. The party stands victorious over the corpses of thousands of spiders. Four commoners have been recovered and interred. Seb and Val recover 2 drow

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    25 /10

    Cold corpses and cultists

    Upon the Mount of Icerim a cult had been forming... Destroying the town of Nathoud, Raumn Calm had ran all the way to Driftriver to beg for assistance, and gaining the aid of a group of monks, sorcerer's, an artificer and a smol. They cleared out all the monsters on the mountain, The cult leader, and a legendary Ice dragon.

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    25 /10

    Dark Path Cave

    The party was contracted to recover gold for an unknown client, from the Dark Path Cave. Once there they quickly found themselves in combats with Drow currently located there while attempting to avoid the local Ogre. The party still managed to encounter the rest of the drow, stopped their plans without know what they were, and got help from some Duergar who left once the Drow were dealt with. The party recovered 2 drow, one being an Elite Drow. They also successfully recovered the treasure.

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    26 /10

    Back through the portal: now with more plot!

    The group went through the portal to find a new illusionary skeleton, wearing a blue sweater and blue slippers telling them to hunt freely but to stay away from the towers and temples, which they immediately did. Upon crossing part of the desert towards the nearest one, they realized the heat of the desert sun was exhausting, and had an odd encounter with a spiked dragon that told them to give a portion of their kills as tribute. Before planeshifting away, Alessandra grabbed a rock from near the tower to teleport back with.

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    26 /10

    The Expanse of B.A.S.E. continued.

    The party Traveled to Scornubel to deal with a rogue wizard. After speaking with Sir. Wilhelm of the watch the party learned a few things. First they learned that Wilhelm lost his arm in a battle with Gordon Von Bueller. Next they learned that Artur and Oreste has not returned from the battle and he fears they have been slain. And lastly they learned that Gordon is planning some sort of attack on the town with his creations. They proceeded to attack the fort in which Gordon was held up within, they found the back entrance. However they forgot to turn off the door bell and had to deal with quite a number of guards rushing out to greet them.

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    28 /10

    The Water Temple (That Everyone Hates)

    The party investigated a "leak" near New Halimar, where a lot of sharks came and nom'd them. Eventually they found a kua-toa friend who they saved from a barrel in a shipwreck, and he led them back to his tribe, where some misunderstanding occurred, and eventually the chieftain summoned their god, a mighty dragon turtle. Many shark deaths later, the great turtle was defeated, and it faded back into the imaginations of the god-maker tribe. The party dried off, and headed back into town to celebrate.

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    28 /10

    A Colossal Quandry

    The party was dispatched to (and abandoned at) a small village just south of the Spine of the World. The Local Mayor/Farmer/King/Smith/Doctor requested their assistance in dealing with an incessant racket. The sound of a massive anvil being struck resounds throughout the whole mountain range causing environmental instability. After a quick scuffle of mistaken intentions the party makes an alliance with a Winter Eladrin on her way to make the racket stop as well. A brief discussion with a Giant Smith later and the party agrees that they need to evacuate the town and evacuate it they did. Every single Resident. All one of them.

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    29 /10

    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S3-Episode 4: Past, Present, Future and Everything in between.

    It's been a long and harrowing journey but The Crew of the Tiny Dragon have finally made it back to their own time period, hope in their hearts and minds. The cost of that hope? Well, that's for the crew to decide if it was worth it. Settled back in DR for now, they seek rest, looking slightly away from the past and towards the future.

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    30 /10

    Roniz Sleazemaw: Snow Safari!

    Roniz took his accompanying hunting party into the snowy mountains. He collected a number of new chimeragraphs picturing him standing victorious over dangerous beasties. That's it. No one else was there. Roniz went alone, what a legend.

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    2 /11

    Adventure to the East pt. 3

    The group has made it far across the world and is now approaching the end of their journey to Osse. A few hours before their arrival in Dune Stone the party is ambushed by a small tribe of wyvern riding kobolds. The leader of the kobolds was slain and it was found out that the leader had been infected with the plague the group is here to take care of. The group was able to get a little bit of information from this encounter but they seemed to lack a bit in the area of medical research. The party took some time to rest in the last 3 hours of their journey after cleaning up the corpses from their last fight. Upon arrival in Dune Stone the group found the Commander of the guard, Commander Mud, that began taking them on a 'tour' of the city. The group found that the city had been divided in half, quarantining the sick citizens to one side of the city.

