Great City of Supan

Discovered by Antonio Supan nearly four centuries ago, the Great City of Supan is by far the largest city in Drisenheim. Most historians believe that it was created by Oase upon an existing wonder named The Wheel, though little is known of the purpose of either. Common speculation is that the city was an experiment by Oase upon how a city could be designed, though never brought fully to fruition due to unforseen challenges.   The city lies upon a massive, two kilometer tall artificial circle set into the bay of Larpacia, with multiple bastion-like mounds larger than most cities leaping out from the circle and allowing access up and down. The space upon the circle is gargantuan, fifty kilometers in diameter, but the center is taken by a large lake meant to be used as a water reservoir. Even this belies the true size of the Great City, as tunnels go down into the Wheel itself, leading to caves large enough to house sky ships, complexes of foundries and unknowable machinery, and sometimes entire smaller cities contained within the greater whole.   If functional, it is theorized the city could hold many times the population of Drisenheim within it's walls. Unfortunately, functional it is not. A city of godly size requires godly services; food, water, waste disposal, all the petty logistical hurdles of mortals. Without these ammenities, the city is nothing more than a collection of houses, an ocassional fort and geopolitical hotspot, it's residents living in poverty as it's food and water are controlled by the caprices of weather and the geopolitical sentiments of the ports that bring in these supplies.   As the city was designed by a God, most of it's residents hold out hope that these systems exist, a fully automated, miraculous sytems of water-works and cornucopias of food, simply waiting to be discovered by the intrepid explorers who delve into it's depth of it's cave. Most do not return.