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The Tiny Dragon Adventures

The adventures of crew of the Tiny Dragon (and sometimes friends).

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    The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep1: Snow Day!

    Season 2 starts with a wild cameo of The Great and Noble Sir Lord Mayor Zug Zugger Esquire PHD AMB [ Thank you, Kron], who, under the guise of needing a vacation---saves [?] the tiny dragon crew. But what's this? Tension's arise when anew when a new stowaway arives, just what are the hybrids?

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep2: More exposition?]

    Our heroes desperately seek information about their newest addition to the ship, but are called away in a rush to aid Tsux'za. They find that two of the council members are at Tsux'za's shop, seeking what they eventually discover is the body of Veil's younger brother, Soulis. With quick thinking, the party is able to save Soul and an unexpected new comrade, as well as discover some secrets about a certain BASE agent. However, when Livi refuses to return their sendings they discover him to have been stolen and brutally murdered. Deciding to reconvene, they return to their ship, leaving Roxy behind to look after Tsux'za for awhile. Upon returning to the ship, they finally come face to face with the source of the rampant Wild magic on their ship and gain another new ally as well as what might be the info they need.

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep5: The Plot Thickens]

    Ah, where to start? Our heroes set upon a journey back to Tsux'za's hideaway and upon arriving they encounter a force of Septimus's Clockwork Soldiers preventing them from entering. Though they tried to reason with the constructs their reasoning went largely misunderstood and the crew entered in a long, drawn out battle with the soldiers. Eventually, they managed to get the upper hand in the fight, completely unprepared for the realization of the soldier's 'collective' that resulted in a mass explosion as they all self destructed at once. Dealing with the fiery situation [ and turning it into a soapy one] the group eventually follows Roxy [ who was accompanied by, Trevor? Wait, wut???? Trevor's a real boy now???] down to Tsux'za's basement where they are all greeted by the surprising and mysterious Septimus himself. The thought to be dead inventor wishes to hire their services in his gold for world peace, but the crew is suspicious of his intentions. It all comes to a height when Septimus reveals that the crew came recommended to him by their very own ship captain, Israfil. Feelings arise as the resulting conversation reveals Israfil's intentions and drives the crew to try and fight for their captain. For now, they have succeeded. Returning with Tsux'za in tow after successfully removing his anchor, the crew go to settle the lingering feelings in their hearts....and deal with the fact that their ship is currently floating in the air, half bubbled, half on fire....and well, the chaos continues next episode.

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: [The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep7: Picking up the pieces.]

    As Written by Clarker We began the session on the boat of the Tiny Dragon as usual, but still very much stuck hovering two miles in the air due to a previous incident.   After a brief stint of trying to return our now plushified (became an inanimate stuffed animal) friend back to normal, we discovered A (Thats the name of an NPC) was the one holding the ship in the air.   Randy (Our Bard) and A had a brief chat, and A agreed to put the ship down. Still sore from "The Bigby's Hand Incident," A remained reclusive for the duration of the session.   We began preparations for a trip to the island nation of Alpharetta, Wa.   We have obtained seemingly all the heirs to the throne for an extended cruse, leaving it empty and the nation was presumably in chaos.   The second heir was actually resurrected rather recently, as we ran across his corpse during a previous adventure. We recently leaned that he was assaulted in his own castle, which made this trip all the more pressing. We slept for the night, and the next morning we prepared to set off.   Although A was kind enough to put the ship down gently, we did not land in the water. After some big brain ideas such as trying to push the ship really hard, we decided to utilize the talents of our extended crew to teleport to Alpharetta.   Upon arriving we realized that teleporting to the other side of the world has the side effect of instantly switching time zones.   After causing a ruckus at what was 2am for the people of Wa, we where confronted by some very nice mercenaries who led us to a tavern and paid for our food. Oh also theres apparently a new ruler who took over or something, we should probably deal with that.   During our stay at the tavern we tried to milk a flickery boi for exposition, but he walked out of existence rather than face another insight check.   An ice cream haired girl presumably tried to milk us (both figuratively and literally) for whatever exposition we gained from flickery boi, but she got rejected by everyone (Big Oof as they say in the Marines).   Some of the mercenaries returned the next NEXT morning (Timezones be wack man), and under the guise of a tour actually lead us right into the palace to meet the new self appointed Ruler.   Turns out that Clarker (Thats me!) is a big dumb dumb who doesn't know how to properly tune a spies murmur, and literally every mercenary in range heard everything during their time in Wa thus far.   Fortunately the mercenaries where sympathetic to our cause of restoring the rightful heirs to the throne, as they where all from the same clan that liked honor and cherry blossoms or something. It took little convincing for them to let us walk right in, and we confronted the new ruler.   Lots of plot stuff happened. The New Ruler: -Is actually the unknown third sibling of the two heirs we took on a cruise. -Wants to rule instead of going on a cruse. -Did not harm or arrange for the harm of any of the other heirs. -Is the proud owner of the BBBE: Big Black Book of Exposition. -Now has a name, which she was never given. (Two actually, she couldn't pick between Iris and Rose, so she just became Iris Rose.)