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    3 /11

    Rescue mission: Back through the Portal!

    After receiving a warning not to go into the towers by a skeleton in blue, the party made their way to the nearest tower anyways in search of the lost citizens of Driftriver. After killing a couple things on a mountainous desert area, they eventually made it to the tower where they answered a riddle to get past some creatures that looked like unicorns. They found a lake with a creature in it that didnt seem hostile, but as they left caused the ground to rumble simply by rubbing its horns to the bottom. They passed a "puzzle" with much difficulty, finding the answer to simply be opening the door, and were greeted by fat poisonous fog spewing... slugs with legs? Upon dispatching them, they made their way up one final flight of stairs, to find a snow covered area with a creature munching on the people they were there to rescue. One life threatening battle later, they managed to gentle repose the bodies and take the night to sleep. Upon waking however, they found the body of the creature that attacked was gone, as well as all other signs of battle. After a minute of searching, they were greeted by the same skeleton, with an eerie message, before disappearing, and when they made it back outside, they noticed that everything was quiet... too quiet. Nothing happened though, and they were able to make it back outside of the portal fine.

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    4 /11

    The Mines

    The party was called to investigate a cave-in problem, some lost miners, and strange noises. Clearing out some rocks with badger badgers, they found themselves suddenly assaulted by pale spiders! They attempted to save two civilians, but one was taken and rag-dolled through the air, in the mouth of a spider. Oh, and these spiders kept going “invisible”. These invisible spiders also had a leader, whomst decided to eat the foreman of the mine. However, after a long fight, the spiders were defeated, and a single miner survived. Happy for his freedom, the miner ran and was never seen again. Success...? Who knows......but ones things for certain. The skittering mines are still haunted to this day.

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    4 /11

    How did you sleep last night?

    The party members that sleep were visited by an entity in their dreams. Some spent the rest of night in a fitful sleep of nightmares, waking up with a doozy of a headache. They were called to BASE finding out they weren't the only one affected. A tiefling named Delight had hired base to deal with an overlap of planes and realities. The party used the Odyssey to meet their ride into the unknown, which turned out to be a ghostly ship. They "sailed" into progressively stranger terrain and layering of realities. They dealt with dangerous aberrations slipping into the anomaly on the boat and once they made "land". The party must now cross the acid flows and push into the heart of the anomaly to investigate and attempt to fix this growing problem.   The party pushed into the cavern finding more aberrations and a halfling mage. The party fought bravely despite multiple members being possessed. They were able to defeat the enemies and search the lair. Books and possessions were found pointing to the summoning ritual that happened. No info was found about what caused the strange phenomenom experienced by the party. They walked out of the cave to find themselves back in the field where the Odyssey landed with very little time having passed in the material plane.

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    4 /11

    Window to the Past (rerun) P8

    The party met with an important individual who has been testing their abilities. They were provided more information of why they were there and what it is they need to do. After pressing for information they proceeded forward to destroy what lays within an Obelisk owned by the warlock. The party proceeded to rest with their new friend Rooster. They gained a new ally in Que'vallas an elf wizard from 255 DR. They proceeded to defeat the creature within the obelsik before the warlock returned and escaped. Mathias and Que'vallas perished in the battle but were resurected. Mathias resurrection failed as he went to a clone and has disappeared from driftriver for some time. The party returns to driftriver while Que'vallas returns to the small town of Waterdeep as he attempts to obtain the 1% compounded annually interest on 500 gold he put in a waterdeep bank 1250 years ago....

