
Celetus 24th, 1050BD

Created by

Editorial Team

Drimore is a beautiful planet, created by several gods, and hidden behind a light-bending, red and purple nebula on the fringes of space.

Drimore is a world, scarred by an ancient war of spiritual forces, yet still pristine and teeming with all sorts of life, both sentient and non-sentient. In fact, because several gods played a role in making it, there remains a constant struggle in the heavenly as to who will control it. Will the gods who still partner with the Creator govern the world and all of its inhabitants? Or will the evil gods, who only wish to further their own personal power and fuel their selfish ambition gain control over Drimore, and the universe it swims in?   For now, Drimore has been submerged into the plane of time and mortality, so as to stop the gods from messing with it so easily as before. Preserved by Cloros, the god of dimensions, Drimore and the rest of the universe it sits in, are all untouchable by any supernatural being, save the Creator himself and those he allows through Cloros's barrier. And so Drimore has experienced peace from the gods for quite some time, and new races of sentient beings have cropped up all over. Some races are human, others not so much, but each come with their unique strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, and governments.   Currently, these newly raised humanoids are keeping mostly to themselves, but with new problems now arising, what will become of these races? Will they cause bloodshed and destruction for all who don't look like them? Or will they one day band together in unity and form nations and empires? Time will only tell. One thing is for certain, now with Fovos, the god of fear now broken free from his prison in hell, the supernatural is finding ways in infiltrating the mortal realm, and a new type of war is already being waged.