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep9 part I: Captain's Orders

    A rare ship meeting called by The Tiny Dragon's unwillingly appointed Captain Israfil, reveals to the crew that they are running low on shipmates to sail the ship properly. With the majority of the clockworks in disrepair, Z comatose due to a worrisome case of exhaustion and Vice Captain Bruvald otherwise....incapacitated the party is given a choice of four options in order to draft in non-BASE assigned crewmates! During this meeting, Randy finally get's his response from the mercurial and intimidating Archfey, Theodesious---and it results in changes to the Drow boy and the resident Candy Necromancer, Roxanne that are concerning and surprising in the least. Having dealt with that---Randy and Misha also discover that the frightening BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE are spreading like a plague and soon spread to Roxy and Clarker unbeknownst to the rest of the crew. Having dealt with all of that, they decide to take a trip to an amusement park that was once created and owned by Veil's father, the former Emperor of Alferetta, Maximus. They make some new friends, and just as they're lauled into a state of relaxation and job well done they walk into a surprising encounter that may spell out their doom. As Randy ready's the calling card forced onto him by the enigmatic Septimus...the session comes to a close. Just what will happen to our Heroes? Stay tuned for next episode.

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S2/Ep9 part II: Devil's Advocate

    On this episode of the tiny dragon crew most of the crew were out at a theme park to recruit some new crew. After many successful interactions they came up against a zombie who wasn’t so keen to talk to them. Upon subduing her she disappeared and they gathered up the rest of their new friends and left the park. But that wasn’t the end of it. No it was the beginning of the end of the beginning. Just as the crew was leaving the park; Bison, Roxy, Misha, Clarker, Randy, and Veil were teleported away by an unseen force. Bison, Randy and Roxy end up in the abyss near the River Styx where they found another friend who they fixed up. There were also really pretty flowers. Randy picked a few. Clarker, Veil, and Misha ended up in a library were they met Lilac, a young man working at the library. After a brief conversation they found out that they were somehow 3000 years in the past?? After some exploration they met up with a certain familiar family, which ended up being much bigger than they thought, and the rest of their crew. There was a nice dinner until one of them was taken away and the crew was helped back to their time. They returned to the boat to find a mountain of food and more emotions but also new crew. Will that little trip back come to bite them in the butt? Only time will tell.   *Summary as written by @Erilla *

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    The Tiny Dragon Crew's Ocean Adventure: The Tiny Dragon S3-Episode 4: Past, Present, Future and Everything in between.

    It's been a long and harrowing journey but The Crew of the Tiny Dragon have finally made it back to their own time period, hope in their hearts and minds. The cost of that hope? Well, that's for the crew to decide if it was worth it. Settled back in DR for now, they seek rest, looking slightly away from the past and towards the future.

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