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    5 /11

    Lord Kluvonat’s Plan To Make Driftriver Great Again

    Clifford got a letter from the nefarious Lord Kluvonat about a planned terror attack in the Downtown park of Driftriver. It wasn’t due to happen for half an hour more, so he offered the party coffee and answers to their questions. Of course, time ran short, so the party had to hustle their way over to the park, where a hot dog eating contest was underway. Arriving just a minute before 9:30, the party witnessed a tear in reality as a portal-gate was opened up in the middle of the park and a flat-bed cart full of devils poured out. Acting quickly, one of the devils cut a civilian in half, highlighting the seriousness of the situation; the party lept into action and managed to control most of the devilish crowd with pesky magics. After a rushing emptying out of the park and a battle that left the fiends dead, the party opts to go through the portal into the desert. With a minor delay in the desert to wait for potions of fire resistance, the group then encountered some Salty Devils, then a Devilish hit squad at some hills, finally reaching a cave where they suspected their quarry to be.   Down a winding passage in the cave, they find a treacherous bridge, where the party opts to dangle someone off the edge to look under the bridge, where there’s MORE FIENDS awaiting, one of which cuts the rope and drops a member of the party into the abyss 380 feet below. A chilly battle ensues with the party losing half of their number before declaring victory… of sorts. Turns out Lord Kluvonat left a note that more or less was just insulting and vile and he wasn’t there at all…

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    8 /11

    A Wedding Party of Gigantic Proportions

    After the gang met with Esper the celebrations began. As the groom arrived some were frightened at the gargantuan sea monster known as Ceadeus, now husband of esper, but the party went well regardless due to someone bringing a few bottles of blood wine. Dancing and arm wrestling contests followed and with all the cheap booze drank, esper deemed the party over as the partygoers returned to base. Some more passed out than others.

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    8 /11

    While the Boss is Away - part 2

    New and unusual aberrations were discovered in the caverns below Gizmometry Labs. The party dispatched the skittering critters before dropping a winged foe into the portal and following it shortly after. Pulled to some distant plane, the party took the fight to the invaders on what may or not be their home turf. It took everything they had, but they finished off the enemies and discovered a cave mouth that exuded a sickening, purple energy that kept them from approaching.

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    8 /11

    The Blob That Should Never Have Been.

    Blorps are discovered after the 102nd Kobold Sewage Brigade sends the party down some twists and turns that aren’t all necessarily correct. Even so, Teef gets copied in strange fashion, and has to deal with a dopple-Teef for like half an hour as the party lures the blorps with sandwiches back to Francois’ lab and into their imprisonment. Consequences - The Blobs become more sentient, also they get divided into two, not one now.

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    10 /11

    Herald of monsters

    The Shepard has arrived, a herd of monsters alongside her/them? Her objective was to find the perfect place for these monsters to nest, so they could find balance in the ecosystem that they resides in. She seemed obsessed with the idea to the point of illogical rambling, insisting that this was the way they saw best. The players decided to gauge her strength, and the strength of her monsters. After tracking down a group of ape like creatures and defeating them, they decided that it would be dangerous to send anything less than level 13 adventurers to help cull this threat.

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    12 /11

    Mead-filled Monks

    The bat stole donuts from George's recovery party, before leaving B.A.S.E. with Brother Shrekphael and his Dunkhey. They got blocked by some sheep on the road, wiggled their way through, completely ignored a meteor crashing like half a mile away. They met a friendly bunch of fellow adventures and shared booze and sausages, without getting shanked. When they got to the abbey, they found it had been taken over by orcs, which they way too quickly dispatched. They took the orc's plunder, and brought it back to B.A.S.E., making Clifford very happy.

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    15 /11

    Adventure to the East pt. 4

    The party is split one half making water in the food district while the other half is speaking with Commander Mud about the situation of the city. While Kombucha and Oriana are seeing to the water crisis they encounter the Arch Druidess. The Arch Druidess tells them to come to the other side of the wall if they wish to help the infected. The group meets back up and enters the walled off section of the city finding that this area has been left by the dead and scavenged by the living. The group goes to the market district for this side of the city to find the Arch Druidess having made fruit to replenish the supply of food for the people here. She explains to the party that she is also healing some of the infected as much as she can to lessen their pain and after watching her for a few minutes they realize that she is taking the disease into her own body which is immune to lessen the symptoms on the towns people and ease their pain. Adrum tries to use the spell remove curse and nearly loses his hand for it if it was not for the Arch Druidess restoring his necrotized flesh to life. The party realized now that she is probably quite powerful and would come to find out later that she is most likely an aspect of Chauntea.

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    15 /11

    The Missing Order

    Ghost hunter awoke from his months long meditation and slumber to the Sending from the leader of his Bloodhunter order.   “Have a lead on Aravae. Last investigating shrine of Araleth near Myth Drannor. I can't get there. Time is of essence. Vampires and Lolth.”   Rushing into the lobby of base he recruited whoever happened to be nearby, quickly explaining undead. He swept away for a much needed 23 minute shower. Meanwhile the rest of the recruits redid their loadouts for the potential undead. After Ghost hunters Shower he returned to the party to give a better brief of how it is a rescue mission for a missing order member. Buying horses and gear from the nice family on the southern side of the river, they headed north towards Standing Stone. Along the way they mixed it up with some raiders who really had no interest in the party. But they had to stick their noses in and put a stop to their business. Further along the road they found the bodies of the families slain by the raiders. Graves were dug. Funeral rites of Bahumet were read. After a ten-day of travel they arrive at the shrine of Araleth Letheranil just before night they moon-rise.   Standing before the doors they waited for the moon to rise unsealing the divine magic and allowing entrance, and exit. A fight in the entrance occurred between the party, some vampiric mist, a drow, and some spiders. After clearing the entrance guardians, the party proceeded into the shrine, down the mural hallway of the history of Araleth. On one wall were candles reacting to the presence of Ghost Hunter, lighting as he neared, and fading as he passed. The wall of history details the journey of Araleth and friends into the Underdark. While there they discovered the Army of Lolth marching on the surface. Sensing a need to act they dove in and fought the army, delaying and buying time. Upon reaching Lolth Araleth fought her and received a fearsome wound from her bite, leaving a permanent scar. But he dealt a blow in return strong enough to deter her while allowing reinforcements to arrive. But that is where the mural deviated from the truth. As if being molded from wet clay the end appeared to be shifting, with the end of that fight changing. The wound growing worse?   Moving into the antechamber where some driders had coated the ceiling in webs, the party had to fight through some more Vampires, driders. They taunted Ghost Hunter about how he wouldn’t find what he sought. And how they knew he was coming. Ghost Hunter wanted nothing to do with this, and slew the jerks.   Bursting into the room of worship the leader of the vampire contingent here, and his allies were found. The statue of Araleth smeared in blood. The leader holding a chalice. But this could not be left to stand. They were rapidly dispatched, with one minion being left for interrogation. Upon interrogating him it was discovered that the missing subject is still alive. In the keep of someone called Murlough. And the badges of this man might get them in. The blood on the statue seemed to be changing it. Remolding it. Remolding history to worsen the wound taken by Araleth.

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    15 /11

    The Mines (Deeper in!)

    The group (consisting of Lavender, Vercevoran, Esper, Ashira, Gwen, and Tamara) went back down into the mines, traversed several precarious circumstances, got grabbed by some rocks and bitten by a leftover spider (whomst ran away barely alive), and traveled over a rickety bridge over a massive ravine, almost falling in, but made it across. They then found a mushroom, Lavender smelled some lavender before passing out for a few minutes, and they continued into the depths, where the stalactites fell onto their heads and sucked their brains like vacuums. Also there were tentacle monsters and a jumpy boy who made everyone fall over. There was a tiny kobold who showed them to friends!, and some remaining but disheveled dwarven miners were saved, along with some friendly kobolds. Leading them out, only the tiny kobold fell into the ravine, lived, and was saved by Gwen. However this kobold now worships the small but majestic Vercevoran. The party returned to BASE with the miners, who thanked their saviors and went on their way.

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    16 /11

    Ballroom Bananza (pt.2)

    The group made their way through the house, discovering a potion that turned the dead into undead and allowed them to take the physical form of somebody else a room for sacrificing people to devils, and eventually a room with a bag of holding full of drops guarded by three pit fiends disguised as dwarves. Seres managed to banish all three pit fiends before any of them could even react. They then cast some spells on the bag of holding, allowing them to link the theft back to the mayor of the town, Bellay Trastin. After informing base through the sending spell, they were informed that base would take it from there, and promptly teleported home.

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    20 /11

    A Good Day for a Hunting Party

    Sir Lumos has invited anyone that wanted to come to the Soul Forge for a dinner and drinks. There was lilac based mischief and laughs shared. Sir Lumos gave a speech about his plans going forward and plans for expanse of the Soul Forge and introduced Amber Arro, Master of the Hunt. Amber explained a contracted hunt that was set for that night to 5 willing participants. The group signed the contract and were given the last known location of the Ironscale Hydra that was their quarry. The group followed the trail and found that there were actually 2 hydra there not just the one. The group made the decision not to kill the younger hydra and instead focused on the mother felling her quickly. Zith was able to harvest all but one of the scales needed from the mother and Freya found 1 more at the bottom of the pond that she was sleeping in before the fighting broke out. Unfortunately in the end the younger hydra was too aggravated to be left to itself and Tess dealt it a finishing blow. Zith collected 40 LBS rough cut hydra hide that he took back to the spearhead with him.

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    20 /11

    Damsels and Dragons I; the knight in worn out armour.

    Crazy ass knight asks for equally crazy adventurers to go rescue damsels from dragons. As soon as the party is ready, he teleported all of them to a random ass dragon hoard with damsels in distress nearby. The first teleportation landed them in a bar near a little pseudodragon and a horde of dragons, with a red-headed damsel nearby who's always in distress. After some failed dragon petting, another teleportation landed them at the near the coming of age ceremony of a blue dragon, where said dragon got offered 4 sacrifices. After some horrible tactical failed stealth, a whole flock of dragons went at the party, the latter emerging victorious due to some clever crowd control, tanking, and diplomacy.

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    22 /11

    Adventure to the East Pt. 5

    The party has made their decision to go and investigate the city of Oharoto. When they arrive they find that the city is a proverbial ghost town filled with silence. The group spots a lone fox like creature running through the city across roof tops. Zug Zugger and Sigourney try to cut the creature off with a quick casting of Dimension Door and find themselves surrounded and trapped on all sides by demons. Combat breaks out!

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    23 /11

    You Can't Cover the Sky with One Hand. Part IV

    The party is sent out by Mathias to go hunt down and investigate the kidnapping of his son apprentice and ward, Amara. They encounter many shifting magics within the Druidlands but eventually discover a hidden ruins and an Amara that has somehow been divided into three Amara's? The amount of pure magic within the ancient ruins causes Murdok's form to shift and he asks the young Prince Syan to dispel it, only to result in the princes sudden and alarming disappearance!!!! Jurren's Imp, Rakki's makes a wish on some magic goop. Oops. Miles senses around the ruins, feeling the presence of something dangerous around them as one of the 'Amara's' comes to their aid with information from the past. He's introduced himself as 'Silas von Claude'...a name the party will soon come to know is not to be overlooked.

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    25 /11

    Sahuagin Attack Force

    The group questioned a school of bluegills, finding an underwater cavern that had been occupied by sahuagin. Upon silently eliminating the guards at the entrance, they snuck in and killed a sleeping group before taking a rest to tend their wounds. They broke the lock to a cage with sharks in it, keeping them stuck forever, to die a slow and painful death to starvation. They then continued on, eliminating two more guards and a shark, as well as a group practicing their land combat. They found a note on the trainers body telling of reinforcements that were to be sent. Afterwards, the moved on to find a vast underground lake that stretched as far as the eye could see, in which a group of sahuagin spotted them. They were quickly overpowered, and forced to run. Luckily through a mixture of luck, hit and run tactics, and the sahuagins refusal to kill, preferring to take prisoners, they managed to make it out with only one death in the form of Xylem the tree, and many major wounds.

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  • 1494

    28 /11

    Damsels and Dragons II; different damsels.

    After accidentally teleporting to the desert again and teleporting away from 3 damsel-less dragons, the party finds itself near a damsel crushed by a giant necrotic rock from the sky, and her ghost. (They also accidentally teleported a BASEment waitress) As they try to push the rock off and a giant shadowy dragon appeared from the shadows of this rock. Not a threat to this punch punch shoot shoot squad. They decide to punch the rock to bits, completely obliterating the necrotic influence in the woods to the west of drifriver. After the giant explosion goes off, they dispatch several undead and teleport everyone back home, including the ghost and her body. Iggy goes to get the poor ghost revived by one of the mizzium priests. The kidnapped basement employee is traumatised beyond belief.

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  • 1494

    30 /11

    Diamonds in the Rough [Part 1]

    The party are sent to retrieve some stolen 'cargo' by the grouchy and irritating merchant Nassan. He gives them a guide, a mute and timid male Drow named Proxy, and told that they can do whatever they want with him afterwards. Urian is the smartest member of the party, he doesn't mind this. They travel in a cart, Marian plays with a puppy, Arana gets a love bite from a friendly vampire, Flecks hears howling, Snow finds a chicken and Vanessa falls from the sky all the while Gwen sleeps peacefully in her tent. Proxy and Marian become animal cracker friends. The party then gets chased by a single howling wolf that sounds like a lone wolfpack. Flecks talks to a celestial hawk in Giant Eagle. The wolf is undead---there are fiends ahead. Proxy reveals that the 'cargo' is other Drow slaves like him, the party is various forms of enraged. Arana 'pops' her spider legs because of Drow induced PTSD. Arana and Marian bond over being cute spider girls. Proxy runs from cute spider girls because of spider PTSD. Flecks and Marian decide to be big damn heroes and protect the cart, horses, chocobo and entrance from the undead wolfie while the rest of the party pursue proxy into the cave where the slaves are supposedly being held. Undead wolfie turns out to be a very attractive Druid/Lich who charms the cute falcon boy and the cute spider girl and steals them away for his 'collection'. Meanwhile, in the cave, the rest of the party fight a variety of terrifying spiders including a spider queen--ish very cold, and some of the spiders go boom-- they discover a bunch of bodies the Queen has fed on, they all have copper base badges. RIP copper tier adventurers. They then move on---but not before some of them debate ditching the party because THEY CANNOT SEEE-- and find the Drow slaves all locked in prison cells, bound and cursed with something strange. They also encounter Dr. Brennen, Dr. Arkan and Jabariel from D. Bold Plaza who were all down in the prison trying to figure out what was going on down there. After some debate over how Sus the doctors are, Dr. Brennen helped Snow cure the Drow and resurrected those who died----out of spite, 'You say I'm not helping, well f*** you.' Meanwhile, Gwen and Dr. Arkan break some doors down, Arana finds one that leads her to Proxy and a terrifying scene. She attempts to protect proxy, but he's knocked out by a mysterious purple gass and they are both stolen away by a Matron Mother named 'May'. Arana attempts to call her Adamantine tier friend Jabril to help, his gate to her miss directs due to magic around the lair. He comes to aid the party. He and Urian have a moment but tis not the right time for the moment. Brother is that you????? The party discover that Marian and Flecks are also missing. Jabril returns to Driftriver with the party to gather information to help rescue their comrades. The Drow slaves are not returned to Nassan and instead are 'relocated' by several members of the party. What happens next? Time will tell.

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  • 1494

    3 /12

    The Frozen Peaks’ Bounty?

    Clifford has his office barged into as the party kicks down his door and doesn’t really knock. So pleasantries are skipped completely as he explains the task of expansion, resource allocation and the need to scout out new locations for work. The party is informed about a pair of fellow scouts that’ve been contracted to base, a dwarf named Fomuil Opalstone and a gnoll named Gyz. The party gets the choice of three locations sold to BASE as promising BASE CAMP locales, and the PCs choose to go north, sending the dwarf and gnoll more south. Traveling a few days on Clifford’s new ship, the Blythian Frontier, they’re treated to their own small cabins and a comfortable journey, before disembarking and heading up into the mountainous foothills. Their travels led by RABBIT go rather easily, discovering a satchel of frozen jerky, then a giant eagle nesting site, and then wandering their way into an ambush. After scaring off some, and beating off others of the bandits, they discover that the ‘gnome bandit’ wasn’t so much a bandit than a captive of the bandits forced to work with them, coping with booze. Given the chance, the gnome murders one of the unconscious bandits, before getting manacled for good. The party discovers that the leader survived the fight, and crawled into a bush nearby, before getting recaptured and questioned. The party chases after the less-stealthy of the two runners, eventually finding a campsite, where four ogres are roasting an elf over a fire, presumably the one they’re chasing…   But after a rather quick series of bad inspection-deception-silliness, the party slaughters the ogres mercilessly, investigating the camp, and finding that the elven bandit hostage had lured the gnome’s wife away into an illicit affair, then sent her to Silverymoon, then telling the gnome that he’d kidnapped his wife and blackmailing him into helping with banditry.   The mystery solved, the party treks onwards to their destination at last, encountering strange crow cawing in the woods before arriving to mysterious mushrooms growing amongst the trees, and finding a dozen dead orcs inside a tent, having foamed at the mouth after eating glowing mushrooms.   Opting to leave this behind and fall back to report, the party reports back to the ship and eventually heads back to BASE, getting paid well for their efforts and getting to see later if either of the other scouts had better luck!

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    3 /12


    The party went to sleep. When they woke up, they were not where they went to sleep. Wandering around, they found many old and lost places and that the place was a demi plane. The strangest thing, was finding the House of Memories. The only problem is, it was not what they remembered. Shadow creatures roamed, seeming to be unable to be destroyed. With the help of one very surprised and very worried Marcella Ameliae, the bar tender of the house. She explained they were there physically instead of in their dreams, the place known as the House of the Forgotten until they it is opened for the evening. They were returned home, with the notion of Marcella possibly needing help again soon.

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  • 1494

    4 /12

    There's Gold in Them There hills. Right? There's gotta be. Go find it.

    Clifford issued a strange gnome developed, detector to the adventurers with the instruction to use it to find gold in them there hills! The 2ft. By 2ft, by 1 ft. box, weighing 12 lbs, is made of a strange cold scaled steel, and has a red gemstone on the top about the size of an ostrich egg and reminiscent of a fire opal. But no instructions were provided. After a little bit of looking and investigating, it was discovered that it has a coin slot? And it makes your brain tingle. So Imzel Identified the box to find out what it does. If you put metal in through the slot while focusing on a quantity of metal the gem will glow in the direction of the nearest metal of similar size. The box will function until contact with the user is lost. The metal will be spat out the bottom at this time. If new metal is inserted without spitting out the old metal, the previous will be lost. Placing a gold coin in the box the party headed into the mountains, being sure to purchase cold weather gear for themselves and their mounts. After a day and a half of travel they found themselves at a bridge crossing a river. While trying to cross the bridge the resident troll climbed up to be banished, but his allies kept fighting, killing Ashleighs horse Thunderhoof, and attempting to freeze hearts. After dealing with the allies, they obliterated the troll, and splashed acid on it.   Continuing on, the party realized a severe storm was rapidly approaching, and took shelter in a nearby alcove, throwing up a wall of thorns, and avoiding whatever was in the storm. After an hour of waiting the storm came back and they got a chance to surprise the elemental being, his frostplants and ice elementals. But the frost plants counter surprised with being unable to be surprised. After killing a dryad, downing Carric, and destroying a steel defender, Dalgan signature moved the storm lord slaying him.   The next day they continued following the gold signal, and found a cave with 6 golden stags, literal stags made of gold, but never entered the cave, deciding to leave the wondrous creatures to themselves. They took note of strange footprints nearby, and claw marks in the cliffs above the cave.   The official report to B.A.S.E. claims that gold was not found, and determined to be out of reach. They decided Clifford would be too greedy and just kill the stags instead of allowing them to live. A message was sent to Zancho saying he may want to investigate the area though.

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  • 1494

    5 /12

    The Tower

    Tayva, Speckle, Lohra, and Ae'rl'tur were sent to investigate a tower that one of the goldsniffing teams had noticed in the distance. Along the way, they defeated a pack of undead in the woods, saving a pack of fleeing kobolds. Among the undead were a pair of ogres that Tayva swears she'd killed before. Between axe and holy water she's sure they'll stay dead this time. They arrived at the tower around nightfall. They heroically decided to assault the tower with a two pronged assault - Tayva and Speckle entering through the front door, and Lohra and Ae'rl'tur dealing with the skeletons on watch and entering through the roof. While Tayva and Speckle fought their way up through animated statues and cultists, Lohra and Ae'rl'tur easily handled the skeleton guards but eventually fell to the power of the necromancer who rushed to the roof to confront them. Fortunately Tayva arrived on the roof in time to kill the necromancer and she and Speckle were able to revive their fallen comrades.   Speckle made a throrough search of the tower and discovered that the necromancer had taken over the tower in search of info on Aura, and being an educated gnome, knew this to be the name of an undead dragon that had plagued Thunderholme. The party returned with this intelligence, along with a floating disc worth of books for Clifford to sell or add to BASE's library.

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  • 1494

    5 /12

    The Secrets You Keep: Escort

    The party was met by a rather dapper and surly man. Familiar to only one, but this was never brought up. With their mission in mind, they followed, finding themselves in Baulder's Gate in an instant with no memories of the travel. Eventually, they found that the noble in question was called Lord Morrian as a few members found that there was a person in one of the carts that seemed injured. Ponsonby took matters into his own hand, finding that the person was a woman who was dying. He quickly snuck in, disposed of the 'warden' and sped to his party. Unfortunately, his heroic rescue was interrupted as he miss stepped and fell, dropping the woman and reopening her wounds. A struggle ensued as they tried to keep this woman alive...   then Pearl realized who this was.   With a quick spell, she relieved this woman of her suffering, and the party found themselves back in BASE HQ. As if they weren't surprised or confused enough, they came face to face with a familiar person.

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  • 1494

    6 /12

    Adventure to the East Pt. 6

    The group finished their fight with the dastardly fiends that seemed to be ransacking the town, slaying all but one of them that managed to escape. The Arcanaloth seemed as if it was heading towards the mountain range to the northwest. The group decided to head back to their ship to attempt to track it down from the air. Zug, Imna, and Oriana decide to get some needed rest after their tough fight (LR for the 3 of them), While Sigourney, Adrum, and Kombucha kept watch for any trace of the Arcanaloth. After a few hours of flying the trio on the upper deck noticed a change in the air causing them to go on alert and look around. From what they noticed there seemed to be an area of pestilence in the land that was affecting plants, wildlife, and even the water. The group kept watch and after an hour of flying through the area they found themselves leaving the zone. The trio that was still awake decided that investigating the town was probably their best first move with the pestilent zone as a backup plan. The group arrives at the town having Captain Captain stop 600 feet above the town. Adrum and Kombucha both notice, in their weary sleep deprived states, that this new town of Lembasato also seems to be devoid of life.

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  • 1494

    6 /12

    The Tower (or maybe it happened this way)

    Esper, Khemt, Teef, Elliot, and Ela were sent to investigate a tower that one of the goldsniffing teams had noticed in the distance. Along the way, they defeated a pack of undead in the woods, saving a pack of fleeing kobolds. Thanks to a combination of stealth, tactics, and tentacles (well, one tentacle) they managed to emerge from the combat virtually untouched. They made their way to the tower and waited until it was fully dark to begin their assault. Scaling the side by magic and muscle, the party took out the skeleton guards in what would have been perfect silence, if not for the enraged yells of Teef. They made their way into the tower just in time to catch the necromancer alone in his study. Esper's quick thinking kept the necromancer's followers locked out of the room while the necromancer shrugged off spell after spell. A well timed counterspell by Ela saved the party from chain lightning and marked the turning point in the fight. After the necromancer's death, Teef ripped open the door and dispatched the cultists with two quick slashes of her claws.   Spending the night, Esper found a piece of paper with the name Augloroasa beneath Ela's smudged bootprint. Near it on the desk were books on dwarven history, necromancy, and dragon lore. The next morning the party made their way back to the ship with the new information.

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